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Kombinerad mobilitet mellan cykel och kollektivtrafik
Föreliggande rapport syftar till att översiktligt rapportera resultaten från forskningsprojektet CYNKA: Kombinerad mobilitet mellan cykel och kollektivtrafik för regional Arbetspendling. Rapporten sammanfattar de olika delar som utgjort projektet som pågått under perioden 2019–2022.Tidigt i projektet genomfördes en litteraturstudie (K2 Working Paper 2021:15). Den visade bland annat att en välfunge
Hypertension : pathophysiology and relevance to the cardiometabolic syndrome
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is the leading single risk factor for the global burden of disease. Hypertension often coexists with several anthropometric and metabolic abnormalities, including abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, and glucose intolerance—in combination referred to as metabolic (or cardiometabolic) syndrome. Indeed, hypertension occurs in a large proportion of those with metabol
Continuous Flow of Acceptorless Dehydrogenation of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers Catalyzed by Heterogeneous Iridium Pincer Complexes
Under de senaste åren har växthuseffekten växt och ökat i en otrolig fart som en effekt av allt koldioxidutsläpp som genereras av förbränning av fossila bränslen i dagens industri. Det har bidragit med att vi har fått klimatförändringar som ökade temperaturer på jordens yta runt om i världen. Ett stort fokus idag runt om i världen är att hitta ett sätt att dra ner på mängden utsläpp av koldioxid. Reducing CO2 emissions from combustion of fossil fuels is a big priority around the globe today. Some strategies to minimize air pollution and the increasing greenhouse gas effect are using recyclables and CO2 tax but an energy source replacement from fossil fuels is needed. Renewable energies are a good source of energy, but a stable storage system is required in order to be able to implement thi
Cache-Timing Attack Against HQC
In this paper, we present the first chosen-ciphertext (CC) cache-timing attacks on the reference implementation of HQC. We build a cache-timing based distinguisher for implementing a plaintext-checking (PC) oracle. The PC oracle uses side-channel information to check if a given ciphertext decrypts to a given message. This is done by identifying a vulnerability during the generating process of two
The effects of emotional content on reality-monitoring performance in young and older adults
Reality monitoring refers to a person's ability to distinguish between perceived and imagined events. Prior research has demonstrated that young adults show a reality-monitoring advantage for negative arousing information as compared with neutral information. The present research examined whether this reality-monitoring benefit extends to positive information in young adults and whether older adul
Enhanced left-finger deftness following dominant upper- and lower-limb amputation
BACKGROUND: After amputation, the sensorimotor cortex reorganizes, and these alterations might influence motor functions of the remaining extremities.OBJECTIVE: The authors examined how amputation of the dominant or nondominant upper or lower extremity alters deftness in the intact limbs.METHODS: The participants were 32 unilateral upper- or lower-extremity amputees and 6 controls. Upper-extremity
Motivational currents in language learning : Frameworks for focused interventions
Building on Zoltán Dörnyei's authoritative work in the field of learner motivation, this book introduces a new conceptualization-Directed Motivational Currents (DMCs)-and sets out the defining aspects of what they are, what they are not, and how they are related to language learning motivation. Going beyond focused behavior in a single activity, DMCs concern intensive long-term motivation. The dis
Honest floral signalling traits vary across and within populations in an insect-pollinated plant
In flowering plants that produce concealed rewards, pollinator foraging preferences may select for floral advertisement traits that are correlated with rewards. To date, studies have not focused on the potential for honest signals to vary across populations, which could occur due to differences in pollinator communities or plant mating system. We tested for variation in honest signals across and w
Things that time forgot : Native American objects in Danish museums. Problems and possibilities
We present a hitherto unresearched part of a shared Danish and American cultural heritage: Native American objects in Danish regional museum collections. Thus far, we have identified more than 200 Native American artefacts in 27 local museums, largely a result of Danes abroad privately collecting in the late 1800s and 1950s–70s. The majority of these artefacts, many of which are prehistoric in age
Pharmacology of the Bladder and Emerging Treatments
The nervous mechanisms for bladder emptying and urine storage involve a complex pattern of afferent and efferent signaling in parasympathetic, sympathetic, and somatic nerves. During voiding, contraction of the detrusor muscle is preceded by a relaxation of the outlet region, thereby facilitating the bladder emptying. Kim et al. found that 14 of 31 patients with overactive bladder (OAB) and noctur
George Herring. The Oxford Movement in Practise. The Tractarian Parochial World from the 1830s to the 1970s
Slutet på den nordiska koncernbidragsmodellen? – En analys av mål E-3/21 PRA i EFTA-domstolen
Den 1 juni 2022 meddelade EFTA-domstolen sitt avgörande i målet PRA. EFTA-domstolen fann att möjligheten för norska bolag att genom koncernbidrag öka EBITDA och därmed storleken på tillåtna ränteavdrag var oförenligt med etableringsfriheten. Enligt domstolen kunde denna inskränkning av etableringsfriheten enbart rättfärdigas om syftet med lagstiftning vore att motverka rättsmissbruk. Med tanke på
Cash Holdings, Secured Debt and Collateral
The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the relationship between unencumbered tangibility and cash holdings, and to evaluate if corporations consider them to be substitutable variables of corporate liquidity. The study relies on a panel data set and then employs a firm fixed effect regression model to estimate the strength and direction of the relationship of interest. It then proc
Noise to Signal
With the introduction of information theory in the middle of the 20th century, the concept of noise came to be contrasted with signal. The exhibition Noise to Signal mainly consists of two projects that highlight the relative nature of these terms.The three textile works, all with the title Untitled (Noise), appear abstract but also represent a grainy filter that is usually applied to digital imag
Orbital and sub-orbital space tourism : motivation, constraint and artificial intelligence
Purpose: There is limited research on the behavior of different categories of space tourists as identified by different types of space tourism. To address this deficiency, the purpose of this study is to examine what factors make consumers participate in orbital and/or suborbital space tourism, along with three dimensions of motivation, constraint and artificial intelligence. To achieve this study
Kammu vocal genres (Laos)
Protection of platform authors in the context of the EU DSM Directive: The invisible “Gig Authorship"?
Localizing SDGs : the case of city planning in Malmö
Cities have an important role to play in implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to mobilize sustainability at the urban level. Yet, municipalities encounter challenges in localizing the SDGs into their governance structures, and there is a need to advance our understanding of cities strengths and weaknesses in such processes. In this article we provide knowledge and reflectio
Våldets Eskalering: Har Sverige Öppnat Pandoras Ask?
Under de senaste åren har Sverige upplevt en oroande ökning av våld, inte minst särskilt riktat mot anhöriga till dem som är involverade i gäng konflikter. Denna eskalering, som beskrivs i ett nytt blogginlägg, har nått en kritisk punkt och jämförs med den metaforiska öppningen av "Pandoras ask". Situationens allvar väcker frågor om de bredare konsekvenserna för det svenska samhället och om denna In recent years, Sweden has witnessed a concerning surge in violence, not least targeting relatives of those entangled in gang-related conflicts. This escalation, which is detailed in a new blog post, has reached a critical juncture, drawing comparisons to the metaphorical opening of "Pandora's box". The gravity of the situation raises questions about the broader implications for Swedish society a