Experimentell flinthuggning - vad kan vi lära av det?
The article describes how archaeologists can and have used experiments to answer questions about past behavior.
The article describes how archaeologists can and have used experiments to answer questions about past behavior.
Popular Abstract in English Lions (Panthera leo) have become known to be synonymous with wild Africa since its extinction from most parts of its former range (Europe, Asia and Southern America). Few people realize that anthropogenic activities have caused habitat loss, fragmentation and reduction in size to the lions, forcing them to the brink of extinction. Whenever out in nature, most tourists tHigh growth rate in human populations, agricultural developments and industrialization have impinged negatively on the natural habitats of most large carnivores, causing fragmentation, isolation and consequently reduction in population size. Lions (Panthera leo) that once roamed most parts of Southern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North America, northern part of South America and most parts of Af
Abstract The overarching aim of this paper is to investigate the importance of technological shifts and national macroeconomic preconditions for long term growth and structural transformation in various regions in a national regional system. Intrinsic to this, the issue and origin of divergence and convergence coming in repetitive waves in regional systems will be discussed as a possible contribut
In this paper, a classic subject will be addressed: the last import of Islamic dirhams into Scandinavia. The place under study is Sigtuna, established in c. AD 980, a date that sets the earliest possible deposition for nine retrieved dirhams. The main objec- tive is to provide data for their chronology and provenance, and to confirm under which regent they were issued. With this data at hand, an a