

Din sökning på "*" gav 539867 sökträffar

Corporate Social Responsibility in Chinese state owned enterprises

The interest in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has grown tremendously within the last decades. Due to the pressure from different stakeholders, this concept was introduced by multinational corporations (MNC) in China. Since the strong focus on economic growth has been determining the way of doing business, environmental and social concerns were not taken into account appropriately. Since MN

Analysis and Design of the Tool Holder Orientation System for a PKM

Parallel kinematik machines are nowadays an important branch of investigation in the robotics field. Its design allows for high speeds, accelerations and tool forces as well as makes them ideals for faster cycle times and high repeatability works. TAU is a parallel kinematic machine from ABB Company with three degrees of freedom. Therefore, it can be positioned anywhere of the workspace but not or

Concept Study of a Column-Mounted Plate Condeser

This thesis is conducted in collaboration with Alfa Laval Lund AB. Alfa Laval is a world leading producer of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling equipment. The products help Alfa Laval’s customers to heat, cool, separate and transfer products such as oil, water, chemicals, beverages, starch and pharmaceuticals in over 100 countries all over the world. The hardening competition together wi

Applying Knowledge Based Engineering at Volvo Parts

The focus of company’s aftermarket is no longer only the “machine shop” where aftermarket finds solutions to offer spare parts to the customers. Instead aftermarket is focused on technological improvements that continue to change and improve on the way aftermarket operates. The way aftermarket operates has shifted from reading documents to be more integrated with computers and the next step is, fo

Commuting patterns in one- and two-earner households in the USA: An empirical investigation of common preference utility

This paper examines the effect of various factors on the commuting behaviour of one- and two- worker households. The households' choices in the land- and labour markets are modeled in the context of Becker's common-preference framework. The empirical investigation using data from the 2007 American Community Survey also tests the Household Responsibility Hypothesis. I find that women have s

Flashspel åt SITA

SITA är ett av Sveriges ledande företag inom återvinning och avfallshantering. En av målgrupperna som är extra svåra att nå är barn i de yngre åldrarna. Det är till denna grupp som jag fick i uppdrag av SITA att göra ett flashspel som försöker fånga deras intresse för återvinning och källsortering av hushållssopor. Jag fick fria händer att skapa en applikation med ett eller flera spel som tilltala

Ledarstil och personlighet hos svenska bankchefer

Syftet med denna studie var att, med hjälp av frågeformulär, undersöka hur mellanchefers (n=22) personlighetsegenskaper korrelerar med deras ledarstil. Området är relativt outforskat. Samtliga deltagare rekryterades från en svensk bank och formulären som användes är validerade mätinstrument. Tre hypoteser formulerades, där den första förutsatte ett signifikant samband mellan dimensionerna extraver

The Potential Role of Web 2.0 in Internal Collaboration

This study has focused on how Web 2.0 tools may affect the company collaboration process. Those tools which are used internally by organizations for messaging, chatting, online meetings, weekly reports, online video lecture base, bugs/error reporting, working monthly hours reporting etc. are studied. The employees have been studying organizations from the perspective of collaboration. We have inte

EU Battlegroups – “Ambitious but rubbish?”

A substantial development of the EU’s military capabilities has occurred over the past ten years, and the Battlegroups form a rapid response element of these capabilities. The Battlegroups are however relatively small and have a limited capability when it comes to combat tasks, they are more suited to peacekeeping missions or assisting in humanitarian operations. They have been active for almost f

Kosovo - En fråga om legitim existens

I denna studie undersöks det huruvida Kosovos självständighet var ett legitimt övertramp gentemot internationel rätt eller om Kosovo hade såväl internationella rättigheter som moraliska att utropa sig som en självständig stat. Inte sedan Balkankrigets blodiga slut har Europa hållt andan som när Kosovo deklarerade sig själva som en suverän stat helt fria ifrån Serbien. Nu återstår det en svårlöst u

Avskaffandet av ATP - En studie i Socialdemokraternas agerande

ATP-reformen på 1960-talet var kärnan och vägvisaren för den socialdemokratiska politiken de nästkommande decennierna. Detta system avvecklades 1998 under en Socialdemokratisk regeringen till förmån för ett mer liberalt pensionssystem. Det första vi visar i uppsatsen är att ett avstamp från klassisk socialdemokratisk politik har gjorts. Resten av uppsatsen ägnas åt att förklara detta avstamp genom

Kommunala maktcentrum - centrum och periferi i kommunfullmäktige

In this essay three factors, with importance for how proportionally centre and periphery in Swedish municipalities are represented in the local government, are studied. The factors are constituencies in the elections to the local government, the geographical extent of the municipalities and the relative importance of the main town or city in the municipality. By comparing how proportionally centre

Federalismens påverkan på den tjetjenska konflikten

Uppsatsen diskuterar federalismen och de för- och nackdelar den kan innebära i ett område som är etniskt delat. Vi har valt att titta närmare på Tjetjenien och hur Rysslands federala politik har haft en inverkan på konflikten där. Uppsatsens centrala moment är federalismens möjliga konfliktlösande effekter och den decentralisering och centraliserings politik som Ryssland fört. Vi kommer sedan att

Direct load control for electricity supply and demand matching - Increasing reliability of wind energy?

In Sweden as well as in The Netherlands energy policy is increasingly aiming at extending the use of renewable sources. In accordance with the targets of the European Union, both countries have formulated national targets for the year 2020. For wind energy these targets are 30.0 TWh of electricity in Sweden and a total installed capacity of 10.0 GW in The Netherlands. Wind is an inflexible, variab

Complexity Reduction. Managing the complexity of global product development to enable component reuse

Problem Complexity drives cost as it makes standardization and control difficult. The problem studied here is to identify which parts of these costs that are justified by creating competitive advantage and value to customer. What parts of the ConsEl new product development process add value, and how is this added value utilized? How can the non-value adding complexity of the new product developmen

The Influence of Macroeconomic Factors on the Probability of Default

The purpose of this study is to quantitatively verify the relationship between corporate default probability and macroeconomic information. The purpose is further to compare the results of the panel data analysis for the firms from the Large Cap Index with the empirical findings generated by a similar model for the firms from the Mid & Small Cap Indexes. Also, the study aims to examine to whic