

Din sökning på "*" gav 533459 sökträffar

Införlivandet av det nya upphandlingsdirektivet utifrån ett konkurrensperspektiv - Vad blir konsekvenserna för små och medelstora företag i Sverige?

Bakgrund: Europas utveckling styrs för närvarande av Kommissionens strategi Europa 2020. Det huvudsakliga syftet med strategin är att utveckla en konkurrenskraftig och social marknadsekonomi. Direktivet om offentlig upphandling 2014/24/EU används här som ett sätt för att säkerställa den mest effektiva användningen av offentliga medel och samtidigt garantera fri tillgång till marknaden. För att kunBackground Europe’s development is currently governed by the Commission’s strategy Europe 2020. The main purpose of the strategy is to develop a competitive and social market economy. In this sense, the public procurement Directive 2014/24/EU, is used as means to ensure the most efficient use of public funds, while at the same time guarantee the free access to the European market. In order to achi

HR-chefer och modet att tänka ett varv till genom ett kritiskt förhållningssätt. -En hermeneutisk studie i offentlig sektor

HR-transformationskonceptet har inspirerat flera kommuner i Sverige att omorganisera. Gemensamt stöd har centrali-serats och HR-chefen i verksamheten har fått ett tydligare ledningsperspektiv. Utifrån förändringen har HR-cheferna i förvaltningarna fått en viktig funktion att koppla samman det stadsgemensamma med det förvaltningsspecifika. Syftet i denna studie är att beskriva HR-chefers förståelse

Ansvarsgenombrott - En analys av oskrivna undantag från aktieägares avsaknad av ansvar för bolagets förpliktelser

Uppsatsen handlar om de icke lagfästa principerna för ansvarsgenombrott i ett aktiebolag. Högsta domstolen har flera gånger med hänsyn till dessa principer ålagt aktieägare ett personligt betalningsansvar för aktiebolagets skulder, trots att ett aktiebolags främsta kännetecken är att dess aktieägare inte har något personligt betalningsansvar för bolagets förpliktelser enligt 1 kap. 3 § ABL. AktiebThe essay is about the non-statutory principles of the corporate veil of a corporation. The Supreme Court has several times with regard to these principles imposed shareholders a personal liability for the limited company's liabilities. This despite the fact that a limited liability company's main characteristic is that its shareholders have no personal liability for the company's obli

Isothermal Calorimetric Studies of Cocoa Butter Polymorphism

The quality of chocolate relies almost completely on its cocoa butter content. Solidifying the cocoa butter into the desired polymorph and maintaining it over storage to give a glossy and firm chocolate with a perfect snap is a concern of every chocolatier. In past studies on cocoa butter crystallization, various techniques such as Differential Scanning Calorimetry, X-ray diffraction, Magnetic Res

Dress for success- En kvantitativ attitydundersökning gällande klädsel i socionomens yrkesroll

Authors: Alexandra Lindell & Elin Moberg Title: Dress for success - A quantitative study of attitudes regarding dress codes in professional social work Supervisor: Anna Tegunimataka Assessor: Elizabeth Martinell Barfoed The aim of this study was to examine and chart attitudes towards clothing amongst social work students as well as professional social workers. The target groups consist of so

Hollandes ’Afrika’: Elev, vän eller jämlike?

How is ’Africa’ depicted in the speeches held by François Hollande in Central and West Africa? By utilizing Foucauldian discourse analysis and a post-colonial perspective, the aim of this study is to explore which discourses are prevalent in the depiction of ’Africa’ in seven of the speeches delivered by the French president in in Senegal, Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea and Ivory C


Since the 1950’s the number of twins, born in Sweden have increased because of the possibility of IVF treatment, and women are increasingly older nowadays, when having the first child/children. Being parents of two children in the same age will cause difficulties in everyday life that is beyond what most other parents experience. Many parents have troubles with carrying their toddlers,. Mental an

Wastewater to renewable energy at a tapioca factory in Vietnam

Under en tio veckors period i Vietnam hösten 2014 genomförde jag ett SIDA finansierat projekt med målet att hitta enkla och billiga lösningar på hur en befintlig biogasanläggning som behandlar industriellt avloppsvatten från en tapiokafabrik skulle förbättras. Jag gjorde mätningar på vattnet som gick in och ut ur lagunen för att försöka komma fram till vad som skedde där inne, och vad det var för Anaerobic digestion is a cost-effective way of treating high organic content wastewater, as it efficiently removes large amounts of organics at the same time as biogas is produced. The production of starch from cassava roots, named tapioca, creates large amounts of high organic content wastewater and uses large amounts of thermal energy for drying the starch. At Wusons tapioca factory in southern

Differences between white and grey dunes in abundance and species richness of discomycetes on ammophila arenaria, and a study of intraspecific variation in Albotricha acutipila

