

Din sökning på "*" gav 533989 sökträffar

Patent Law and Green Technology: The role of patent law mechanisms in the development and diffusion of "green technologies"

Patent law has been prevalent in climate change discussions, as a factor linking technology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and the climate crisis. The inventive step, its set threshold and the environmental benefits for the assessment of its current state, are one of the paths where patent law can act as a potential promoter of green technologies. This paper aims to asses how patent law can

Gomp eller mugglare : En komparativ studie av den norska och den svenska översättningen av Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Denna masteruppsats baseras på en jämförande undersökning beträffande egennamn och benämningar i den norska och den svenska översättningen av J. K. Rowlings Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997). Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka skillnaderna i översättningsval mellan språken vad gäller kategorierna egennamn och benämningar samt om valen varierar beroende på kategori. Uppsatsen b

Between modernization and heritage: Sustainable rural tourism as a viable alternative for Transylvania's countryside.

Transylvania’s countryside, characterized by a mostly agrarian society with a rich multicultural heritage is being threatened by Romania’s tendencies of chaotic modernization and rapid urbanization. This research aims to find a viable solution for sustaining the cultural, natural, and social environment in rural Transylvania, by analysing the potential of tourism development. Integrated Rural Tour

An Ace Up the Organizational Sleeve – The Role of the Corporate Purpose and How Investor Relations Professionals Make Sense of It

This thesis addresses the role of the corporate purpose in strategic financial communication from the perspective of investor relations professionals (IRPs) with particular reference to their sensemaking process. Strategic financial communication increasingly includes intangible assets that contribute to the value of the company. At the same time, more and more companies are publishing corpora

Inclusive library for adolescents with dyslexia, ADHD, and/or autism

Schools and libraries in Sweden strive to be inclusive of all groups in society, particularly people with disabilities. Both actors are responsible for making knowledge available to all, as knowledge is a necessary precondition for a democratic society that is both inclusive and well-functional. This study was carried out on behalf of the Svane and Hedda schools in Lund, which will be co-located

De kriminellas springpojkar- en rättssociologisk studie av brottet främjande av ungdomsbrottslighet

Juvenile delinquency has become a recurring issue of debate in Sweden, which has led to an increased severity in penalties. SOU 2021:68 recently presented a legislative proposal suggesting the involvement of young people in criminal activity should be criminalized from July 2023. By examining how the need of the legislation is motivated, a main objective of this study is to gain a greater understa

Importance of communication strategies in online communities. Case study - Sounders

Although online communities are numerous on social media platforms like Facebook, the communication strategies can be very different. The current research analyses a single case study and its online community. Sounders is an Italian start-up focused on creating a recognized and academic path for whoever wants to undertake a DJ career. Moreover, by sharing values such as sharing and willingness, So

“De syns och hörs fastän de egentligen är gömda” - En kvalitativ studie om papperslösas situation och civilsamhällets betydelse

The aim of this study was to investigate the living situation of undocumented migrants in Sweden from a civil society perspective. The study also aimed to study how representatives from the civil society describe their work with undocumented migrants. The method used for the study was based on a qualitative approach where we conducted eight semi-structured interviews with representatives from diff

Hotellens hållbarhetsparadox

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att studera hållbarhet och hållbart HRM inom en hotellverksamhet och hur ledningen går tillväga med att kommunicera ut detta till sin personal. Studien ska bidra med en ökad förståelse för hållbarhet, hur man skapar socialt värde inom hotell och vilka utmaningar som finns med att förhålla sig till hållbarhet när gästerna är sensations- och nöjessökande. Frågeställning

Copyright and Abuse of Dominant Position in EU - Intersection Between Copyright Law and Abuse of Dominant Position in Situation of Refusal of License

Where intellectual property such as copyright, patent, industry property and design etc., focuses on the rewards of creative and inventive effort of IP owners and the rightsholders. Indeed, copyright of intellectual property provides and promotes an exclusive economic right to owner who creates any work, protected by the legal right under EU copyright law. The competition law promotes healthy comp

