

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

Användarutbildning – En kritisk framgångsfaktor

Implementationen av informationssystem kan vara en mycket omfattande process och därför har ett antal framgångsfaktorer identifierats, faktorer som måste beaktas för att implementationen ska lyckas. En av dessa är användarutbildning där det i forskningen bland annat uppmanas att anpassa utbildningsmetoderna till personernas, som ska utbildas, olika inlärningsstilar. En persons inlärningsstil är de

Bivariate VaR Estimation in energy forwards – An Extreme Value Approach with Copulas and GARCH Volatility

The overall goal of this thesis is to examine the effect specific model components, GARCH, EVT and copula, have when examining the possible losses that can occur when holding a portfolio of financial energy contracts within different markets. Daily closing prices of financial monthly forward contracts from 2008-2012 are used in this study. The contracts are in the Nordic and German power markets a

Growing Tiny Houses: Motivations and Opportunities for Expansion Through Niche Markets

The increase in population and urbanization has led to widespread concern about the resulting volume of consumption. This is especially problematic in the housing market, where home size continues to grow. In the United States the average size of a single-family home has doubled since 1950, leading to a profound environmental impact. This paper will seek to address the problem of overconsumption b

Waste Management Reform and Revision of Packaging and Packaging Waste EPR System. The Case of Finland

The packaging waste problem was realized a couple decades ago. The effectiveness of waste policy instruments and EPR schemes for packaging and packaging waste is still being discussed in Europe. Finland like other EU Member states has transposed EU waste legislation into the national law. An EPR system for packaging and packaging waste in Finland was introduced in 1997. Plenty of changes to this E

On Modeling Insurance Claims using Copulas

In this master's thesis, a copula approach is used to model the number of claims made by a customer holding three insurances. It is important for insurance companies to have good models for the risk proles of their customers, and the number of claims is a key element in calculating the expected cost for the company. Using copulas, multivariate distribution functions are allowed to have any des

”Vi ska inte vara den där vita fläcken på kartan” - En fallstudie om etableringen av underhållsbehandling i Blekinge län

Läkemedelsassisterad rehabilitering vid opiatberoende (LARO) är i Sverige en kontroversiell behandlingsform. Tillgång till behandlingen har ökat under det senaste decenniet och idag erbjuder alla landsting LARO. Landstinget Blekinge är det sista landstinget som startade ett lokalt LARO-program. Denna fallstudie studerar den etableringsprocess som mynnade ut i en beroendeenhet som erbjuder LARO ino

Finanskrisen, en studie om Irland och Island

This essay concerns the financial crisis with a focus on Iceland and Ireland. We try to describe the events leading up to the crisis, the causes behind it and what factors were the most important. Furthermore we try to analyze what variables affect the GDP-gap prior to and after the crisis in the two countries. The reason we chose the two countries are their many similarities and the crucial diffe

Ett vardagsverktyg för stresshantering i grupp

Stress beskrivs som ett ökande problem i arbetslivet, och åtgärder av stressprofylaktisk karaktär efterfrågas ofta från företagshälsovårdens kunder. Företagshälsovården har ett flertal olika metoder för stressprofylaktiska insatser, och den trestegsmodell som beskrivs och utvärderas i uppsatsen har jag utvecklat i praktisk tillämpat arbete. Studiens syfte var att utvärdera om det var möjligt att p

Viktiga faktorer vid val av Business Intelligence-verktyg

Med en Business Intelligence (BI)-marknad som blir allt större och mer svåröverskådlig blir det viktigare att företagen som ska köpa in BI-verktyg vet vad de behöver. Men vilka faktorer spelar egentligen in när företag ska välja den här typen av system? För att kunna besvara denna fråga har vi genomfört en undersökning där fem stora tillverkande företag intervjuats via telefon. Intervjuerna genomfAs the Business Intelligence (BI) market is growing, and thus becoming harder to grasp, there is an increasing need for companies to know what they require when purchasing a system within this field. The question becomes, what factors are important when companies choose this type of system? In order to answer this, a study was conducted in which five large manufacturing companies were interviewed.

Do analysts have specific stock-picking skills?

Abstract Background: During the period 2000-2010, the majority of the Swedish populations’ savings were in equity funds. The consequence of households increased savings in stocks has resulted in a growing market for stock recommendations. However, whether analysts’ stock recommendations are reliable or not has been discussed for eight decades, ever since Alfred Cowles pioneering study “Can stock m

Can Africa feed the World? : land acquisitions as a solution to global food security

Ensuring food security for 9 billion people is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity in the 21st century. Crop production needs to double by 2050 to keep up with demand from increasing population and income growth. Through analysis of the GRAIN database detailing land acquisitions in Africa for food production, I answered the question: are land acquisitions a solution to global food securi

Strategier för relationskommunikation via sociala medier: en flerfallsstudie i strategisk webbkommunikation

Titel: Strategier för relationskommunikation via sociala medier Författare: Eric Malmquist Handledare: Jörgen Eksell Nyckelord: Marknadsföring (relationsmarknadsföring, industriell marknadsföring), sociala medier, B2B, kommunikation (strategisk kommunikation, marknadskommunikation, relationskommunikation), meningsskapande, dialog och konsumentbeteende Problem: Problemet och kunskapsluckan som jTitle: Operational strategies for relationship communication in social media Author: Eric Malmquist Advisor: Jörgen Eksell Keywords: Marketing (Industrial marketing, relationship marketing), Communication (strategic communication, marketing communication, relationship communication), B2B, Social media, Meaning creation, Dialogue and Consumer behaviour. Problem: There are very few studies regard

Identities on the Walls : A Comparative Study of Loyalist and Republican murals in Northern Ireland

This thesis has investigated the formation of sectarian identities on Northern Ireland. The thesis argues that the key factor in creating and maintaining sectarian identities is cultural violence. Cultural violence creates and maintains sectarian identities by closing the historical narratives, the identities and thus putting the society in melancholia. The thesis has investigated republican and l