

Din sökning på "*" gav 533978 sökträffar

Bioinformatics analysis of human epigenetic data

Diabetes mellitus is a result of various metabolic disorders causing continues hyperglycemia, which increases the risk for heart diseases, stroke, kidney failure and blindness. This disease is seen in a large section of world’s population and rapidly increasing worldwide. (1) The epigenetic marks can be transmitted by eukaryotic cell division (Mitosis) and also between generations of a species (

Database Paradigms for Recordings Management

The relational database has long been considered the de facto standard for managing data in software applications. Today, a need for more scalable, flexible and distributed software solutions has led to the development of NoSQL database technologies that aim to replace the relational database in applications where such features are needed. In this thesis we have investigated the potential benefit

Liberalism or Barbarism - A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Swedish state’s discourse on the matter of ‘violence affirming extremism’

The term ‘violence affirming extremism’ has become the dominating way of describing political violence in Sweden. This thesis aims to analyze the construction of the discourse that centers at this term, how it affects the social context in Sweden and what possible purposes could found for this discourse for the Swedish state. The material of this thesis is therefore primarily governmental reports,

Iceland and the financial crisis: Would EMU-membership have helped?

After the global financial crisis erupted in the fall of 2008 the Icelandic economy was thrown into recession. It has been suggested that Iceland would have been better off had it been a part of the EU and the European Monetary Union (EMU) and this essay aim at investigating that claim. Entering the EMU entails losing the ability to carry out an independent monetary policy. Therefore I have estima

Den provokativa marknadsföringens påverkan på varumärket.

Syfte: Författarnas syfte med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur konsumenters uppfattning för varumärken förändras när ett varumärke använder sig av provocerande marknadsföring. Ett ytterligare steg är att se de olika varumärkena som testas, som representanter för de varumärkespersonlighet som beskrivs ovan. Därigenom kan mer än bara varumärke studeras. Metod: Kvalitativ undersökning med fyra fokPurpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how consumers’ idea of brands differ when provocative marketing is used. One step further is to see the brands used in the study as representatives for the different categories of Brand Personality. Therefore, a group of brands can be studied, rather than just the one. Methodology: Qualitativ research with four focus groups. Theoretical perspective

Skärbarhetsanalys av ISO-grupperade arbetsmaterial - med fokus på skärkraftsmodellering

Examensarbetet har genomförts på Institutionen för Maskinteknologi Industriell Produktion LTH vid Lunds universitet. Examensarbetet påbörjades som en del av ett uppdrag med utgångspunkt i att söka nya materialkonstanter för beräkning av skärmotstånd och specifik skärkraft i ett system för rekommendation av skärdata. Examensarbetet utvecklades att inkludera en vidare vy av skärbarheten i totalt 16

Modelling Ascending Stair Evacuation

The thesis presents a basic validation study on the use of evacuation models for the simulation of ascending stair evacuation. The validation of the evacuation models is performed against a benchmark experiment consisting of a 50-floor ascending evacuation. The aim is to find which models – depending on the input calibration effort -can provide conforming results against the benchmark experiment r

Two Earths in one Solar System

Hur vet vi att det inte finns en annan planet i vårt solsystem bakom solen som alltid är dold för våra ögon? Eller om det fanns en planet där, hur skulle den i så fall påverka vårt solsystem? Dessa två frågor är motivationen bakom det här arbetet, som ger både intressanta och förvånande förklaringar till hur vi skulle märka av en extra planet. I projektet används ett datorprogram som simulerar plaThe motivation for the project is to investigate what happens if I add a second Earth in the Solar System and project it forward in time. I add an Earth mass planet (called Earth two) in the same orbit as the Earth on the other side of the Sun (i.e. six months ahead of the original Earth). I then investigate how the perturbation of the second Earth effects the Solar System in the short and the lon

The Intrinsic Motivated Salaried Physician: A Principal-Agent Model

Salaried physicians work in several health care systems, medical care organizations and fields of specialization. This thesis will provide an analysis of salaried physicians behavior by extending the model of the extrinsic motivated salaried physician elaborated by Blomqvist (1991) and include intrinsic motivation and negative utility associated with lying to the patient about the health condition

