

Din sökning på "*" gav 533338 sökträffar

Unstructured Interviews – A Conversational Iceberg

My ongoing work on the lived experiences of young adult migrants is phenomenological research aimed at the process of social resilience and social experiences of young adult migrants. I'm conducting unstructured interviews to learn more about the phenomenon's textural (what was experienced) and structural (how it was experienced) characteristics. In these unstructured interviews, I emphasize the m

Countering the Proliferation of Plastic Waste through Circularity

How can the circular economy address the challenges of plastic waste? By rethinking production, distribution, and consumption patterns. It is a complex challenge that necessitates ethical, cultural, technical, and social considerations, far beyond managerial concerns. Recirculating some plastic and taking out the rest will require unraveling deeply embedded practices and choices in society.

The Communist Party of China and Strategic Narratives During the Covid-19 Pandemic : Identity and Narrative Construction in the Party Journal Qiushi

This thesis analyzes how the Communist Party of China (CPC) has used the Covid-19 pandemic to enhance its identity as a global actor. This builds upon theories of soft power and demonstrates the advantages of using strategic narratives to analyze soft power in the current global system. I analyzed articles on the subject published in the English online version of the CPC’s offical party journal Qi

Klimat och konflikt i Syrien: Ett rumsligt perspektiv på torka, jordbruk och sårbarhet i Syrien under perioden 2000–2022 : Climate and conflict in Syria: a spatial perspective of drought, agriculture and vulerability in Syria during the period 2000–2022

The Syrian civil war has been described as a first example of the conflicts expected in the wake of climate change. The conflict, which started in 2011, was preceded by a severe drought in 2007–2009 that hit agriculture and the rural population hard. But what do we really know about what happened to Syria’s climate and agriculture before and after the start of the conflict? In this article, I summ

Brandteknisk Riskvärdering av Nicklagården Älmhult

Den här rapporten har skrivits med syftet att utreda hur säkert Nicklagården, ett äldreboende, är vid en brand. Målet är att utvärdera personsäkerheten i byggnaden för boende och anställda i verksamheten. Strukturella skador och miljöskador kommer inte att beaktas i rapporten. För att bedöma säkerhetsnivån analyserades olika brandscenarion och för varje scenario analyserades två evakueringsscenariThis report is written with the purpose of investigating how safe Nicklagården, a nursing home, is in case of a fire. The aim is to evaluate the safety of the people within the building, structural and environmental damage will not be regarded within this report. To be able to assess the safety, different fire scenarios were analyzed, and two different evacuation scenarios were analyzed for each f

Rethinking Imaginaries: A Discussion on the Swedish Tradition of Openness, the GDPR, and the Case of Publication Certificates

Sweden has an almost three-century-long tradition of openness, whose principles are enshrined in the state’s fundamental laws. When the revolution of the Internet was in full bloom at the turn of the century, with new forms of mass communication innovating the media landscape, Sweden saw the opportunity to strengthen freedom of expression and information, as one of the main pillars of openness. Th

En analys av Europaparlamentets resolution ”Konsekvenserna för kvinnor av kriget mot Ukraina”

This essay examines the European Parliament resolution of 5 May 2022 on the impact of the war against Ukraine on women. The analysis is based on a descriptive idea analysis, which helps me map out which ideas and political actions that are adopted by the European parliament in the resolution. The essay also investigates the EU:s understanding of female exploitation and vulnerability in the Ukraini

China’s Crisis Governance and Evolving State-Society Relations during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Existing studies on China’s COVID-19 response have gravitated to a macro-level, formal institutional analysis, focusing either on the effectiveness of the policy in early-stage virus containment or on the growing negative impacts of COVID policy practices on China’s socio-political landscape at the late stage. Using serial interviews accompanied by online observations and documents, this thesis re

Individerna bakom missbruket

Med viljan att belysa före detta narkotikamissbrukares egna erfarenheter av sitt missbruk har denna kvalitativa studie utformats. Istället för att enbart titta på kvantitativ data i form av statistik har vi valt att använda kvalitativt material relaterat till narkotikamissbruk. De frågeställningar som formulerats är: Vad har de olika sociala banden för betydelse i missbruksförloppet? Som i sin tur

