

Din sökning på "*" gav 534661 sökträffar

Evaluation of cylindrical diffuser fiber tips for interstitial photodynamic therapy of prostate cancer

The aim of this thesis project is to evaluate the performance of cylindrical diffuser fibers in IPDT. Spectracure AB has developed a system for real time monitoring of dose parameters during IPDT treatment of prostate cancer using bare-end fiber tips. One of the parameters that is monitored is the effective attenuation coefficient, mu_{eff}, and the goal of this thesis is to study how well this pa

China's rural migrant workers and the household registration system: A case study of the effects of the Shanghai Hukou system reforms in a citizenship perspective

Since a series of economic reforms were introduced in China at the end of the 1970s, large numbers of rural people have flooded into urban areas to find employment but were excluded from the urban society in different ways. One important factor was associated with the Chinese household registration system. Even if rural migrant workers had lived and worked in the cities for years, they were not gr

Combining Inclusion and Individually Adaptive Learning in an Educational Game for Preschool Children

Digital educational games have been around for a long time and have shown to be pedagogically valuable. Unfortunately most games do not utilize technology to the extent that is possible. Not the least this applies to mathematical educational games for younger children. This work aims to combine several educational scientific approaches using current technologies, which traditionally had been very

Hur kan man tolka genus? - En genusundersökning av gravfältet Simris och Istabygravfältet i södra Sverige från yngre förromersk och romersk järnålder.

The overall aim of this study is to get closer look at the prehistoric individual on a more social level. This will be attempted through a qualitative understanding of how one can interpret gender using a source material from two Iron Age cemeteries both located in the very southeastern corner of Sweden. In doing this, the study revolves around a crucial understanding of three theoretical ideas: G

Using digital repeat photography for monitoring the regrowth of a clear-cut area

Sammanfattning Digitala övervakningskameror har tidigare använts inom fenologisk forskning för att kunna mäta grönskan i trädkronor. Man har under en längre tid kunnat koppla lövträdets årscykel till klimatförändringar och på så sätt haft ett starkt incitament att studera sambandet. I denna uppsats utforskas möjligheten att applicera metoden med digitalkameror på ett nyligen kalhugget område för aAbstract The use of inexpensive digital cameras in phenological research has been acclaimed since results in previous research have shown that they are reliable and precise in measuring greenness of vegetation. The work of this thesis aims to broaden the applicability by studying how well the method performs when measuring the regrowth of a clear-cut area. This is needed to complement existing res

Entanglement in nano systems

This bachelor thesis on entanglement in nano systems includes a short presen-tation of the history of quantum mechanics before entanglement takes the spot light. A definition of entanglement will be stated as well as a prescription to quantify it for a pure system. The knowledge will then be used to quantify the entanglement for the ground state of few particle systems containing 2, 3 and 4 particl

On the Distribution and Products of Totatives

This thesis concerns itself with relative primality of integers. It uses the concept of totatives, that is, integers relatively prime to a fixed number n, to investigate the distribution and products of those integers. The thesis presents two sufficient conditions for uniform distribution of totatives, a composite analogy of Wilson's theorem, and some results on partial products, including suf

Stackars deltidsanställda - ofrivilligt deltidsanställda och deras rätt till arbetslöshetsförsäkringen

The labor market, and therefore employment conditions, has changed in recent decades. Today, flexibilisation has led to a large number of employees who work part-time or lack permanent employment. An involuntary part-time worker refers to an individual who is working part-time and states that they want to work more hours than what the employer offers. As long as the employer complies with the prov

Hantering och rapportering av risk

Syftet med uppsatsen är att diskutera utformning och effekter av intern hantering och extern rapportering av risk i tre börsnoterade företag. Empirin består av presentationer av tre svenska börsnoterade företags arbete med och syn på hantering och rapportering av risk. Presentationerna baseras på intervjuer med riskansvariga på företagen samt företagens årsredovisningar. De studerade företagens exThe purpose of our study is to discuss the design and effects of internal risk management and external reporting of risk in three listed companies. The empirical material consists of presentations of how three Swedish listed companies view and work with risk management and risk reporting. The presentations are based on interviews with risk managers and corporate annual reports. The result shows th

