

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Straff eller behandling? En inblick i den slutna ungdomsvården

Abstract This assignment is an examinationpaper on behalf of School of social studies at the University of Lund. The essay is about penalty and treatment in the Swedish youth welfare. Present-day Swedish youth welfare has on behalf of the legal system to implement penalty to the adolescence but also give them treatment for the coming life. We think it can be a problem to use these to aspects in

Women of Jordan -A Minor Field Study about women in a developing country

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how young women in urban and rural areas of Jordan, a developing country, think about their role in the family, education and work. We also want to see which strategies they use to navigate in the family as a social system in a changing context. The study is based on 12 interviews with Jordanian women where six live in urban and six live in rural areas.

An Investigation of Exchange Rates in the Tam Giang-Cau Hai Lagoon System, Vietnam, through Hydrodynamic Modeling

The Tam Giang-Cau Hai lagoon system, two inter-connected and naturally occurring coastal lagoons located in the Thua Thien-Hue province of Vietnam, comprises two inlets: Thuan An and Tu Hien. The Thuan An and Tu Hien inlets connect the lagoon system to the South China Sea and they are subjected to morphologic changes due to sediment transport effects. The magnitude of sediment transport is determi

Turkiet i EU?

Germany is the country in the EU with the biggest population of Turks, about 2, 8 million. Does this influence Germany’s thoughts about a Turkish EU membership? The paper will survey the German debate about a Turkish membership in the EU and also try to analyse if there are some hidden motives behind the arguments. It focuses on the debate between the political parties in the German parliament. Th

"Man måste brinna för att bli bränd" - en studie om en grupp kvinnors upplevelse av utbrändhet

ABSTRACT Author: Aferdita Haxha, Anna-lena Hulander Title: ”Man måste brinna för att bli bränd” – en studie om en grupp kvinnors upplevelse av utbrändhet Supervisor: Anders Lundberg Assessor: Mats Hilte The aim with this essay was to examine seven women’s experiences regarding burn-out. Furthermore we looked at what emotions these women experienced during their burn-out period and how their rec

Biofuels - as a Necessary Evil? Report from a Minor Field Study in Kipo, Tanzania

This paper gives an introduction to the pro and cons towards biofuel in the current international debate. The thesis is empirically based on fieldwork in Tanzania and presents a specific biofuel investment from the Swedish company SEKAB (Swedish Ethanol Chemistry AB). The location of fieldwork was in the Rufiji District where SEKAB plans to invest. The study’s focus is on the present quality of li

Ungdomar som personrånar - en kvalitativ studie av polisers och socialsekreterares förklaringsmodeller kring personrån som utförs av ungdomar

The purpose of the essay is to examine explanations offered by both police and social workers for street robbery committed by juveniles. Our conclusions are based on the findings from a series of semi structured qualative interwievs conducted with social workers and police from Landskrona and Malmö. These findings have been analyzed using hypotheses suggested by Merton´s anomie/strain theory and H

Personlig assistent - en beskrivning och analys av yrket

The aim with the study was to describe and analyze the profession “personlig assistant” in Lunds kommun. The study was based on interviews with five assistants and one employer/ chief working for Lunds kommun. Eight themes were identified and discussed: tasks, working hours, working environment, the relationship between the assistant and the client, the balance of power between the assistant and t

Medling vid ungdomsbrott - Lekmannamedlare eller tjänstemannamedlare?

Since January 1st, 2008, there is a law in Sweden prescribing that all municipalities must be able to offer youths under 21 years of age mediation in case of crime. When mediating, two different kinds of mediators are used, one being a professional mediator and the other one a layman mediator. The purpose of my essay has been to examine how two rather small municipalities use laymen mediators and

Interkulturell kunskap i socialtjänsten - En kvalitativ studie av tre socialkontor i Malmö

The purpose of this essay was to explore the meaning of interculturality and intercultural competence and its importance in social work. In Malmö there are currently over 285 000 citizens representing 170 different nationalities speaking over a hundred different languages. Is this diversity being exploited within the social services in Malmö, and if so in what ways? Our empirical material is based

Vet socialen bättre än mormor? - En kvalitativ studie av medias rapportering av socialtjänstens arbete med barn och unga

The purpose of this essay was to describe and analyze how media report on Swedish social services’ work with children and adolescents and if this has changed over time. The theoretical and methodological perspective applied was a discourse analytic approach from which 15 articles from a big national Swedish newspaper was selected. In addition have two qualitative interviews been carried out, one w

Privatizing an Uncontested Public Good - The Rise of Transnational Corporate Military Service Provision

The provision of military and armed security services typically is the monopoly domain of the state. With the end of the Cold War legitimate private firms, however, expanded as worldwide providers of military and security services. The proliferation of private military companies echoes back to pre-modern eras when it was customary for state rulers to allocate force and security through the market.

Praktisk teori - om relationen mellan (samhälls)teori och (det sociala arbetets) praktik

Utifrån Bourdieus (1977, 1990, 1995) förståelse av kroppslig och praktisk logik – med utvidgad förståelse av agentens handlingsutrymme – har jag genom fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnor från ROKS-anslutna kvinnojourer diskuterat samhällsteorins samspel med praxis i det rumsliga görandet av socialt arbete. Genom uppsatsen utmanar jag förståelsen för det rumsliga ramverk inom vilket det By letting Bourdieu’s (1977, 1990, 1995) theory of bodily and practical logic – with a broader sense of the agent’s acting space – meet the data extracted from four semi-structured interviews made with women working at ROKS’ women’s shelters, this thesis explores the interaction between social theory and practice in the contextual making of social work. Throughout this thesis I challenge that cont

Fastighetsuppskovsregeln - stridande mot de EG-rättsliga reglerna om fri rörlighet av arbetstagare och kapital

Skatterätten är ett av de rättsområden som tydligt påverkats av Sveriges anslutning till EU. Den indirekta beskattningen har bearbetats markant efter direktiv på EG-nivå. Även den direkta beskattningen har påverkats, framförallt genom fördragsbestämmelserna om fri rörlighet och icke-diskriminering. Uppsatsen behandlar huruvida den svenska regeln om uppskov med skatt från realisationsvinst för fast

Preliminary rulings and the co-operation between national and European Courts.

The topic of this thesis is the preliminary ruling institution found in article 234 EC and especially the obligation of national courts of last instance to refer questions to the Court of Justice in paragraph three of this article. This institution is based on a co-operation between the ECJ and national courts giving each of the two types of courts their own tasks and responsibilities. More specif

Arvsrättens grund - en studie av arvsrättens framväxt på tre områden

Som alla andra områden av vårt rättsystem så existerar inte arvsrätten i ett vakuum. Rätten påverkas av sin omgivning. En reglering kan ses som ett fält där olika intressen kämpar om att påverka regleringens innehåll och därmed också utseende. Hur en reglering ser ut är beroende av hur maktförhållandena mellan dessa olika påverkande faktorer inom regleringen ser ut. Grunden för arvsrätten är allts

Russian cluster policy: a feasible task?

A particular concern of this paper is to observe the evolvement of such huge economy in transition as Russia. Russia’s aspiration to catch-up with economic development of Western countries makes her to apply similar strategies copying best practices. With help of cluster building Russian authorities aim at creation of innovation economy and distancing from dependency on natural resources. By looki

Alternative Islamic Human Rights

Human Rights and Islam is a subject which has been of great interest in many circles. The debate on whether Islam and the UN definition on Human Rights are compatible has raised many voices and concerns, the debate has mainly focused on the unsuitability of Sharia and it’s undermining of minorities. The purpose of this essay is to look at the relationship between Islam and Human Rights, mainly thr