

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

E-Government in Singapore: strengthening political control over society

Developing an e-government in a state has become a new trend in the world of political reform. However, e-government itself as a way of public service digitalization does not incline that political regime of the state will be democratic and inclusive. When e-government has been usually researched in the democratic setting, question marks remain of how it works in the non-democratic one. This paper

Balancing and Locomotion of a Hexapod Robot Traversing Uneven Terrain

This master thesis project has developed a method for a six-legged robot to traverse uneven terrains. From a previous project, the robot already possessed basic locomotion which had to be extensively redesigned. Several new subsystems have been introduced, such as a continuous balancing system, a system estimating the slope of the ground the robot is walking on, and method for detecting when the r

Pariserkorrespondenten Claes Lundin. En studie i 1860-talets "Pariserbref" och mediesystem

Uppsatsen är en beskrivning och analys av pariskorrespondenten Claes Lundins arbete och artiklar från Paris till svensk press men också av den bild av det franska samhället under 1860-talet, som Lundin förmedlar till tidningarnas läsare. Utrikeskorrespondentens position i mediesystemet analyseras både utifrån begrepp i Ulf Hannerz forskning kring utrikeskorrespondenters arbetssätt och arbetsvillko

LGBT and the Changing Moral System in Contemporary Chinese Society: Formality Marriage and the Strife between Family-centered Values and Self-centered Individual Needs

This study focuses on the phenomenon of formality marriage xinghun in contemporary post-socialist China. This practice is becoming more and more common among LGBT individuals, namely gay men and lesbian women. The research aims to unveil and inquiry the mechanism working behind such practice, focusing on the factors influencing the choice to undergo xinghun, the search for xinghun partner and the

Rational Institutional Design of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Bounded Rationality Embedded in A Change-through-Continuity Characteristic

As a Chinese initiative, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a newly established multilateral financial institution which addresses the daunting infrastructure demands across Asia and furthers interconnectivity and economic development through advancement in infrastructure and other productive sectors. AIIB is envisaged to be built into a first-class multilateral development institu

Social networks of young Serbian migrants living in Malmö

The general aim of the research is to explore the formation, maintenance, and use of social networks or social capital, which young migrants of Serbian origin living in Malmö have at their disposal. The research is circumscribed to second-generation Serbian immigrants (i.e. ‘young migrants of Serbian origin’) in Malmö, who were born or have lived here since childhood, with both parents of Serbian

Digital veganism : en studie av veganska företags marknadsföring och kommunikation i sociala medier

This thesis focuses on how vegan companies digitally market themselves on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). Three vegan companies were chosen to collect data from: Oatly, Anamma and Bulldog. The questions guiding this thesis are: 1) Which types of digital marketing do the companies use in their social media posts? 2) How do the companies communicate with their consumers and followers

The Social Constructs of Natural World Heritage: An Ethnographic Investigation into the Conflicts of a Danish UNESCO Destination

This paper will investigate the conflicts that can arise during destination development following a World Heritage inscription. Previous literature mentions that conflicts arise, but focuses on a more managerial perspective, and fails to account for the characteristics of those conflicts. The aim of the paper is to account for the characteristics of the conflicts that arise, by trying to grasp how

Användning av BLE-beacons för inomhuspositionering

I detta examensarbete undersöks hur Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons kan användas för att implementera ett inomhuspositioneringssystem. För att göra detta utvecklades en prototyp som består av en Android-applikation och en DynamoDB-databas. Att använda sig av trilateration för positionering har redan testats och utvärderats ett flertal gånger, därför fokuserar detta arbete istället på en alterna

När mamma och pappa skärmar av - En kvalitativ studie om föräldrars mobilanvändning på öppna förskolan

The use of smartphones has increased dramatically over the last decade. However, very few studies have been made on the impact of smartphones on the relationship and interaction between parent and child. In this qualitative study, I interviewed five day-care teachers and two social workers in open day-care centres, on their experiences of parents’ usage of smartphones and its impact on the childre

