Captain of Leadership -How to cross international waters. A qualitative study of cross-cultural leadership.
Det teoretiska ramverket för studie var GLOBE-studien, Hofstedes fyra dimensioner och Sveningssons och Alvessons förhållningssätt till ledarskap. Syftet var att undersöka den personliga upplevelsen hos Svenska ledare. Fokus var på hur kulturella faktorer påverkade ledarskapet när ledarna arbetade med ett utländskt team. Sex svenska ledare som hade arbetat med utländska team i USA, Indien, TysklandThe theoretical framework of the present study was the GLOBE study, Hofstede’s four dimensions and Sveningsson’s and Alvesson’s approach to leadership. The purpose was to examine the personal experience of Swedish leaders. The focus was on the influence of cultural factors on the leadership when the leaders worked with a foreign team. Six Swedish leaders who had been working with foreign teams in