

Din sökning på "*" gav 526299 sökträffar

Shape Modeling by Optimising Description Length Using Gradients and Parameterisation Invariance

In Statistical Shape Modeling, a dense correspondence between the shapes in the training set must be established. Traditionally this has been done by hand, a process that commonly requires a lot of work and is difficult, especially in 3D. In recent years there has been a lot of work on automatic construction of Shape Models. In recent papers (Davies et al., Medical Image Computing and Computer-Ass

Fabrication and modeling of a combined gold nanoparticle-carbon nanotube single electron transistor

Scanning probe manipulation has been used to electrically connect two carbon nanotubes to an individual 7 nm gold particle, resulting in a system with multiple tunnel junctions. Single-electron charging effects in the gold particle was found to dominate the electrical transport measurements at T=4.2 K, whereas charging effects in the two carbon nanotube leads appeared as a fine structure. A simula

Crystal chemistry of Fe-Ti oxides in mafic rocks and metabasites: A study aimed at refinement of geological tools and interpretations

This thesis consists of four subprojects: (A) ‘Clouding of plagioclase by Fe-Ti oxides’, (B) ‘Fe-Ti oxides during high-pressure metamorphism of mafic rocks’, (C) ‘Magnetic study of Fe-Ti oxides in mafic rocks and metabasites’, and (D) ‘Topotactic phase transitions in oxide minerals’. A) In southern Sweden dolerite dikes and gabbros with clouded plagioclase are common. The crystal structures of th

Synchrotron Infrared Microspectroscopy at beamline 73 MAX-lab, Lund, Sweden

The infrared beamline at MAX-lab in Lund is equipped with a Bruker Hyperion 3000 microscope combined with an IFS/66v FTIR instrument. In combination with a number of different detectors and objectives this makes it possible to study a large number of different samples. For example there is a FPA detector for mapping larger areas and a Bolometer for measurements in the far infrared. A number of exa

Everyday working lives in a transnational corporation in Mexico: The contradictory cooptation of trade unionists

This article aims to contribute to the rich literature on neoliberalization and trade unions in Mexico by providing an examination of the contradictory relationships between capital, trade unions and the workers they represent, in a Swedish-based transnational corporation. The article investigates how the broader international relationships of dependency and exploitation are lived by workers and t

Does landscape and habitat limit the frogs Rana arvalis and Rana temporaria in agricultural landscapes? A field experiment

Frogs are often rare or absent from intensively farmed areas. Here we explore the possibility that the landscape and the quality of the terrestrial habitat are unsuitable for these populations. Spawn of Rana arvalis and R. temporaria was introduced into ponds in a south Swedish agricultural landscape in 2003 (eight ponds) and 2004 (ten ponds). Metamorphs emerged from nine (R. a.) and 12 (R. t.) of

Endogenous social norms - implications for optimal welfare state programs

This paper investigates the implications of an endogenous social work norm for the optimal welfare state program. Assuming that individual productivity is observable, the analysis finds that restrictions on program participation, implying a larger benefit to a smaller group of recipients, may be welfare improving. However, the effect of the norm is indeterminate. The disutility of non-compliance s

Autonomous Agents and the Concept of Concepts

Popular Abstract in Swedish En autonom agent kan definieras som ett system som med syfte att utföra uppgifter kan interagera med sin omgivning genom sina egna sensorer och effektorer. En ny arkitektur för autonoma agenter inspirerad av teorin för antecipatoriska system föreslås. Det är en hybrid arkitektur i det avseende att den kombinerar planerande förmåga, som behövs för att lösa långsiktiga prThis thesis has two main themes, autonomous agents and concepts. An autonomous agent is a system capable of interacting with its environment via its own sensors and effectors in order to accomplish some task. Arguments against both purely reactive and purely deliberative agent architectures are presented in favor for hybrid approaches. A novel hybrid approach based on the concept of anticipatory s

Legal Questions and Scientific Answers : Ontological Differences and Epistemic Gaps in the Assessment of Causal Relations

A large number of legal rules create an obligation to prevent, repair or otherwise mitigate damage to human health or the environment. Many of these rules require that a legally relevant causal relation between human behaviour and the damage at issue is established, and in the establishment of causal relations of this kind scientific information is often pressed into service. This thesis examines

"Min tid ska komma" : Gustav Mahler i tvärvetenskaplig belysning

Mahler var under sin korta livstid en omstridd gestalt och hans musik har kämpat sig genom 1900-talets omvälvande historia för att idag utgöra en självklar del av repertoaren hos orkestrar världen över. Mahlers karriärväg gick genom ett omstörtande och dynamiskt Centraleuropa och arvet efter Mahler skulle komma att präglas av politiska och estetiska rågångar med rötterna i hans egen tid. I denna a

Kommunala tillväxtstrategier: Mobilisering av aktörer och resurser

Sammanfattning Denna rapport handlar om tillväxt och kommunala strategier för att nå tillväxt. I rapporten görs en översikt över olika tillväxtbegrepp och hur kommuner kan välja att prioritera bland olika målsättningar. Dessutom görs en analys av vilka faktorer som påverkar utfallet av kommunernas arbete samt hur de kan agera strategiskt för att skapa tillväxt. Trots att kommuner i grunden kan

Retailing Logistics and Fresh Food Packaging - Managing Change in the Supply Chain

The supply of fresh food is being transformed: retailers are gaining increasing power and control from manufacturers and the location and nature of production is evolving. This new title, based on groundbreaking research, will enable logistics professionals to recognise the opportunities available in this changing market and successfully manage change in the supply chain. The international practi