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Anpassade passningar. Om varierad upprepning av referenter i en artikel i fotbollstidningen FourFourTwo

Detta examensarbete bygger på en översättning av två artiklar hämtade från en engelsk fotbollstidning. Uppsatsen inleds med en källtextanalys som utgår från Lennart Hellspong och Per Ledins (2010) analysmodell. Därefter följer en diskussion om överväganden inför översättningen där bland annat instruktioner från uppdragsgivaren och den tillämpade översättningsstrategin behandlas. I översättningskom

Lung cancer patients experiences of the radiation therapy period

Lung cancer is the third most frequently diagnosed cancer in Europe. The diagnosis of lung cancer is often made late and the clinical management of lung cancer is often multimodal. Radio-chemotherapy may be the primary treatment. Undesired effects of radiotherapy include esophagitis, cough, skin reactions and fatigue. The aim of the study was to explore lung cancer patients' experiences of the

Who is to blame? The player or the rules of the game?

Why the performance of local value-adding firms supplying to mining MNCs in Zambia’s liberalized economy seems more constrained was the investigated problem. I conducted a multiple case study research involving 15 firms located on Copperbelt Province. Local value-adding firms are cardinal to national industrial development through their backward linkage role to mines. However, their performance is

Klasstillhörighet och partipreferenser -

This thesis examines the Oesch class schema in a Swedish context, and tests its ability to unveil cleavages in political preferences. The Oesch class schema operationalizes class by profession. It adds horizontal divisions based on different work logics to the vertical divisions which schemata such as ESEC build on. Two cleavages are thus captured, an economic (left-right) and a sociocultural (lib

Kan Sverige ha inflytande? En studie om påverkansmöjligheter inom EU och GUSP

Sweden, amongst others, is usually considered a small state in a greater European context. Small state influence in the European Union (EU) is a research field filled with vast potential and possibilities. This study focuses on Swedish influence on the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CSFP) of the EU and the different strategies that small states may apply in order to obtain influence in intern

Trosfränder och partivänner - En kvantitativ studie av religiöst engagemang och politiskt deltagande utifrån socialt kapital

This thesis examines if participation in religious activities incentivise participation in political activities. It is hypothesised that persons who often participate in religious activities often participate in political activities. The results are then to be analyzed with the question; how can the results be explained using social capital theory? Theory used in this paper is mainly derived from

Corporate accountability under EU's data protection proposal- Who safeguards your virtual life?

Sammanfattning I Europakonventionen artikel 8 skyddas rätten till privatliv. Varje person har rätt till skydd av personuppgifter som tillhör honom eller henne. Globalisering och teknologisk utveckling har anmärkningsvärt förändrat sättet på hur personuppgifter behandlas. En uppdaterad lagstiftning för personuppgiftsskydd behövs och EUs föreslagna förordning reflekterar tydligt utmaningarna för Summary The protection of personal data is a fundamental right in accordance with Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights. Every person has the right to the protection of information that concerns him or her. Globalisation and technological advancements have enormously transformed the way our personal data is collected. An updated legislation on data protection is needed and the pr

Squaring the Circle? Assessing the EU foreign policy impact in Kosovo

Abstract The notion of external political impact, constitutes a useful approach in order to assess the EU as a distinctive foreign policy actor, one which, on occasion, does not necessarily need the same instruments as traditional nation-state do, to exert political influence. The present thesis applies this concept to measure the political impact of the EU foreign policies on disputes between Ko

When states choose to use military force

States use military force on a regular basis in international politics. By implementing the theory of Realism, it can provide a perspective on why states choose to military intervene over international diplomacy. The use of military force is apparent, even though international politics is said to be controlled by International Law. The purpose of this thesis is to get an explanation for military f

Syfte eller resultat att begränsa konkurrensen - en komparativ studie av rekvisitens utveckling

