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Analysis of Creep in Paperboard Packages With Plastic Tops
Beverage packages made of paper and plastic materials that are stored for a long time, deform due to creep deformations. The phenomena is termed bulging and means that the package changes its shape. Bulging is a major issue for the producers of beverage packages. The purpose of this master’s dissertation, is to develop a Finite Element-model for simulation of bulging of beverage packages at varyi
The relation between peer social status and self-esteem in middle childhood
The aim of the study was to examine the relation between self-esteem and peer social status. A second aim was to investigate relations between peer descriptions and self-rated descriptions. The participants were 145 children (75 girls, 70 boys). The questionnaire "I think I am" measuring self-esteem, a questionnaire measuring social status through peer nomination, and an 8-item scale for
Bildspråk och naturskildring : Harry Martinsons Nässlorna blomma läst ur ett ekokritiskt perspektiv
Developing Sun Shields for Surveillance Cameras
This project aims to investigate and develop sun shields for Axis surveillance cameras. Surveillance cameras that are placed outdoors in warm environments obtain extra heat during the day due to solar insolation. In particular, the image sensor can be very heat sensitive and with increasing temperature the picture becomes coarse and gets lower quality. For Axis cameras to be used in hot environmen
Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av patientöverflyttning -Från intensivvårdsavdelning till vårdavdelning. En kvalitativ studie
Bakgrund: Dagligen överflyttas patienter mellan intensivvårdsavdelningar till vårdavdelningar i Sverige. Syfte: Denna studie syftade till att undersöka intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av patientöverflyttning från intensivvårdsavdelningen till vårdavdelningen. Metod: Studien har genomförts på en intensivvårdsavdelning vid ett sjukhus i Sverige i form av fokusgruppsintervjuer. Intervjuerna
Havsisen i arktiska bassängen : nutid och framtid i ett globalt uppvärmningsperspektiv
Sammanfattning: Det Arktiska istäcket har sedan slutet av 1800-talet minskat både med avseende på utbredning och på tjocklek. Sedan 1960-talet har denna utveckling accelererat och senast 2007 var isens utbredning mindre än någon gång sedan mätningarna började, det har därefter återhämtat sig och ligger nära den minskande trendlinjen. Då temperaturökningen i de arktiska regionerna är tre gånger stö
The spread of cultural vocabulary in Rondônia
This thesis is an investigation of the borrowability of cultural vocabulary among languages of different genetic origin in the Brazilian state of Rondônia, one of the most linguistically diverse regions in the world. Since cultural vocabulary is more likely to be borrowed compared to other lexical domains, if there has been language contact in this area, this is expected to be reflected in these t
Segeå - Ett vattendrag mitt i jordbrukslandskapet
Vattendrag i Sverige har genom tiderna blivit mycket påverkade av jordbruk och andra mänskliga faktorer. Framförallt vattendragen i Skåne är kraftigt påverkade och har varit det under de senaste 150 åren, sedan jordbruket gjordes mer effektivt. Utdikning och uträtning av våra åar har gett jordbruken mer plats och effektiviserat det. Ökningen av jordbrukets avkastning har lett till att våra vattendStreams in Scania are and have been highly affected by the intense agriculture taking place in their surroundings. It is known how nutrients and suspended solids severely affect species living in the streams as well as in the watercourses in southwestern parts of Scania where the water ends up in the end. Streams in Scania have been regulated in many ways to increase the agricultural payoff and th
Etiska och traditionella fonder på den amerikanska marknaden- en jämförelsestudie
Vårt sparande har ökat under de senaste åren, likaså efterfrågan på olika sparandealternativ. Det har exempelvis blivit allt vanligare att investera med hänsyn till etiska aspekter. För att undersöka om etiska fonder är ett likvärdigt alternativ till de traditionella fonderna har jag valt att undersöka och jämföra deras prestationer på den amerikanska marknaden utifrån en tio års period. Genom
Interview study of online travel reviews and their impact on a person’s decision making process
In the past people sought for information via libraries, travel magazines or were inspired by marketing the travel agency made in order to attract consumers. Before the Internet era one way communication was the right way to follow. Since Internet was developed two ways communication has evolved and people can talk to each other worldwide. The development of the two ways communication has created
"Jag vill inte kompa dina känslor": en fallstudie av tonåringars musikutövande i relation till genusskapande
Women are less represented on the Swedish scene of popular music than men are. This fact, off course, has many explanations. With case studies among highschool students this essay strive to point out how social practices and structures of power affect girls and boys as subjects exerting music, their approaches and their possibilities and limits of action. The analytical tools are a combination of