Performance of a New Tetra Recart® Package Storing Oxygen Sensitive Food

Tetra Recart® är ett innovativt, kartong-baserat förpackningsalternativ till konserverad mat. Tetra Pak® har sett en ökad efterfrågan på en mindre förpackningsvolym av Tetra Recart®, vilket har gjort att Tetra Recart® utvidgat förpackningsportfolion med en ny, mindre förpackning på 100 mL. Förpackningars dimensioner kan påverka hållbarhetstiden för det förpackade livsmedlet, där mindre förpackningTetra Recart® is an innovative, carton-based packaging alternative for canned foods. Tetra Pak® has seen an increasing demand of a smaller Tetra Recart® package size. Therefore, the Tetra Recart® package family has been extended with a new, smaller package volume of 100 mL. Package dimensions may impact the shelf life of the packed food, where a smaller package (with headspace) is suspected to hav

Hos vem vandrar tankarna? Frekvens av och individuella variationer i mind wandering

Denna studie har ämnat att undersöka relationen mellan mind wandering och personlighet. Tidigare forskning på området har gett en splittrad bild kring uppmätta korrelationer mellan specifika personlighetsdrag och mind wandering. Mind wandering mättes med skalan Mind Wandering Questionnaire och personlighet mättes med Big Five Inventory i en enkät. Fem hypoteser formulerades; mind wandering kommer The present study aimed to investigate the relation between mind wandering and personality. Prior research on the subject has shown varied results on correlations between specific personality traits and mind wandering. Mind wandering frequency was measured using Mind Wandering Questionnaire and personality was measured using Big Five Inventory in the form of a survey. Five hypotheses were formulat

The Rattlin' Bog: The role of cultural values in discourse around peatland use in Ireland

Ireland is reducing its reliance on turf (peat fuel), as draining peatlands for fuel-harvest impacts biodiversity and global warming. Turf-cutting is a historically important practice in Ireland, with many relying on it for fuel and employment. This study examines the role of cultural values in discourse around peatland use in Ireland, to support a Just Transition away from a reliance on peat. Thi

Skolkuratorers arbete med elever med utländsk bakgrund

The aim of this study is to examine school counselors experiences of working with students with foregin background. Based on school counselors' experiences we wanted to draw attention to the students' social situation and well-being as well as how they view their role and competence in working with these students. Conducting of findings was done with a qualitative approach and through semi

Human rights versus the traditional family: Implications of the European Court of Human Rights' standard of review in cases concerning Articles 8 and 12

Against the background of a conservative push against LGBTI+ and women’s rights, in which courts have already become battlefields, it is important to look at how the European Court of Human Rights, a leading human rights adjudicator both in Europe and globally, would respond to arguments made in the name of human rights but whose real purpose is to limit the rights and freedoms of women and LGBTI+


In this project, I address the difficulties Swedish physicians face in the performance of headache care at primary health care cen- ters. Workflows in the current system have financial, political, communicational, and time-related shortcomings which decrease the possibility to provide equal headache care across the com- plete country. By performing interviews, literature studies, and a human-c

Greening Humanitarian Aid: A case study on environmental mainstreaming in the Minawao Refugee Camp in Cameroon

This thesis is a qualitative case study on greening policies in the Minawao Refugee Camp in far-northern Cameroon. It thoroughly investigates the actors and dynamics of humanitarian aid and specifically explores how environmental mainstreaming can shape humanitarian governance. The case was chosen due to its unique policies and programmes that aim to green the refugee camp and use a participat

Third Party Benefit and Implications for Input VAT Deduction

Abstract The principle of fiscal neutrality is at the core of the EU VAT system. Neutrality in the EU VAT system comprises of two main elements, that is, equal treatment of taxable persons in the same situation and giving taxable persons the right to deduct input VAT for cost components. The right to deduction is an important element of the VAT system to achieve fiscal neutrality. Deductibility en

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This thesis is a compilation of the academic reception to La Disparition of Georges Perec, a lipogram. By analysing a width of academic articles concerning La Disparition throughout fields and eras the aim is to describe tendencies in the analytical reception, in the linguistic as well as the literary field. The articles treat many themes, amongst some are the symbolisation of the missing letter E