The aim of this study was to find out how discomycetes growing on European Marram grass, Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link, are distributed in relation to white and grey dunes. The result indicates that discomycetes are more common in the white dune area, but the difference was not statistically significant. The study also includes a genetic study of intraspecific variation in the species Albotricha ac

When the State Fails: The Rise of Informal Civil Society Organizations in Greece

This thesis by using quantitative and qualitative data investigates the new forms of social and political collective action that rose after the financial crisis of 2009 in Greece. It attempts to study the rise of Informal Civil Society Organizations (ICSO) through the use of the research question, how can we understand the rise of informal civil society organizations in Greece after the onset of t

Empowerment: En begreppsanalys av kvinnlig empowerment i svensk biståndsverksamhet

This essay is a concept analysis of women empowerment in Swedish foreign aid. It aims to clarify different views of empowerment with the help of earlier research. With help of this concept analysis a case study is conducted on an international training program led by the organisation International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD). The case study attempts to portray how a giver and a receiver of f

Gruppbehandling av talängslan vid en studenthälsa- en kvantitativ förstudie i reguljär verksamhet

Våga tala-kursen har under flera år funnits tillgänglig för studenter vid en högskola som behandling för talängslan. Behandlingen har bedrivits i grupp, med inriktning mot KBT. Den här studien syftade till att med kvantitativa metoder i form av självskattningsformulär undersöka effekten av denna behandling. Studiens frågeställning var om deltagarna i en våga tala-kurs skattade upplevda symtom och The Dare to speak course (“Våga tala”) has for several years been available to students at a college as a treatment for speech anxiety. The treatment was conducted in a groupformat, and based on CBT principles. This study aimed to investigate the effect of this treatment, using quantitative methods in the form of self-assessment questionnaires. The study's research question was whether the par

Legitimation and the Masses

No state can do very well without perceived as legitimate. While the state’s efforts to legitimate its power is well covered in the literature, the ordinary people’s role in legitimacy is less investigated. This study is informed by the notion that legitimacy is a relational concept. Legitimacy is created in the interaction between ruler and ruled. The power structure is dependent on the people’s

Bortom Sveriges gränser, inom krigets ramar - En analys av svenska partiers rättfärdigande av ett förbud för svenskar som krigar utomlands

This thesis aims to investigate how the parties represented in the Swedish parliament justify the ban for Swedish citizens to wage war for any army except the Swedish. The analyzed material has been collected through personal interviews with each party’s legislative spokesmen. The method used to analyze the material is an analysis of ideas inspired by Torbjörn Aronson’s morphological content analy

Biståndspolitik som en Coca-Colafabrik. En diskursanalys av New Public Management och andra styrningsideal i svenskt bistånd 2005-2015

This study’s main purpose is to, through discourse analysis, reveal how and to what extent New Public Management is reflected within the Swedish international development assistance and related politics during the period 2005-2015. The study also aims to explore whether there are other visible steering concepts, in order to discuss ”what comes after New Public Management”. With the help of a the

The Social Responsibility of Corporations – Give the environment a break

This study examines Nestlé and their CSR engagement from an environmental aspect, focusing on deforestation and their use of palm oil. Being the world’s largest producer of food and beverages they are a target for public scrutiny when engaging in CSR initiatives. Using Archie B. Carroll’s pyramid of CSR and Lyon & Maxwell’s theory of corporate environmentalism will localise the predominant fac

Crisis Preperation - The case of Katrina, New Orleans

The purpose of this thesis is to understand the importance of crisis preparation for disaster management in New Orleans before hurricane Katrina, and why New Orleans was so badly prepared despite knowing for several years that a disaster of Katrina’s magnitude was much likely to struck at this time. The study is based on secondary literature in the form of articles, web documentaries and investiga

The case that is Bildt: En VICS-odyssé i Carl Bildts Operational Code i kölvattnet till Georgienkriget

This thesis is an attempt to identify possible changes in the operational code of the former Swedish minister for foreign affairs Carl Bildt following the Georgian war of August 2008. The analysis uses the VICS (Verbs In Context System) coding scheme developed by Stephen G. Walker, Mark Schafer and Michael D. Young to quantitively analyze public speeches made by Bildt from before and after the war

Alliansen som delade norden - En studie av de nordiska staternas vägval i Natofrågan år 1949

The signing of the North Atlantic Treaty on the 4th of April 1949 became a watershed for the Nordic states and divided the normally very homogenous groupinto two separate camps. By examining this phenomenon from three different methodological approaches, this thesis aims to explain why the division occurred. The methodological approaches are sectioned into macro meso and micro levels in order to d

Shedding light on the European Union’s Development Cooperation after Lisbon Treaty

The concept of poverty as a development and a security issue has been fairly commonplace since the end of Cold War and poverty has been gaining importance in the security agenda of the EU throughout the years. Thus Lisbon Treaty has legally and instructionally enhanced the Union’s capacities to ensure policy coherence and has given poverty reduction utmost importance among its development cooperat