Ambivalent Friendship : Anglican Conflict Handling and Education for Peace in Jerusalem 1920-1948
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling fokuserar en religiös aktör i det civila samhället under en konfliktfylld tid. Judiska, muslimska och kristna barn studerade tillsammans i anglikanska missionsskolor under den brittiska mandattiden i Palestina. Jerusalem var då etniskt och religiöst delat. Det anglikanska utbildningsprojektet var en del av den Anglikanska kyrkans försök att främja konflThis thesis concerns a religious actor in the civil society in times of violent conflict. During the British Mandate period in Palestine, Jewish, Muslim and Christian children studied together at Anglican missionary schools. At this time Jerusalem bore all the imprints of ethnic and religious separation and division. The Anglican educational project became part of the efforts made by the Anglican