

Din sökning på "*" gav 534661 sökträffar

Captain of Leadership -How to cross international waters. A qualitative study of cross-cultural leadership.

Det teoretiska ramverket för studie var GLOBE-studien, Hofstedes fyra dimensioner och Sveningssons och Alvessons förhållningssätt till ledarskap. Syftet var att undersöka den personliga upplevelsen hos Svenska ledare. Fokus var på hur kulturella faktorer påverkade ledarskapet när ledarna arbetade med ett utländskt team. Sex svenska ledare som hade arbetat med utländska team i USA, Indien, TysklandThe theoretical framework of the present study was the GLOBE study, Hofstede’s four dimensions and Sveningsson’s and Alvesson’s approach to leadership. The purpose was to examine the personal experience of Swedish leaders. The focus was on the influence of cultural factors on the leadership when the leaders worked with a foreign team. Six Swedish leaders who had been working with foreign teams in

Chefens kommunikation av en vision

Chefens roll i organisationen är fylld av förväntningar och krav. Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om hur chefen skapar en föreställning av visionen för sig själv och förankrar den i en organisation sett ur ett meningsskapande perspektiv. Vi behandlar hur chefer i Bjuvs kommun förmedlar deras visionsarbete med namn Vision Bjuv 2020. Uppsatsen avser att uppfylla syftet genom att besvara In organizations there are many expectations on the manager’s role. The study’s purpose is to contribute knowledge about how the manager creates a perception of a vision and communicate it in the organization viewed from a sensemaking perspective. The study was conducted in Bjuv municipality on how managers communicate the vision named Vision Bjuv 2020. By answering the following questions: How ma

Rip off and characterization of nanowire ensembles for photovoltaic applications

The main aim of this project was to peel off the epitaxially grown nanowires (NWs) from their native substrate and transfer them to the cheaper carrier substrate in order to make solar cell device from transferred NWs. Potentially the peeling and transferring idea is about to decrease the cost of NWs growth by reusing the native substrate especially for expensive material such as InP and GaAs whic

"Krossa dem mot klippan"?! - Exegetiska och pastorala perspektiv på Psaltarens så kallade förbannelsepsalmer

This thesis explores the currently most common ways of exegetically approaching the so called Imprecatory psalms, based on post WWII commentaries regarding Ps 58, 109, 137 and 139 – all known for their harsh language. Imprecations are seldom included in modern Christian worship – exemplified by (for example) the Roman-Catholic prayer book Liturgy of the Hours (1970) where several psalms have been

Candomblé i São Paulo: En dokumentation av besatthetsritualer i São Paulo hösten 2013

This essay is a fieldwork with focus on documenting a few rituals of Candomblé in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. By observations and interviews I’ll collect information on the ritual activity in one terreiro during the autumn of 2013. I’ll also analyze these rituals by using theorists like Catherine Bell and Ronald Grimes to see how these rituals are constructed, performed and how they can be unde

Vilka projektioner tas vid konventionell röntgenundersökning av knä med frågeställning artros?

Symtomgivande artros förekommer hos 9,6% av alla män och hos 18,0% av alla kvinnor över 60 år världen över. En av de vanligaste formerna av artros är den som förekommer i knäleden. För att diagnostisera artros i knäet används idag främst konventionell röntgen. Det finns dock inga nationella riktlinjer för hur denna undersökning ska utföras i nuläget. Syftet med denna studie var beskriva vilka proj

Att vara i könsminoritet på sin utbildning - En kvantitativ studie av hur underrepresenterade kvinnor och män upplever sin situation.

Denna studie undersöker upplevelsen av att vara i könsminoritet på utbildning. Syftet var att studera skillnader i att vara kvinna på en mansdominerad utbildning eller man på en kvinnodominerad. Skillnader i nöjdhet med utbildningen, välmående, samt avhoppstankar var en central utgångspunkt. Variablerna likhet och tillhörighet, sociala identitetshot, stöd och barriärer, upplevd kompetens, samt kön

Övervikt hos romerska kvinnor - synen på övervikt i antik och modern medicin

This essay is written because I would like to find out what the doctors in ancient Rome thought about overweight women. The reason why it is written is due to the fact that modern medicine associates many diseases with overweight, and because I myself happen to be overweight. I will do a comparison between modern medicine and the ancient medical writers to see if they did associate overweight with

Leder vägen till graven? En undersökning av vilka vägar som kan ha funnits mellan gravfält i Hörby, Äspinge, Fulltofta och S. Rörum under järnåldern

This paper cointains an analysis over how the network of roads between visible burial grounds might have looked during the iron age. The area chosen is the nearby surroundings around Hörby, in the middle of Scania in the parishes of Hörby, Fulltofta, Äspinge and Södra Rörum. Three roads are selected as material, and one of them is the road connecting the important central places of Uppåkra and Vä.

