

Din sökning på "*" gav 533472 sökträffar

Board task performance in small owner-managed companies - Exploring a construct through three case studies.

It is far from evident that small owner-managed companies can use the capacity of a board of directors. A well known construct of board task performance is expressed in the activities of control, strategy making, and service (C-SM-S construct). The aim is to explore the construct, which has been derived from studies on large and medium-sized companies, in a new setting. The analysis of three cas

Holistic Simulation of Mobile Robot and Sensor Network Applications Using TrueTime

The RUNES project defines a complex road tunnel scenario involving multiple mobile robots navigating in sensor network environment. In this paper, a TrueTime simulation model of the tunnel scenario is developed. The TrueTime simulator allows concurrent simulation of the physical robots and their environment, the software in the nodes, the radio communication, the network routing, and the ultra-sou

A Tide of Cash: Corporate Governance and the Management of Large Cash Windfalls

In this paper we revisit the contentious issue of whether corporate governance arrangements influence corporate cash holdings. We use the exogenous cash windfalls in the oil industry during the 2000s to test the power of three governance dimensions (managerial entrenchment, board independence and ownership) in explaining differences in cash management policies. Between 2000 and 2008 the oil price

Grammatical terminology and the application Gramte

The purpose of the Gramte program is to meet the needs of university students who feel that they are not mastering the grammatical terminology needed for studying linguistics or foreign languages. In all learning contexts it is important to have the adequate background knowledge. This is even more crucial when it concerns the basic concepts and terminology which will be used by the teachers during

En annan värld är möjlig

Det är mot bakgrund av globaliseringens demokratiska underskott man bör se uppkomsten av det som kommit att kallas den globala rättviserörelsen. När denna rörelse blev synlig i slutet av 90-talet var det oftast genom demonstrationer under de globala och regionala maktinstitutionernas toppmöten. Under senare år har rörelsen dock allt mer förknippats med det som kallas ”sociala forum” – breda och vä


Skattehandboken är en komplett handbok för företagsbeskattning, personbeskattning och moms som fyra gånger om året uppdateras med aktuella bestämmelser. Skattehandboken vänder sig till alla som arbetar med skattefrågor. Det är ett självklart hjälpmedel för varje skattekonsult, ekonomiavdelning, revisor eller redovisningskonsult. De två handbokspärmarna behandlar företagets inkomstbeskattning, d.v

Design of reflextionless slabs for transient electromagnetic waves

A method for modeling reflectionless conductive dispersive slabs is presented. The slabs are impedance matched to the surrounding half-spaces and are temporally dispersive with a spatially varying impedance. It is shown that the effects from the variation of the impedance can be matched by the temporal dispersive effects and the conductivity so that for a normally incident plane wave the slab does

Gayikon, flickidol, livsdyrkare

Jag behandlar den svenske popartisten Håkan Hellström, och analyserar hans persona och poplyrik med avseende på genuskonstruktioner. Jag fokuserar bland annat på den reception som dels har beskrivit Hellström som en gayikon, dels den som sett honom som en flickidol. Jag menar att båda dessa roller gestaltas i Hellströms konstnärliga verksamhet, och att hans karriär, persona och konstnärliga verksa

Fashioning the self: heterosexuality and the social psychological constraints of the wardrobe

Broadening conventional sociological concerns, this paper establishes a social psychological account of queer theory, and an associated understanding of subject formation, in order to examine the relationship between the continuously emerging self and the dressed body by taking its departure in the concept of transvestism. Empirically, this paper is grounded in an analysis of a large number of dig