

Din sökning på "*" gav 532727 sökträffar

Localizing SDGs : the case of city planning in Malmö

Cities have an important role to play in implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to mobilize sustainability at the urban level. Yet, municipalities encounter challenges in localizing the SDGs into their governance structures, and there is a need to advance our understanding of cities strengths and weaknesses in such processes. In this article we provide knowledge and reflectio

Våldets Eskalering: Har Sverige Öppnat Pandoras Ask?

Under de senaste åren har Sverige upplevt en oroande ökning av våld, inte minst särskilt riktat mot anhöriga till dem som är involverade i gäng konflikter. Denna eskalering, som beskrivs i ett nytt blogginlägg, har nått en kritisk punkt och jämförs med den metaforiska öppningen av "Pandoras ask". Situationens allvar väcker frågor om de bredare konsekvenserna för det svenska samhället och om denna In recent years, Sweden has witnessed a concerning surge in violence, not least targeting relatives of those entangled in gang-related conflicts. This escalation, which is detailed in a new blog post, has reached a critical juncture, drawing comparisons to the metaphorical opening of "Pandora's box". The gravity of the situation raises questions about the broader implications for Swedish society a

The landscapes of Eco-noir : Reimagining Norwegian eco-exceptionalism in Occupied

This article examines the Norwegian climate fiction television series Okkupert [Occupied](2015–), focusing on the ways in which it reveals the complicity of Nordic subjects in an ecological dystopia. I argue that in illuminating this complicity, the series reimagines the Norwegian national self-conception rooted in a discourse of Norway’s exceptionalist relation to nature. I show how Norway’s gree

Characterization of the microbiological population and presence on Swedish greenhouse grown cucumbers during shelf life at different storage and treatment conditions

Nearly one third of the global food is wasted. Microbial spoilage is a major factor in food waste, and it can happen at any point along the supply chain. Greenhouse grown English long cucumbers, one of the most important vegetable crops grown in Europe, were studied for weight changes and the presence of microbiological populations during the shelf life in this project. The main methods used in th

Fracture incidence in Graves' disease : A population-based study

Background Population-based studies have indicated an increase in bone turnover in hyperthyroidism with a subsequent decrease in bone mineral density and an increased risk of fractures, especially in postmenopausal women. However, heterogeneity between studies prevents a definitive conclusion. Graves' disease (GD) is an autoimmune disease, and it is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. The ai

Uncovering the Role of Urban Governance Practices for Nature-based Solutions: Investigating the Instrumentalization Pathways in European Cities

Nature-based solutions (NbS) have proven effective in addressing urban sustainability challenges. This thesis focuses on bridging the gap in NbS short-term interventions, scale, and financial barriers. It examines the instrumentalization and implementation of successful long-term interventions from a policy and urban governance perspective, aiming to inspire cities and identify commonalities. The

”SVÄVA I OVISSHET” - Anhöriga till de försvunna En kvalitativ studie om krigsupplevelser och krishantering efter en närståendes försvinnande

This study aimed to examine the relatives' crisis associated with war-related experiences and the effect of the disappearance of family members during the Kosovo War. Based on the purpose of the study questions were formulated to find out the impact of the war’s events, the support relatives received to handle their everyday life, and the opportunity to process their crisis response. The crisi

Different Doping Behaviors of Silicon in Zinc Blende and Wurtzite GaAs Nanowires : Implications for Crystal-Phase Device Design

Crystal-phase engineering between zinc blende (ZB) and wurtzite (WZ) structures is becoming an important method in designing unique optoelectronic and electronic semiconductor devices. Doping to engineer their electric properties is thus of critical importance, but a direct experimental comparison in doping these two crystal structures is still missing. Nanowires (NWs) allow the coexistence of bot

Andra paragrafen Skatteflyktslagen – Kan lagstiftaren täppa igen hålen i skattelagstiftningen?

För att generalklausulen i den svenska lagstiftningen mot skatteflykt ska kunna tillämpas krävs det att skatteförmånen som uppstår strider mot lagstiftningens syfte. Vad detta innebär är inte fullständigt klarlagt av vare sig lagstiftaren eller av Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen. Lagens syftar till att domstolen ska göra en analog tolkning och dess rättssäkerhet har därför varit omdiskuterad. Syftet For the general clause in the Swedish legislation against tax evasion to be applicable, it is required that the tax advantage that arises is contrary to the purpose of the legislation. What this means is not fully clarified by the legislature or the Supreme Administrative Court. The law aims for the court to make an analogous interpretation and its legal certainty has therefore been debated. The p

Drivers of Transformation and Recovery from Shrinking

To understand the mechanisms of economic resilience, we have studied how sectoral proximity relates to the regional capability to transform and recover from a shrinking crisis. Through a comparative study of Irish regions, a proximity analysis provided evidence that the majority of new sectors in the recovering region developed in proximity to the region’s leading sector. This leads to the conclus

The Pursuit of Metals and the Ideology of Improvement in Early Modern Sápmi, Sweden

The article examines the ideology of improvement in the context of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century mining in northern Sweden in the province of Sápmi. It discusses how the rhetoric of improvement and “civilizing” projects were intertwined with the mining enterprises; how they informed the regulatory and disciplinary ordinances issued for the region; and how the ideas of reform, discipline, and

Racialization and masculinities in a violent border regime: The case study of the 2022 Melilla fence jump through a translocational lens

On June 24th 2022, nearly two thousand people attempted to cross the border between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Melilla, resulting in dozens of deaths and injuries. Scholars have suggested that these border crossings in the Mediterranean highlight the systemic border violence that is exercised towards migrants in the region to prevent presenting them as isolated or sporadic. To contribute t

Contour Based Object-Compliant Shape Control

Shape control strategies seek to bring deformable objects towards a desired target shape. However, conventional methods focus on reaching the target shape without considering the extent to which the object is deformed during the control process. Control actions may generate unnecessary deformations and thus, increase the possibility of object over-stressing and failure. In this letter, we tackle t

Tjänstemannaansvar - Behövs det ändringar i det straffrättsliga ansvaret för offentligt anställda?

Personer som innehar statlig anställning är på ett sätt som vilka arbetstagare som helst. PÅ ett annat sätt så är dem representanter för staten och deras ageranden påverkar allmänhetens uppfattning och tilltro till staten och dess myndigheter. Därför har man under perioder särskilt denna arbetstagargrupp från övriga arbetstagare då det har gällt striktare regler vid fel begångna i sin tjänsteutövnPeople who hold government employments are in a way like any other workers. In another way, they are representatives of the state and their actions affect the public's perception and trust in the state and its authorities. Therefore, during periods, this group of workers in particular has been separated from other workers and stricter rules have applied in the event of errors committed in the