Investigation of rigid building block made from bio-based material

Plaster som används för dagligt bruk består till stor del av fossila ämnen. Med ökad efterfrågan och produktion för varje år, är en hållbar utveckling för plaster en växande utmaning. Ett av de stora problemen är förbrukningen av de icke förnyelsebara fossila källorna, vilket medför att förr eller senare behövs alternativ till de konventionella plasterna. Med detta problem i åtanke, så fokuserar dPlastics for everyday use are made from fossile resources. With the demand for plastics increasing every year, a sustainable development for plastic products is a growing challenge. A major issue is the depletion of the non-renewable fossile resources, which means that sooner or later alternatives to the conventional plastics are needed. With this problem in mind, this work focuses on the developm

Staten och kapitalet: en kritisk diskursanalys av prop. 1988:92 ny minerallag

One of the biggest threats against reindeer herding and Sami culture is the exploitation of natural resources in Sápmi, Sami land (Samiskt informationscentrum a). Mines require large areas of land, where the reindeer usually feed. With a post-colonial approach, I, in this essay analyse the discourses behind the law that regulates mines and mineral extraction. With a critical discourse analysis of

Data Management in an Operational Context: A study at Volvo Group Trucks Operations

The present customer based and data driven world of business, together with the evolving social and technological trends continue to drive product complexity and product variety to a new height, one that is characterized by product customization. In the product realization pro-cess, the assembly floor remains the most vital part of the manufacturing process; to cope with the rigorous demands of pr

Thinking in probabilities: how natural frequencies facilitate understanding among Swedish medical students

Det är viktigt för blivande läkare att kunna göra korrekta riskbedömningar utifrån patienters testresultat. Tidigare forskning indikerar att den förmågan kan vara bristfällig, men att den går att förbättra genom ett nytt format att presentera statistik på. Det nya formatet kallas naturliga antal och är potentiellt användbart inom undervisning i medicinsk statistik. Den här studien är den första i The ability to draw diagnostic inferences from medical test results is important for future doctors. Earlier research has indicated that this ability may generally be inadequate. However, it can be improved by presenting statistics in a new format, so called natural frequencies, which is adapted to the way the human mind process probabilities. If the effect of this format is robust and generalizab

Functional study of domains of class B penicillin-binding proteins 4b and SpoVD in Bacillus subtilis

How are penicillin-binding proteins sorted in cells? A bacterial cell wall can be regarded as a brick building, in which the bricks and the cement hold the building together, provide structure for the building, protect its contents, and allow only certain substances to enter. Many antibiotics target proteins that function in cell wall morphogenesis (the process of building the brick wall in this

Febersjukdomarnas förhållande till psykoser - En imitativ översättning av medicinska och psykiatriska termer i en rysk medicinsk tidskrift från 1876

Denna uppsats grundar sig på en översättning av en medicinsk, psykiatrisk artikel Ob otnosjenie lichoradotjnych bolneznyj k psichozam ('Om febersjukdomarnas förhållande till psykoser'), författad av läkaren och psykiatern Alexander Samojlovitj Rozenbljum i Odessa och publicerad 1876 i den medicinska tidskriften Trudy vratjej Odesskoj gorodskoj bolnitsy ('Skriftserie utgiven av läkarna

Market Reforms and Consumerism in China and the Soviet Union

Capitalizing reforms would come to China in 1978, and to the U.S.S.R. in 1985. While the Chinese reforms have been uninterrupted to the modern day, similar reforms in the Soviet Union would lead to its collapse, and to the adoption of capitalism by the Russian Federation. These 'communist' economic reforms were political movements informed by ideology, but China’s more effective reforms re

(De)legitimizing the Migration Court’s Judicial Decision: A Case Study on Social Media Discourses

This study aims to explore how the Swedish Migration Court’s decision is legitimized or delegitimized in discourses in civil society, outside the legislative and judicial power. This is explored with a case study on a judicial decision to expel Sonya, a 90-year-old and sick Ukrainian woman. The material is collected from social media platforms where this case has been discussed. Thus, the results

The Perception of Intonation in Japanese Sentence Types by Swedish Speakers : Wh-Questions, Yes/No-Questions and Declaratives

This study is concerned with the topic of sentence-final intonation in wh-questions, yes/no- questions and declaratives. The aim of the study is to investigate whether native speakers of Swedish can recognize these sentence types in standard Japanese by listening to the intonation alone. In addition, whether exposure to the language affects the ability to distinguish these sentence types is invest