Din sökning på "*" gav 527996 sökträffar
Den danske model er bedre end den svenske? - En historia om dansk och svensk yrkesutbildning för industrin - speciellt avseende dess roll för ungdomars integration på arbetsmarknaden
Radon i bostäder
Benchmark Simulation Model No 2 - General Protocol and Advances in Modelling Application
A New Algorithm for Recursive Estimation of Parameters in Controlled ARMA Processes
In search of optimal aeration profiles in a plug-flow biological wastewater treatment reactor: A theoretical approach
Systemic approaches to innovation and some lessons for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP)
Alberto Moravias De likgiltiga
Analysis of the novel "Gli indifferenti" by Italian novelist Alberto Moravia
Music, Lust and Modernity: Jazz in the Early Films of Ingmar Bergman
Identity and the Ethics of Tolerance
An argument for so-called glocal spirituality as a source for Peace and intercultural understanding.
Profetior utan djupare analys
High spin γ-ray coincidence spectroscopy with large detector arrays
[abstract missing]
Tal till studenterna vid Högskolan i Karlskrona-Ronneby 1994
Solar electricity generation. A comparative view of technologies, costs and environmental impact
Is Referential Understanding of Pictures in Non-enculturated Great Apes Possible?
Värmegenerering och thermoplasticitet för stora töjningar
The Landlord lag. Productivity on peasant farms and landlord demesnes, Sweden 1700-1860
The inferential present perfect revisited
Innan dikten blir tonsatt. Problem och möjligheter vid tolkningen av Goethes 'Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt
The Accident and the Brokenness of History: Updated November 2015
An article to be presented at the seminar “Breakdown and other Technological Phenomena”– directed by Professor Don Ihde to be held during the fall term of 2010 at the Techno-science Research Group; Department of Philosophy, Stony Brook University Aristotle understood the word “accident” as an attribute of a class or a thing that is not essential. The word comes from Latin accidentum meaning “some