Utvärdering av kravet på grafisk återgivning för varumärkesregistrering
In order to get a trademark registered in Sweden or as a community trademark within the European union the trademark must have distinctiveness and a capacity to be represented graphically. The requirement of graphical representation was added and implemented in the Swedish trademark law as an effect of the Trademarks Directive. The purpose of the requirement was to guarantee legal certainty by o
Beritzholm - A non-intrusive survey of the earthworks and landscape of an early medieval castle
Beritzholm, a medieval castle in Scania, southern Sweden, is studied through historical sources, maps, and through a DGPS elevation survey. Its historical and geographical context is taken into account in order to advance the knowledge of the site, which has never been excavated. The castle was in use between the 14th and the 16th century; it was a royal stronghold which functioned as the administ
Liquid Bio Fuels for Gas Turbines
In this study the different liquid biofuels that could be used as alternative fuels in gas turbines are reviewed. The pre-conditions are biofuel in liquid state, suited for seven specific gas turbines at E.ON Värmekraft that are a part of the disturbance reserve of Svenska Kraftnät. The alternative fuels need to comply with the agreement with Svenska Kraftnät. The most probable candidates are bioo
Musikläraren med invandrarbakgrund - En studie om pedagogiskt arbete i ett mångkulturellt musikpedagogiskt landskap
Detta är en studie om pedagogiskt arbete i ett mångkulturellt landskap. Hur och på vilket sätt kan jag som pianolärare med utländsk bakgrund, men uppvuxen i Sverige utnyttja min dubbelkulturella identitet i den svenska musikundervisningen? Och vilken betydelse har min kulturella bakgrund för mig som musikpedagog och för min musikundervisning i Sverige ur ett övergripande perspektiv? De metoder jagThe title of the work is ”the piano teacher with a migrant background”. It is a study of educational work in a multicultural landscape. How and in what way can I as a piano teacher with a foreign background but raised in Sweden utilize my dual cultural identity in my future career in the Swedish music education? And how important is my hybrid identity for me as a music teacher and for my music edu
"Samspel – spela sams?" - en studie av stråkorkestrar vid kulturskolor
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur orkesterpedagoger inom musik- och kulturskola ser på begreppet samspel och hur man på olika vis kan främja samspelet i skolans orkesterverksamhet. Detta sker med fokus på åldergruppen 13-16 år. Studien är skriven utifrån ett violinistiskt och violinpedagogiskt perspektiv. Utöver detta ges en bild av hur orkesterundervisning för stråkelever på kulturskoInteraction and interplaying - a study of stringorchestras in municipal schools of music. The purpose of this study is to investigate how stringteachers within the municipal school of music thinks and discuss the topic interplay in the schools' string orchestras. The study focuses on youths beetween the age of 13-16 years old and is written from a violin teachers point of view. In addition an
Kinas ofullbordade revolution : om romanisering av kinesiska språket
This paper deals with questions of romanization of the Chinese language. It examines the history of phonetic Chinese transcription and writing systems, from the first occurrences of such systems in the 16th century to the present day. The paper’s main focus is on the two systems Gwoyeu Romatzyh and Latinxua Sinwenz which were in use from the 1920s to the 1940s and aimed at replacing Chinese chara
Metalmusik - En studie om metalmusikens genrer och kultur samt dess plats i skolan
Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna studie är att undersöka metal som kultur och livsstil. Stu-dien ger även en inblick i hur vanligt det är att lyssna på och spela metalmusik bland gymnasieelever på det estetiska programmet med musikinriktning. Studien baseras på både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier. Elever från två gymnasieskolor svarade på en enkätundersökning och två lärare intervjuades. ReMetal music - A study about the genres of metal music, the culture and its place in school. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the cultural behavior and lifestyle of metal. It also gives an insight of Swedish music students' habit of listening and playing metal music. The area of this study is the music education of the upper secondary school. The background chapter consists of m
Direct hollow fiber liquid phase membrane extraction and LC-MS/MS determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in fish
Popular summary The fate of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs The knowledge about distribution of drugs between sewage sludge, water phases and water living organisms is vital for predictions of the fate and transport routes of toxic substances to the environment. And the distribution of drugs in the environment can be used as a base for risk assessments and it also can be used to define desir