Din sökning på "*" gav 529371 sökträffar
Modulation of membrane traffic by microorganisms.
Differential response of delayed healing and persistent inflammation at sites of overlapping sirolimus- or paclitaxel-eluting stents
Background - Although effective coverage of challenging coronary lesions has warranted the use of overlapping drug-eluting stents, the histopathological response to stent overlap is unknown. Methods and Results - The arterial reaction to overlapping Cypher or Taxus drug-eluting stents was examined in rabbits with bare metal stents, BxVelocity or Express, serving as controls. Single iliac artery ba
Superoxide as an obligatory, catalytic intermediate in photosynthetic reduction of oxygen by adrenaline and dopamine.
The superoxide anion radical is known to be the first product of photosynthetic reduction of oxygen mediated by a variety of electron carriers. The effectiveness of many of these electron carriers as herbicides, and the toxicity of the superoxide they produce, have been suggested to rule out oxygen reduction as a physiological component of normal photosynthesis. Here results with isolated spinach
In Celebration of Blasphemy: The Strange Musings of Zhang Zhiyang
The Presence of a Catalytically Inactive Form of Hormone-Sensitive Lipase Is Associated With Decreased Lipolysis in Abdominal Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue of Obese Subjects.
High resolution polarization spectroscopy and laser induced fluorescence of CO2 around 2 mu m
High resolution Infrared Polarisation Spectroscopy (IRPS) and Infrared Laser Induced Fluorescence (IRLIF) techniques were used to probe CO2/N-2 binary gas mixture at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature. The probed CO2 molecules were prepared by laser excitation to an overtone and combination ro-vibrational state (12(0)1, J = 15) of CO2, centred at 4988.6612 cm(-1). IRPS and IRLIF line pro
Molecular and functional studies of the BCR/ABL1 fusion gene
Popular Abstract in Swedish Molekylärgenetiska och funktionella studier av BCR/ABL1 fusionsgenen: Det finns tre sorters blodkroppar, röda, vita och trombocyter, som alla bildas från gemensamma stamceller i benmärgen. När stamcellerna delar sig bildas det antingen nya stamceller eller förstadier till blodkroppar som efter ytterligare delningar blir till mogna blodkroppar. Ibland uppkommer särskildThe BCR/ABL1 fusion gene is associated with chronic myeloid leukemia and a subgroup of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The general aim of this thesis was to increase the understanding of BCR/ABL1-induced leukemogenesis by molecular and functional studies of this fusion gene. In Article I, an experimental U937 cell line model with inducible expression of BCR/ABL1 was established and characterized. Ex
Percutaneous placement of stents in chronic iliac and aortic occlusive disease
OBJECTIVES: to evaluate the long-term results of stenting in iliac and aortic occlusive disease and identify factors predicting clinical outcome. Design: retrospective study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 82 patients (87 limbs) with stenoses (n =63) and occlusions (n =24) in the aortoiliac segment were treated with stents. 81 lesions involved the iliac arteries, 3 the infrarenal aorta and 3 the aortic bi
Imaging in gynecological disease (1): ultrasound features of metastases in the ovaries differ depending on the origin of the primary tumor
Objective To describe the gray-scale and color Doppler ultrasound findings of metastatic tumors in the ovary according to the origin of the primary tumor. Methods Information was retrieved retrospectively from 67 patients who had undergone preoperative transvaginal gray-scale and color Doppler ultrasound examination and who were found subsequently to have metastatic tumors in their ovaries. In all
Performance Analysis and Optimization via Simulation
A large amount of scientific work has been carried out to enhance the methods used for design and control of technical systems. For many of these systems, the main objective is to utilize the limited resources in an optimal way. Different simulation techniques have, in many cases, been successfully applied to the analysis. When working with technical systems, it is important to have a common notat
Platinum on alumina, titania, and magnesia supports for the combustion of methanol in a waste gas with trace amount of ammonia
Pt (0.1 wt.%) on Al2O3, TiO2, and MgO supports were used for the low temperature combustion of methanol in both the absence and the presence of ammonia. Without NH3 in the gas the performance for the complete combustion decreases in the order Pt/MgO greater than or equal to Pt/TiO2 much greater than Pt/Al2O3 comparing a fixed amount of Pt surface area. In the presence of ammonia strong deactivatio
A novel approach for characterization of exopolymeric material in sewage sludge
The digestibility of sludge is dependent on the content of organic extra-cellular polymeric substances. Currently the most appropriate and rapid assessment methods for the organic content of wastewater are the chemical oxygen demand and volatile solids values. These parameters also measure the non-biodegradable organics. We have developed a method to predict sewage sludge digestibility and the app
Respective effects of end-expiratory and end-inspiratory pressures on alveolar recruitment in acute lung injury
Objective. A low tidal volume can induce alveolar derecruitment in patients with acute lung injury. This study was undertaken to evaluate whether this resulted mainly from the decrease in tidal volume per se or from the reduction in end-inspiratory plateau pressure and whether there is any benefit in raising the level of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) while plateau pressure is kept consta
Kritiska vattenmättnadsgradsmetoden : en generell metod för bedömning av materials och konstruktioners frostbeständighet
The Visible Palm: Market Failures, Industrial Policy and the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vilken roll staten kan och bör spela för att få till stånd ekonomisk utveckling hör till den ekonomiska vetenskapens äldsta debatter. Trots detta har tidigare forskning ofta fokuserat på hur en rad statliga interventioner påverkar den statiska effektiviteten. Få studier har försökt studera hur statlig intervention och en aktiv näringspolitik påverkar så kallad dynamisk What role the state should and can play in bringing about economic development is one of the longest standing debates in the economic sciences. Yet, previous research has mostly focused on how a variety of industrial policies affect static efficiency. Few studies have tried to analyze how industrial policy and government intervention affects dynamic efficiency, i.e. an economy's ability to generat
Scale-up of pervaporation for the recovery of natural aroma compounds in the food industry Part 2: optimisation and integration
In this study the integration and optimisation of hydrophobic pervaporation for the recovery of natural aroma compounds in the food industry has been studied. The simulation developed in the first part of this study was applied to the design and scale-up of pervaporation units for the recovery of natural apple juice aroma. Both semi-batch and continuous process configurations were considered and t
On the Asymptotic Estimates of Least Squares Identification
Analysis of a digital clock for molecular computing
The control of synthetic genetic regulatory networks is an emerging engineering challenge. In this study, we propose a new synthetic genetic network that behaves as a digital clock, producing square waveform oscillations. We analyze two models of the network: a deterministic model based on Michaelis-Menten kinetics, as well as a stochastic model based on the Gillespie algorithm. Both models predic