

Din sökning på "*" gav 532692 sökträffar

Preclinical evidence of rapid-onset antidepressant-like effect in Radix Polygalae extract

Radix Polygalae (the root of Polygala tenuifolia) is a herb widely used in traditional Asian medicine that is thought to exert a variety of neuropsychiatric effects. Radix Polygalae extract can protect against N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) neurotoxicity and induce brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression, suggesting modulatory roles at glutamatergic synapses and possible antidepressant ac

Utilising the Internet of Things concepts to improve the resource efficiency of food manufacturing

This thesis reports on the research undertaken to increase the sustainability of foodmanufacturing by reducing the solid Food waste generation, as well as Energy and Water(FEW) consumptions through applications based of Internet of Things (IoT) concepts. Theprimary objective of this research is to develop an IoT-based framework, which identifies andcollects the key data regarding FEW within food m

Improving the Resolution and SNR of Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Images From a Low-Field Scanner

Spatial resolution, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and acquisition time are interconnected in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Trade-offs are made to keep the SNR at the acceptable level, maximizing the resolution, minimizing the acquisition time and maintaining radiologically useful images. In low-field MRI scanners and especially in diffusion imaging, these trade-offs are even more crucial due to

Symbioses shape feeding niches and diversification across insects

For over 300 million years, insects have relied on symbiotic microbes for nutrition and defence. However, it is unclear whether specific ecological conditions have repeatedly favoured the evolution of symbioses, and how this has influenced insect diversification. Here, using data on 1,850 microbe–insect symbioses across 402 insect families, we found that symbionts have allowed insects to specializ

Intersecting Worlds : New Sweden’s Transatlantic Entanglements

The New Sweden Colony (1638-1655) is often regarded as an anomaly in the context of 17th century Swedish politics and in the context of other European colonies in America. Equally, the colony's importance in the historical narrative of early modern Sweden and colonial America has been modest. However, more recent research on Scandinavian involvement in the Atlantic economy and early modern politic

City marketing and convention bureaus value propositions in the post-covid time

City marketing and convention bureaus value propositions in the post-covid timeThe role of convention bureaus across the world is to market destinations and cities.This paper explores destination marketing in the post pandemic time. It focusses on thevalues that convention bureaus, a key actor in the meetings industry, propose topotential visitors. The concept of value propositions (VPs) is common

Tumoral parkinsonism—Parkinsonism secondary to brain tumors, paraneoplastic syndromes, intracranial malformations, or oncological intervention, and the effect of dopaminergic treatment

Introduction: Secondary tumoral parkinsonism is a rare phenomenon that develops as a direct or indirect result of brain neoplasms or related conditions. Objectives: The first objective was to explore to what extent brain neoplasms, cavernomas, cysts, paraneoplastic syndromes (PNSs), and oncological treatment methods cause parkinsonism. The second objective was to investigate the effect of dopamine

The quest for ingested peanut protein in human serum

BACKGROUND: There is mounting evidence that systemic uptake of food allergens is key to triggering anaphylaxis. However, direct proof for this theory is still lacking. The purpose of this study was to quantify the absorption and to determine the absorption kinetics of immunoreactive peanut protein in relation to the allergic response in human.METHODS: Quantitative protein assays including mass spe

Antiviral treatment of a boy with EBV-associated hydroa vacciniforme

Hydroa vacciniforme is one of the rarest forms of photosensitivity disorders of the skin. Effective treatment options are scarce and mainly constitute of strict sun protection. Lately, hydroa vacciniforme has been associated with Epstein-Barr virus infection. We present a patient with hydroa vacciniforme and concomitant previous/chronic Epstein-Barr virus infection. In this case, antiviral treatme

Bicultural or Hybrid? : The Second Language Identities of Students on an English-Mediated University Program in Sweden

It has been suggested that in foreign language learning and ELF situations, identity might not be implicated in any great extent. Focusing on the impact globalization has on identities, the purpose of this study is to consider whether identity might be involved in Swedish students' reasons for enrolling on an English-medium university program and, if so, the types of identities students construct.

Undantag från kravet på etikprövning av humanistisk och samhällsvetenskaplig forskning. En internationell utblick

The Swedish ethical review system has recently come under heavy criticism - criticism that has largely centered on the system’s negative impact on research in the humanities and social sciences. Among other things, it has been claimed that the requirement for ethical review is unnecessarily comprehensive. One way of exploring the reasonableness of the Swedish system is to compare it with the rules

Kombinerad mobilitet mellan cykel och kollektivtrafik

Föreliggande rapport syftar till att översiktligt rapportera resultaten från forskningsprojektet CYNKA: Kombinerad mobilitet mellan cykel och kollektivtrafik för regional Arbetspendling. Rapporten sammanfattar de olika delar som utgjort projektet som pågått under perioden 2019–2022.Tidigt i projektet genomfördes en litteraturstudie (K2 Working Paper 2021:15). Den visade bland annat att en välfunge

Hypertension : pathophysiology and relevance to the cardiometabolic syndrome

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is the leading single risk factor for the global burden of disease. Hypertension often coexists with several anthropometric and metabolic abnormalities, including abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, and glucose intolerance—in combination referred to as metabolic (or cardiometabolic) syndrome. Indeed, hypertension occurs in a large proportion of those with metabol

Continuous Flow of Acceptorless Dehydrogenation of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers Catalyzed by Heterogeneous Iridium Pincer Complexes

Under de senaste åren har växthuseffekten växt och ökat i en otrolig fart som en effekt av allt koldioxidutsläpp som genereras av förbränning av fossila bränslen i dagens industri. Det har bidragit med att vi har fått klimatförändringar som ökade temperaturer på jordens yta runt om i världen. Ett stort fokus idag runt om i världen är att hitta ett sätt att dra ner på mängden utsläpp av koldioxid. Reducing CO2 emissions from combustion of fossil fuels is a big priority around the globe today. Some strategies to minimize air pollution and the increasing greenhouse gas effect are using recyclables and CO2 tax but an energy source replacement from fossil fuels is needed. Renewable energies are a good source of energy, but a stable storage system is required in order to be able to implement thi