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Assessing water mains condition using hydraulic transients
This paper investigates the potential of using controlled hydraulic transients for non-intrusive assessment of the internal condition of water transmission pipelines. Deterioration of pipelines is a natural process. An effective tool for evaluating the state of pipeline interiors could be extremely useful for planning rehabilitation or identifying critical points in a system. A non-intrusive techn
Sociala utredningar om barn : En rättssociologisk studie av lagstiftningens krav, utredningarnas argumentationer och konsekvenser för den enskilde
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar sociala utredningar om barn. Avhandlingens övergripande syfte är att ur ett kritiskt perspektiv analysera och diskutera hur de rättsligt givna handlingsdirektiven för utredningsförfarandet och det därmed integrerade stöd- och behandlingsarbetet tillämpas i socialtjänstens faktiska utredningsverksamhet, i förhållande till föräldrarna. Frågan bThis thesis is about the social services’ investigations into childrens need of protection and support. The principal purpose is, from a critical perspective, to analyse and discuss how the legally-accorded procedural directives for the execution of an investigation, and therein the integrated support and counselling work, are adapted in the social services’ actual investigation work in relation t
No effects on myocardial ischaemia in patients with stable ischaemic heart disease after treatment with ramipril for 6 months
Objective: To assess the effects of a 6-month angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor intervention on myocardial ischaemia.Method: We randomized 389 patients with stable coronary artery disease to double-blind treatment with ramipril 5 mg/day (n = 133), ramipril 1.25 mg/day (n = 133), or placebo (n = 123). Forty-eight-hour ambulatory electrocardiography was performed at baseline, and after 1
Fallbeskrivning. Knappnål i appendix gav leverabscesser
Clinical evaluation of the zygoma implant: 3-year follow-up at 16 clinics
Purpose: The purpose of this clinical investigation was to evaluate the treatment outcome with zygoma implants with regard to implant survival, patient satisfaction, and function of prosthesis replacement after 3 years. Patients and Methods: The treatment outcome of 76 patients treated with 145 zygoma fixtures at 16 centers was evaluated with regard to implant survival. Status of peri-implant muco
Pericytes limit tumor cell metastasis.
Previously we observed that neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) deficiency in P tumor cells facilitates metastasis into distant organs and local lymph nodes. Here, we show that NCAM-deficient P cell tumors grew leaky blood vessels with perturbed pericyte-endothelial cell-cell interactions and deficient perivascular deposition of ECM components. Conversely, tumor cell expression of NCAM in a fibro
Finite Volume Methods on Quadrilateral and Moving Meshes
The topic of this thesis is the study of finite volume methods for hyperbolic conservation laws on non-uniform meshes. A high-order hyperbolic reconstruction method is presented. The method is constructed for quadrilateral meshes, since more realistic hyperbolic problems involve more complicated problem domains than the standard rectangular ones. The method is an extension of the well known
The (ihs) Reference Manual
The Mhc class II of the Black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) consists of low numbers of B and Y genes with variable diversity and expression
We found that the Black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) possess low numbers of Mhc class II B (BLB) and Y (YLB) genes with variable diversity and expression. We have therefore shown, for the first time, that another bird species (in this case, a wild lek-breeding galliform) shares several features of the simple Mhc of the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus). The Black grouse BLB genes showed the same level of
Anti-hepatitis C virus screening will reduce the incidence of post-transfusion hepatitis C also in low-risk areas
The incidence of post-transfusion hepatitis non-A, non-B (PTH-NANB) was prospectively assessed in two areas in the southeast region of Sweden. Patients undergoing hip arthroplasty were studied with blood sampling for alanine aminotransferase analysis before and at 2, 3, and 4 months after transfusion. Of the patients 97% and 82% were transfused and received a mean of 5.5 and 3.4 units in Linkoping
An Associative Memory Trace in the Cerebellar Cortex
Classical conditioning of motor responses, e.g., the eyeblink response, depends on the cerebellum. In the theoretical works of David Marr (1969) and James Albus (1971), it was proposed that Purkinje cells in the cerebellar cortex learn to associate the neutral conditioned stimulus with the response. Since their work, several studies have provided data that are consistent with this suggestion, but
Combination of pre-operative radiotherapy and surgery suppresses local accumulation of collagen and TGF-beta 1 in rats
Background. The systemic and local tissue repair responses of radiation in combination with surgery are still unclear. We have studied the effect of fractionated pre-operative radiotherapy with or without subsequent laparotomy on collagen accumulation using a rodent model. Materials and methods. Thirty-two male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups (eight rats per group): 1) sham radia
Effect of long-term storage and blanching pre-treatments on the osmotic dehydration kinetics of carrots (Daucus carota L. cv. Nerac)
The effect of postharvest long-term storage and pre-treatments on the mass transfer rates during osmotic dehydration of carrots was investigated. Four blanching times were used and the carrots were sampled during 12 weeks of storage. Cell vitality was measured by isothermal calorimetry on cores taken from blanched slices. During the storage period, effective diffusion coefficients for water and su
Growth hormone levels in the basal state and after thyrotropin-releasing hormone stimulation in young type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients with severe retinopathy
Sixteen young patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and rapidly progressive severe retinopathy were examined regarding serum levels of growth hormone before and after the i.v. administration of 200 micrograms thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). Serum IGF I, HbA1c, blood pressure, urinary albumin, and serum creatinine levels were also measured. The control group consisted of type 1 diabetic patie
(De)coding Modality : The Case of Must, May, Måste and Kan
This study investigates the mechanisms of (de)coding modality, focusing on the interpretation of utterances containing the modals must, may, måste, and kan. The main research question posed in this study is what enables the interlocutors to interpret modal expressions so that communicative goals are achieved. To answer this general question, Coates's (1983) study on modal contexts is initially rep
Fitness costs of an immune response in the house martin (Delichon urbica)
Immune responses constitute a major way for hosts to defend themselves against parasites. Because hosts do not habitually produce strong responses all the time, immune responses might be costly to produce or maintain. We tested experimentally if the production of a response to a challenge with a novel antigen resulted in a cost in terms of fitness using the highly colonial house martin Delichon ur
Nalkas psykologin människan från fel håll?
Does psychology approach personality from the wrong direction? The present text argues that conventional personality psychology, spproaching its object of study from "above", i.e., mapping out the individual´s consciously held attitudes and view of him-/herself, has chosen the wrong path to a tenable science of personality. The alternative would be to scrutinize the processes by which the perceive
Amperometric detection of mono- and diphenols at Cerrena unicolor laccase-modified graphite electrode: correlation between sensitivity and substrate structure
Graphite electrode modified with laccase from Cerrena unicolor served as a biosensor for detection of 30 phenolic compounds with different structures. Some correlations of the sensor response to the structures of substrates are discussed. This biosensor responded to: (i) nanomolar concentrations of some of the selected phenolic compounds, e.g., 2,6-dimethoxyphenol,coniferyl alcohol, caffeic acid,