Utländska börsers inverkan på Stockholmsbörsen

Issue: Does a statistical relationship between OMXS30 and S&P500 plus OMXS30 and DAX30 exist after extreme returns? Is it possible to explain the relationship between OMXS30 and S&P500 plus S&P500 and DAX30 with the chosen economic theories? Purpose: The purpose is to examine the effects on OMXS30 during 6 days after extreme returns on S&P500 or DAX30 are present. These effects wi

Isothermal filtration calorimetry study of model peptide aggregates

Popular summery I detta kandidatarbete användes som titeln säger kalorimetri, en metod som går ut på att man mäter hur mycket värme som antingen avges eller tas upp av den lösning man mäter på. Den lösning som mätts består av en peptid, som är ett varierande antal aminosyror sammansatta som ett protein, som lösts upp i vatten och sedan tillsätts en ren vattenlösning stegvis medan instrumentet läseIsothermal calorimetry measurements were conducted on the homologous peptide series AnK where A is alanine, K is lysine and n=6, 8, 10, in order to determine the enthalpy for the aggregation of the peptides. The obtained curves were then integrated to determine the differential enthalpy of the processes involved. Previous studies into the same peptides showed that the peptides had very different c

Quentin Skinners retoriska postmodernism

For a long time, Quentin Skinner has been one of the world’s most prominent figures in the discipline of intellectual history. As one of the leading proponents of what has come to be known as “the Cambridge school” he has always been a strong advocate for the implementation of a singular historical method, based on a mix of, what I would call, a “Collingswoodian contextualism” and an “Austian spee

Släckeffekt hos tillsatsmedel i släckvatten

There is a constant need for the fire and rescue service to develop new methods, materials and extinguishing media to implement the most effective firefighting operations as possible while minimizing environmental impacts. The effect of additives in the extinguishing water is fairly unknown. In this report small-scale experiments shows that additives and fire retardants can provide a significant i

Kartläggning av stresskällor och behov av stressreducering på två mindre arbetsplatser

De senaste åren har antalet sjukskrivningar relaterade till psykisk sjukdom ökat, och en stor del av denna ökning tillskrivs stressproblematik i arbetslivet. Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga behovet av stresshantering på två mindre företag, samt att undersöka sambandet mellan självrapporterad stress och anställdas upplevelse av krav, kontroll, stöd och meningsfullhet. Tanken är att en såd

Sediment transport and coastal evolution at Thuan An Inlet, Vietnam

The Tam Giang-Cau Hai lagoon is located outside of Hue in central Vietnam. Southeast of Thuan An inlet, one of the two inlets of the lagoon, a groin was constructed in 2008 as a measure to reduce the sediment transport to prevent the inlet from closing. This groin has caused erosion of the eastern sand spit of the inlet and accretion of sediment on the coastline south east of the groin. The object

Product Development and Cost Reduction of Power Sourcing Hub

This Master Thesis was done in collaboration with Nederman AB in Helsingborg and the aim was to analyse and develop a suggestion for a new modernized Powerbox which is one of Nedermans products in the auto workshop segment. The Powerbox is a product for sourcing of compressed air, vacuum suction and electric power. Nederman is a strong brand and considered a market leader in many of its areas. The


An experimental study was performed, aimed at finding a way to produce single crystalline powder of pure (Fe0.7Co0.3)2B with a particle size of 100-200nm. This was done with the ultimate goal of producing a hard magnetic ferrite powder for powder metallurgical production of permanent magnets. For this study, eight different compositions of iron, cobalt and boron were atomized using atomization by

Implementation av SCORM 2004 API och Datamodell i .NET

The thesis treats a partial implementation of the SCORM standard for an existing LMS (Learning Management System), and includes an overview of the standard and a presentation and analysis of the implementation. SCORM is short for Shareable Content Object Reference Model and is a standard for web based e-learning. The standard specifies, among other things, API, aggregation and data model. The impl