

Din sökning på "*" gav 532618 sökträffar

Characterization of SLC40A1 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia by CRISPRi Gene Editing

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is characterized by an accumulation of immature blast cells, which outgrow the bone marrow and suppress normal blood formation. The condition is associated with poor survival, mainly caused by relapsed and refractory disease. Hence, new therapeutics are needed. Recently, SLC40A1 was identified as potentially important for AML cells in a pooled CRISPR interference scree

Taking Flight Towards a Greener Future: Steps Airlines Can Take to Reduce Emissions

Background: For decades, aviation has been an important part of society and with its growth comes the increased environmental impact and the challenge to reduce this adversary effect and move towards sustainability. Objective: Find out how airlines can reduce their emissions and become more sustainable. Method: A literature review was conducted including scientific articles, data from Airbus and o

“When to buy, What to buy and How much to buy” : En fallstudie om hur klädjätten NA-KD använder sig av rabattkoder som marknadsföring på Instagram och vad detta innebär för samtidens konsumtionsbeteenden

In the following case study, we have investigated how the fast fashion brand NA-KD uses discount codes as a marketing tool on Instagram with the help of influencers and what this in turn means for our consumption of fashion and clothing. In order to answer our research questions and gain a better understanding of this type of marketing, a qualitative content analysis was applied to two different v

Nätverksstrukturer för entreprenörer - en branschspecifik studie

Examensarbetets titel: Nätverksstrukturer för entreprenörer - en branschspecifik studie. En kvalitativ flerfallsstudie om skillnader i nätverksstrukturer hos entreprenörer i olika branscher Seminariedatum: 1 juni, 2023 Ämne/kurs: FEKH99, Examensarbete i Entreprenörskap och Innovation, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Kristina Holmgren, Gustaf Strauss, Fredrik Magnusson Handledare: Joakim Winborg Nycke

Mechanisms to enable operational efficiencies in a virtual context

Examensarbetets titel: Mechanisms to enable operational efficiencies in a virtual context Seminariedatum: 1 Juni 2023 Ämne/kurs: FEKH99, Examensarbete i Entreprenörskap och Innovation, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Morgan Bryer, Nathan Nilsson, Anton Palm ́en, Handledare: Ziad El-Awad, Lunds universitet Nyckelord: Virtuella kök, Operationella mekanismer, Operationell effektivitet, Business Model CTitle: Mechanisms to enable operational efficiencies in a virtual context Seminar date: 1st of June 2023 Course: FEKH99, Bachelor Degree Project in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 15 University Credit Points Authors: Morgan Bryer, Nathan Nilsson, Anton Palmen ´ Supervisor: Ziad El-Awad, Lund University Keywords: Virtual kitchens, Operational Mechanisms, Operational Efficiency, Business Model Canv

Creating a High-Throughput Workflow for Automated Peptide Characterization using LC-MS

In the early stage of a drug discovery project, there is a need for efficient methods that can analyse peptides in short time. This includes methods that confirm the peptide’s identity and estimates its relative purity in an efficient and reliable way. The aim was to create a workflow for peptide characterization for AstraZeneca’s in-house peptides that was applicable for a high-throughput analysi

Fuel or fire: An exploration of psychological detachment in the entrepreneurial context

Entrepreneurs face challenging work-related stressors inherent to their occupation. Prolonged exposure to such stressors can have negative consequences on well-being and job satisfaction, which highlights the need for recovery from work-related stressors. This thesis focuses on psychological detachment (PD) as an impactful recovery process. Due to the characteristics of the entrepreneurial profess

Using LSTM for predictions of the regulating direction on the Swedish electricity intraday market

Electricity price prediction is increasingly important as the prices become more volatile due to the expan- sion of weather-dependent renewable electricity sources. The electricity market of focus in this thesis is the Nord pool intraday market and the regulating prices occurring on it. For actors trading on the intra- day market increased volatility implies greater risks since the regulating pric

Customer Journey in the Concept Store: An Analysis of Touchpoints and Journey Integration

Date: May 15, 2023 Keywords: customer experience, customer journey, customer touchpoints, concept store, journey integration dimensions Project Purpose: The following study aims to enhance understanding of how customers experience different touchpoints within the concept store throughout each stage of the customer journey, as well as, explore existing and new dimensions of the customer journey i

Improving the synthetic route towards linearly fused Tröger’s base analogues

The route towards linearly fused heptakis-Tröger’s base was followed using a 12 step synthesis route. Hope remains that the final compound will be purified to a satisfactory level within the near future. Additionally, characterizations of reaction intermediates has been completed, up to monoprotected tris-Tröger’s base which has been submitted for its final characterizations. A specifically design

@FORSVARSMAKTEN - En analys av visuell identitet på Instagram

This thesis examines how the Swedish Armed Forces communicates its visual identity through Instagram, one of the most popular social media platforms today. The purpose is to analyze which visual elements the Swedish Armed Forces use to express their identity, which visual elements appear most in their Instagram posts, and how their existing visual identity manual is reflected on the platform. We a

Deliverable of Work Package 7: : Common Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

Identification of opportunities and challenges for the development of a more sustainable animal production (“research and innovation needs”) and critical research capacity that needs to be maintained or newly established (“research funding collaboration”).Chapter A is setting the scene, introducing livestock production in Europe and the scope of this research agenda.Chapter B and annex 2 describe

Exploring the Use of Nordicness in Sustainability Messages: The Case of Nordic Fashion Brands

Being on everyone’s lips for years, the concept of sustainability has become an almost unavoidable phenomenon within contemporary business discourses and practice. In particular, has the Nordic fashion industry increasingly been infused by sustainability with a continuous growing public interest in buying sustainable products from companies that have embarked on a sustainable path. Despite a broad


Objective: The mechanisms and metabolomic profile underlying early vascular ageing have not been explored in the general population. We aimed to investigate the plasma metabolomic profile in aortic stiffness (vascular ageing) and associated risk of incident cardiovascular disease and mortality in the general population.Design and method: We analysed 108 metabolites in plasma of 5172 individuals fr


Personer med självskadebeteende och komplex psykisk ohälsa kan förväntas vara suicidnära. De kommer att vara suicidnära under hela den Brukarstyrda inläggningen (BI). På tre dagar kan vi inte ändra på det. Det kan ta år tills stress inte längre triggar suicidalitet. Det vi kan hjälpa till med under BI är stressen.Denna manual (med tillhörande utbildning som tillhandahålls som uppdragsutbildning fö