Skogsmarknaden i Sverige 1995 till 2012 - En analys av prisutvecklingen

Skogen och skogsindustrin är en stor och viktig del av Sveriges ekonomi. 214 miljarder kronor var förädlingsvärdet för skogsindustrin i Sverige 2011. Av all produktiv skog i Sverige ägs 50 % av ungefär 328.000 privatpersoner och ytterligare 25 % av privatägda företag. Skogen har därför en viktig del både i landets och privatpersoners ekonomi. Mellan 1995 och 2010 steg priset på den svenska skogs

Financial Fair Play in European football

This thesis deals with the matter of competitive balance in European club football. Its starting point is UEFA’s new set of regulations known as Financial Fair Play. These new rules officially started to be active for the season 2013-2014. The ground rule for FFP as I will call it further on, is the so-called “break-even” criterion, and cancels the possibility for clubs to make losses at the end o

LCHF i media: Skillnader i dags- och kvällspressens riskkommunikation

Rubin, C. & Welander, J. LCHF i media - skillnader i dags- och kvällspressens riskkommunikation. Uppsatsarbete i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap B, 7,5 högskolepoäng. Lunds Universitet: Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, 2014. Problemformulering: Hälsokommunikation får allt större utrymme i media och särskilt framstående är frågor som berör dieter och kost. Debatten angående om d

Personen bakom den Kvinnliga Extremsportaren

This study reports the findings of research about female extreme athletes. The aim of the study was to identify differences in personality and anxiety between female extreme athletes, male extreme athletes and exercisers. Big Five personality trait scale and State Trait Anxiety Inventory was used. Further the experience of Flow was measured to find differences between extreme athletes, exercisers,

Styrsätt i plurala organisationer mot ökad målöverensstämmelse

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine how plural organizations use different control methods in order to achieve goal congruence. Methodology: A qualitative case study has been conducted. Theoretical perspectives: The theoretical chapter covers the value-creating business model through a compilation of previous research and theories of result- and action control. Empirical foundation:

Stability study of 1-methylidene ethane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid against isomerization during the synthesis of polyesters

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Monomerer är mindre kemiska byggstenar som bygger upp en större molekylstruktur kallad polymer och kan jämföras med tegelstenar i ett hus. Monomererna i vår produkt binds samman genom så kallade esterbindningar och polymeren som bildas kallas därför en polyester. Polyestrar har många användningsområden såsom plast i PET flaskor, färg, och konstfiber i textilmaterThe main purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of reaction conditions such as reaction temperature and time on the isomerization of 1‐methylidene ethane‐1,2‐dicarboxylic acid (MIA) during the synthesis of MIA to 1‐methyl‐trans‐ethene‐1,2‐dicarboxylic acid (MTA) and 1‐methyl‐cis‐ethene‐1,2‐dicarboxylic acid (MCA) based polyesters. Twelve batches of poly(neopentyl itaconate) and one bat

Klimatanpassning av bostäder i Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan - Analys av enfamiljshus

This work deals with the construction technique and indoor climate in both new and old single family houses, in the city of Sulaymaniyah northern Iraq. An analysis has been done on two residential buildings by two different developers, a private and the other commercial. The problems that many buildings in Kurdistan have had and still have today are the poor indoor comfort temperature and high ene


The aim of this thesis is to study a pair of portfolio strategies that ideally could perform well during most economical environments. These Environments are portrayed as periods of Rising or falling market expectations of future growth, inflation and credit risk. The concepts behind these strategies are based on Bridgewater Associates. All Weather fund. Current expectations of future conditions a

Modelling methane emissions from Arctic tundra wetlands : effects of fractional wetland maps

The Arctic tundra has been considered as one of the most sensitive areas to global climate change. One impact of global warming is that permafrost thawing could result in more waterlogged and anaerobic conditions, and consequently an increasing release of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere. These potential CH4 emissions can further amplify global warming. Therefore, it is important to assess the quan