Artikel 101.1 fastställer att avtal eller samordnade förfaranden som har till syfte eller resultat att hindra, begränsa eller snedvrida konkurrensen är förbjudna. På 1960-talet kom två kända avgöranden från EU-domstolen, STM och Consten Grundig, vilka anses ha lagt grunden för bedömningen av artikel 101.1. Genom avgöranden klargjorde domstolen artikelns omfattning och tillämpning. I avgörandena koArticle 101.1 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union provides that all agreements between undertakings or concerted practices, which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition, are prohibited. In 1960 the Court of Justice gave its judgment in STM and Consten Grundig, two decisions which are regarded to have laid the foundation for the as

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Jakobsbergs sjukhus

This report is an evaluation of the fire safety at Jakobsberg's hospital outside Stockholm. The report is a part of the course in Fire Safety Evaluation that is given at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. The evaluation follows a scheme that was developed on a basis of prior learning at the Fire Protection Engineering Program and focuses on risks concerning life and health. The wor

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Nynäshamns sjukhus

The following report contains a fire safety evaluation of the Nynäshamn hospital in Nynäshamn, Sweden. The report is a part of the course Fire Safety Evaluation, a course in the Fire Protection Engineering Program at Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, Lund, Sweden. The purpose with the report was to evaluate the personal safety in the building, specifically in regards to egress, in case of

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Wallmans i Helsingborg

This report evaluates the fire safety at Wallmans in Helsingborg. It evaluates the possibility to safely evacuate the premises if a fire occurs. Wallmans in Helsingborg offers dinnershows, where the guests are entertained while served dinner. After the dinnershow they close and reopen for nightclub. The maximum number of guests is 350 when dinnershow and 650 when nightclub. Three different fire sc

När stockholmarna åkt hem kan vi släppa lite på reglerna

Den illegala jakten är relativt outforskad. De få arbeten som finns om illegal jakt är alla rapporter eller utredningar kring den illegala jaktens utbredning, attityder till rovdjur, jaktbrott, hur anmälningar och utredningar av jaktbrott går till. Få studier med fokus på att förstå den illegala jaktens uppkomst och bedrivande har genomförts. Denna uppsats fördjupar och utvecklar fynden som Brotts


Banks are normally heavily indebted with equity levels of 5-10 percent of total assets or even lower. The assets consist mainly of short-term and long-term loans, funded by deposits which can be withdrawn at short notice. In order to avoid excessive withdrawals, which is called a bank run, deposit insurance systems, guaranteed by the state, are generally in operation. The financial sector is chara

Från fiende till partner: Hur EU har hjälpt transformera Kroatiens bild i tidningen Oslobodjenje

Uppsatsen har undersökt hur EU:s fredsfrämjande arbete på västra Balkan har bidragit till att den fientliga bilden av Kroatien som skapades under kriget i början av 90-talet omvandlats till en mer positivt laddad bild; och hur denna representeras i det lokala medieflödet i Bosnien och Hercegovina. Teorin som använts som grund för studien, och som skildrar EU:s fredsfrämjande arbete i regionen är ”

Hope och Tilted Arc – en komparation av två publika verk i New York

The essay points out some important features regarding hermeneutics of the concept ‘sculpture’. The aim is to make a comparative analysis of two sculptures sited in New York City, Manhattan. One is a monument, entitled Hope, dedicated to the former Swedish Ambassador Raoul Wallenberg, who saved thousands of lives in Budapest during the Second World War. The artists are the Swedish couple Ulla and

Brandsnyltning - Branding med bitter eftersmak

Branding definieras i denna uppsats som alla marknadsföringsaktiviteter ett varumärke använder för att synas, stärka, definiera och särskilja sig samt den goodwill som erhålls av dessa marknadsföringsåtgärder. Detta innefattar således reklam, events, utskick, sponsring etcetera. Att skapa ett starkt varumärke är mycket kostsamt och en långsiktig investering. Det krävs därför stora resurser för att