Personlighet och kontext: Hur neuroticism och dess fasetter interagerar med social önskvärdhet i en pressad situation

Relationen mellan personlighet och social önskvärdhet har sedan länge varit debatterad. I denna studie undersöktes individens tendens till att svara socialt önskvärt och deras nivå av neuroticism. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur korrelationen mellan neuroticism och social önskvärdhet såg ut samt hur en pressad situation kan skapa en interaktionseffekt mellan dessa. Studien hade två frågeställThe nature of the relationship between personality and social desirability has long been debated. This study examined the individual's tendency to respond socially desirable and their level of neuroticism. The aim of this study was to examine how the correlation between social desirability and neuroticism looked and whether a pressured situation was causing an interaction effect on the correla

Positivitet som vägen till balans: Sambandet mellan psykologiskt kapital och balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv

Denna studie syftade till att undersöka sambandet mellan psykologiskt kapital och balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv bland anställda i större kommunförvaltningar (N=140). För att genomföra studien användes en digital enkät som inkluderade demografiska frågor samt två befintliga skalor avsedda att mäta respondenternas psykologiska kapital och deras balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. DataanThis study aimed to investigate the correlation between psychological capital and work-life balance among employees in larger municipal administrations (N=140). To conduct the study, a digital survey was used, which included demographic questions as well as two existing scales intended to measure respondents’ psychological capital and their work-life balance. Data analysis was performed using corr

Brandteknisk Riskvärdering av Arlanda Terminal 4

Stockholm Arlanda Airport är Sveriges mest använda flygplats och terminal 4 är en av flygplatsens mest använda terminaler. Verksamheten bedrivs dygnet runt och antalet personer är mycket varierande. I denna rapport utvärderas säkerheten i händelse av brand i terminalens incheckningshall med avseende på personsäkerhet. Flera möjliga brandscenarier identifierades med bakgrund i information från ettStockholm Arlanda airport is the busiest airport in Sweden and Terminal 4 is one of the airports most frequently used terminals. The business is running through all hours of the day and the number of occupants is largely varying. In the following report the fire safety of the check-in and bag drop area is evaluated regarding the occupant’s safety. Several possible fire scenarios were identified u

Advantages of binary stochastic synapses for hardware spiking neural networks with realistic memristors

Hardware implementing spiking neural networks (SNNs) has the potential to provide transformative gains in energy efficiency and throughput for energy-restricted machine-learning tasks. This is enabled by large arrays of memristive synapse devices that can be realized by various emerging memory technologies. But in practice, the performance of such hardware is limited by non-ideal features of the m

Fel i fastighet och bostadsrättslägenhet. Likheter och skillnader - särskilt om betydelsen av bestämmelser om upplysnings- och undersökningsplikt

Fel - avvikelser från avtalet eller från vad köparen med fog kunnat förvänta sig vid köp av fastighet och bostadsrättslägenhet regleras i Jordabalken (1970:994) respektive köplagen (1990:931). Rättsreglerna ser olika ut beroende på om det är fråga om en fastighet eller bostadsrättslägenhet och därmed vilken lag som är applicerbar. Det finns en rad olika feltyper och uppdelningar av dessa att ta häFaults - either lack of conformity with the agreement or what the buyer should be able to expect when purchasing real estate and condominiums are regulated in different laws, Swedish Land and Cadastral Legislation (1970:994) and The Sale of Goods Act (1990:931). The rules are different depending on the object, and that will affect which law is applicable. There are a number of different types of f

Input data requirements for daylight simulations in urban densifications

One of the biggest challenges in urban densifications is securing adequate daylight access. This study examines the potential of using semantic 3D city models as input to daylight simulations. It is focusing on investigating input data requirements to these simulations from a geodata, 3D city model specification and measuring guideline perspective. To achieve this, geodata simulation input require