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Henric Schartau – en kyrkoherde i Torna härad
Comparative examples of long term care for older people in France, Portugal, and Sweden
Konferens om familjehemsplacerade barns rättsliga ställning. Att synliggöra fosterbarnet som ett rättssubjekt med grundläggande rättigheter och behov
Genetic Factors Contributing to Hypertension. With Emphasis on Hypertension in Type 2 Diabetes
Popular Abstract in Swedish Högt blodtryck (hypertoni) och åldersdiabetes (typ 2 diabetes) är två av västvärldens vanligaste folksjukdomar, i Sverige är förekomsten ca 15% respektive 3,5%. Båda tillstånden ger upphov till hjärta-kärlkomplikationer såsom hjärtinfarkt, hjärtsvikt och stroke och orsakar hög sjuklighet och dödlighet i befolkningen. Kombinationen av hypertoni och typ 2 diabetes ökar ytThe causes of hypertension (HT) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) are mainly unknown, but they arise from interplay between several genetic and environmental factors. The aim of this thesis was to investigate whether polymorphisms in putative candidate genes for HT increase the susceptibility to HT and/or T2DM. The DD genotype of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene I/D polymorphism was associate
Ideas of Swedish Particularity through the Ages
Development of a rational approach for estimating air vapor pressure in evaporation studies
Some reflections on the Semantic web
The World Wide Web is undoubtedly very successful. Despite that, limitations have been recognized. The basic limiting factor is that the Web handles document for humans to read but not data and information for computers to read. The remedy of this is to provide the Web with semantics: the Semantic Web. While I agree that there is a need for another organization in which it is easier to find the in
The Legal Thought of Karl Renner. - A Critical Appraisal
DC Motor Control Trainer (DCMCT)
Membranes and anodes for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells
Ex-Bishop Alfonso of Jaén, St. Bridget's Evangelist
Alfonso Pecha (b. 1327, d. 1389), Bishop of Spanish Jaén from 1359 to 1368, went to Italy after his resignation. There he made St. Bridget’s acquaintance. Alfonso who was a man of great learning and wide experience became St. Bridget's trusted advisor and assisted her in propagating her great causes (the return of the papacy from Avignon to Rome, a reform of the Church, the founding of a new order
Miljöprioriterad genomfart i Åstorp Efterstudie
The Cappadocians on the Areopagus
Gymnasieskolans svenskämnen. En studie av svenskundervisningen i fyra gymnasieklasser
This dissertation explores how the school subject Swedish is constructed for various groups of upper secondary school students and how the meeting between teacher and pupils is embodied in a range of Swedish subjects. The overall aim of the study is to illustrate why the teaching of Swedish in the classes under investigation takes place the way it does, as well as to discuss possible changes on a
Contextual and individual-level determinants of political protest: The interaction between feelings of discrimination and institutional arrangements
Henric Schartau 1757-1825 : syfte, samtid, samhälle
Employee involvement in Europe: Sweden
Visualization of Different Flashback Mechanisms for H-2/CH4 Mixtures in a Variable-Swirl Burner
Flame flashback from the combustion chamber to the premixing section is a major operability issue when using high H-2 content fuels in lean premixed combustors. Depending on the flow-field in the combustor, flashback can be triggered by different mechanisms. In this work, three flashback mechanisms of H-2/CH4 mixtures were visualized in an atmospheric variable swirl burner using high speed OH chem