Din sökning på "*" gav 526499 sökträffar
Cable Fires in Difficultly Accessible Areas Brandforsk project 623-001
Production, purification and characterization of antibacterial biomolecules from an alkaliphilic Bacillus
Popular Abstract in English As there is a demand for new antibacterial agents due to antimicrobial resistance, the ability of one kind of microorganisms to produce antimicrobial substances has been evaluated. Then, after determining the antibacterial-producer microorganism, the production of active compound in large scale, followed by optimization the conditions investigated. Next, the bioactive aForty alkaliphiles, which were isolated from samples collected in Eastern Africa, have been screened for production of antibacterial compounds. One of these isolates, Bacillus halodurans B20, was able to produce a prominent amount of antibacterial activity against a Gram-positive bacteria on agar plates [paper I] and selected for further study. Production of the active compound in submerged culti
Perpetrators or victims? - Contemporary historical debate in Polish and German media on the expulsion of the German minority in the aftermath of the WWII
Environmental change and the golfing servicescape
Using Latent Semantic Analysis to Asses the Semantic Content of Narratives from Children with Typical and Atypical Language Development
Osten och maskarna: Carlo Ginzburg
The installation of the test FEL at MAX-lab has recently been completed. The system will be seeded by a tripled Ti:Sapphire laser (263 nm) synchronized to the RF system and the gun laser. Issues important for the seeding will be presented, ranging from the laser system via the layout of photon and electron optics to timing/synchronization and the theoretical approach.
Professionella yrkesgruppers förhållande till andra yrken och professioner: samarbete, underordning eller konflikt
Remissvar: Grönboken från kommissionen om politiska alternativ för främjande av en europeisk avtalsrätt för konsumenter och företag, Ju2010/6021/L2
Hans Henrik Lidgard enligt delegation Abstract: Enligt fakultetsstyrelsens uppfattning är, vid sidan av ett offentliggörande av expertgruppens arbete, en bred minimiharmonisering av nationell lagstiftning på mindre kontroversiella områden ett lämpligt första steg. Parallellt med ett sådant agerande kan gemenskapen med fördel anta en europeisk modellag, som kompletterar den nationella lagstiftninge
Elstatistik som energitjänst. Fokus på hushållskunder
Sedan avregleringen av den svenska elmarknaden infördes 1996 har en rad nya tjänster inom branschen utvecklats medan andra har försvunnit. Syftet med denna studie är att redogöra för hur tjänsteutbudet på elmarknaden har ändrats från avregleringens början fram till i dag samt karakterisera energitjänsten "Elstatistik" från följande tre huvudperspektiv: kundens perspektiv, företagets perspektiv, en
Zeros and growth of entire functions of several variables, the complex Monge-Ampere operator and some related topics
The classical Levin-Pfluger theory of entire functions of completely regular growth ($CRG$) of finite order $\rho$ in one variable establishes a relation between the distribution of zeros of an entire function and its growth. The most important and interesting result in this theory is the fundamental principle for $CRG$ functions. In the book of Gruman and Lelong, this basic theorem was generalize
Social rights of migrant workers
If this is Thursday then this must be Aubervilliers- La Courneuve – reading Roissy Express as a travelogue
In his book Roissy Express- a Journey Through the Paris Suburbs (Les passagers du Roissy-Express), Francois Maspéro travels with the Regional Express Network from the airport Roissy – Charles de Gaulle toward Paris, with the ambition of leaving the train at every suburban stop. The journey is explicitly an attempt to give attention to the unknown lives of those living in the suburban areas around
Gender, Society & human right to water
Head beats and eyebrow movements as a function of phonological prominence levels and word accents in Stockholm Swedish news broadcasts
Parochial policies for a world city. The uneasy relationship between economy, culture and governance in Brussels
Botswana - questioning an African success story
Botswana has been depicted as an African success story having the highest long-run growth rates over the last four decades since independence combined with a stable multi-party democratic system. In this paper the success story is critically investigated and analysed from a structural perspective. The question is posed if Botswana's success truly is a case of economic development as opposed to gro