The Evolving Role of the Chief Information Officer

The role of the CIO has undergone a complex transformation over the past three decades, evolving from a function which purely consisted of technical support and administration towards a high-level position of senior executive responsibility and business management. A considerable body of research exists on the role of the CIO as well as desired leadership capabilities and the CIO relationship with

EU Competition Law and International Commercial Arbitration -The question of public policy-

In this thesis I discuss the nature of EU competition law as a public policy (ordre public) and how that translates into international commercial arbitration and try to figure out, since EU competition rules are considered public policy within the EU, how far the public policy extends and what the repercussions are, if any, of the misapplication of those competition rules are. In chapter two I des

Zinc abundances of stars in the Milky Way

Modeller som beskriver a¨mnesyntesen i stja¨rnor och supernovor har haft begra¨nsad framg˚ang med att f¨orklara de observerade halterna i stja¨rnor. Dessa modeller a¨r inkonsekventa f¨or olika grund¨amnen och det saknas en komplett bild o¨ver den a¨mnesberikningen som sker i v˚art universum. Syntes av ¨amnen i stj¨arnor beror p˚a m˚anga faktorer som ursprunglig kemiska sam- mansa¨ttning hos stja¨rIn this work we study the spectra of 423 stars in the Milky Way disk in order to determine their zinc abundances. The methodology to determine elemental abundances consists of synthesising sets of spectra with varying zinc abundances and comparing them with the observed spectra to find the best fit. The aim of the project was to compare the spectra syn- thesis method used here to Bensby et al. (2014

"Jag fördömer skotten i Köpenhamn. Yttrandefriheten måste alltid skyddas”. En kritisk diskursanalys av hur svensk media debatterar om yttrandefriheten i samband med terrorattentatet i Köpenhamn

By employing a critical discourse analysis, this study will examine the media debate on freedom of speech in the light of the terrorist attack in Copenhagen. The empirical material used for this purpose consists of 82 newsarticles, which were selected from the Nordic news archive Mediearkivet (Retriever Research). Furthermore, using Jürgen Habermas’s theory of communicative actions, this study exa

The economic development of Sweden compared to four EMS/EMU countries during 1985-2014 with focus on pros and cons of EMU

Sweden has been a "stand-alone" case since 1992 when the krona was set on a free float. The primary aim of this thesis is to compare the economic development of Sweden during 1985-2014 to the core EMU countries of Germany and France and the periphery countries of Italy and Spain. Eleven main economic indicators have been studied for each of the five countries which have been studied. The

Women’s Economic Empowerment : A Case Study in Bangladesh Garment Industry

The aim of this study was to examine how a foreign direct business investment by a Japanese garment company in Bangladesh can affect women’s economic empowerment. The study also aimed to bring understanding on factors that need to be fulfilled in order to obtain economic empowerment and how it affect women’s life situation. This paper is based on a case study with sixteen interviewed women worki

The Case of Ebola in West Africa - Swedish Healthcare Workers' Experiences of Navigating Global Health Interventions

In this time of global health interventions, preventing borderless diseases, such as Ebola, is a question of implementing global health policies in different cultural contexts. Although these interventions are mediated by international organs, the healthcare workers on the ground are actually those who implement policies. From this starting point, this thesis investigates the extent to which Swedi

Syns jag nu? : Om kommunikationen kring homosexualitet i svenska ungdomsböckers paratexter

In 2012, one of the most outstanding trends in the Swedish children’s book market, according to the Swedish institute for children’s books, where books that incorporated other sexualities then heterosexuality. Even if this rapport might seem a bit exaggerated, the actual number of books that featured homosexuality according to Swedish institute for children’s books own catalogue were only seven, i

Processor Models For Instruction Scheduling using Constraint Programming

Instruction scheduling is one of the most important optimisations performed when producing code in a compiler. The problem consists of finding a minimum length schedule subject to latency and different resource constraints. This is a hard problem, classically approached by heuristic algorithms. In the last decade, research interest has shifted from heuristic to potentially optimal methods. When us

Two sides of the same coin?

Purpose: This study’s purpose is to study the long term effects of M&A and to examine whether stock price is the only determinant of post-merger performance or if operating performance can be used as an additional determinant. How underlying variables impact these measures are also part of this study´s purpose. Methodology: A quantitative approach is used where two event studies are conducte