

Din sökning på "*" gav 529723 sökträffar

Pedagogical agents: Pedagogical interventions via integration of task-oriented and socially oriented conversation.

The paper discusses the motivation for and outcome of the addition of socially oriented so called “off-task” conversational abilities to an existing “teachable agent” (TA) in an educational mathematics game. The purpose of the extension is to affect constructs known to promote learning, such as self-efficacy and engagement, as well as enhancing students’ experiences of the game. A comparison of st

Servants of Fortune. The Swedish court between 1598 and 1721

In what has been seen as an age of increasing bureaucratisation, did it matter who was close to the monarch? Since the monarch embodied supreme wordly power, the way in which daily life at court was organised was of great importance. One function of the early modern court was, in the words of Geoffrey Elton, to act as a point of contact between monarch and élite. I have chosen to test this hypothe

Hur organiseras samarbete mellan politiker och tjänstemän

I den här rapporten behandlas en i kommunsammanhang ständigt aktuell fråga, nämligen samarbete mellan ledande politiker och tjänstemän. Sådant samarbete måste organiseras lokalt i varje enskild kommun, eftersom staten inte reglerar det i kommunallagen eller på annat sätt. Ledande politiker och tjänstemän har skilda förutsättningar. Politikerna är förtroendevalda på så sätt att de får sina uppdrag

Performance analysis of general charge sampling

This paper focuses on the performance analysis of general charge sampling circuits that have been applied in signal capture. The theoretical analysis applies not only for small signal capture, but also for normal signal sampling. Based on a general charge sampling model, the transferring function, together with noise transference, clock jitter tolerance, and clock feedthrough effects, are analysed

Theoretical and engineering aspects on the gasification of biomass

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste tjugo åren har omfattande arbete och resurser lagts ner på basforskning inom termokemisk omvandling av alternativa bränslen och dess tillämpningsområden. De termokemiska omvandlingsprocesserna här avser närmast s k pyrolys- och förgasning-processer vilka till stor del är baserade på teknik hämtad från kolforskningen. Idag görs försök att finna vägar attDuring the past twenty years, considerable efforts have been invested in fundamental research on the thermochemical conversion of alternative solid fuels and on its areas of application. Today, the attempt is being made to develop processes for upgrading those fuels to become easy accessible energy sources of high efficiency. The thesis concerns thermochemical means for utilizing biomass. Light i