

Din sökning på "*" gav 532235 sökträffar

Unity is power: The role of collective action and farmer groups in rural livelihoods in Kenya

The purpose of this thesis was to outline and analyze functions, impacts and challenges of collective action among farmer groups in rural Kenya. The thesis was guided by questions related to how and why farmers cooperate, what the outcomes of collective action on the individual and community level with regard to social and human capital are, and what challenges these farmer groups face. To fulfill

Enhancing Women's Representation in Liberian Parliament

In 2011, Liberia saw a drop in women’s representation in Parliament from 14% to 11.65%. In an effort to understand and aid in reversing this declining trend, this thesis aims to highlight the barriers to and strategies for enhancing women’s participation in the Liberian Parliament. To accomplish this goal 21 semi-structured interviews were conducted and analyzed via academic and context-specific d

The Paradox of Accountability - Three case studies concerning non-governmental activities in Mutomo, Kenya

Non-governmental activities have, during recent decades, played an increasing role within international development assistance and have, to a certain extent, replaced more traditional channels of state-led aid. This study aims to investigate various issues and difficulties that surround non-governmental activities concerning the aim of promoting social and economic change in the context of Mutomo,

Stabilitet för Acceptable Noise Level (ANL) hos normalhörande vuxna personer vid upprepade mätningar inom samma testsession och dess

Olika personer har olika acceptans för bakgrundsbrus vid samtidig lyssning till tal. Akustiska parametrar och sensoriska aspekter har hittills inte kunnat förklara variationen. Högre funktioner som t.ex. arbetsminne tros vara en av de bakomliggande mekanismerna men orsakerna är inte väl utredda. Testet Acceptable Noise Level (ANL) mäter acceptans för bakgrundsbrus men spridningen av resultat på AN

Factories of Memory: Remembering the 12 September Military Coup in Beynelmilel and Bu Son Olsun

12 September 1980, the third successful military coup in the history of Turkey, has had a debilitating impact on the social, political and cultural life of the country. This thesis examines the representations of the 12 September coup through the lens of film as memory. Based on content analysis of two films, Beynelmilel (2006) and Bu Son Olsun (2012) and their reception, this study examines the r

Confronting Gender Equality

Gender inequality is a problem that is interlinked with many other development issues. The UN have for long time been in the forefront when it comes to addressing gender equality and development, but has also been criticized for lacking an adequate understanding of gender. With the theoretical departure in gender mainstreaming as strategy for institutional policy-making, discourse analysis as my m

Herd Behavior in Stock Markets: a Nordic Study

In this paper, the investment behavior among market participants in four Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) is studied, more specifically with regard to their propensity to exhibit herd behavior. The approach of Chiang and Zheng (2010) is applied to detect market-wide herding during the time period 2001-2012. Significant evidence of local market-wide herding is found in Finland

Att vara äldre vårdtagare i ett nytt socialt rum : Om äldre invandrares upplevelser av svensk sjukvård

Abstract Authors: Entesar Ghaleb Hashim & Sara Gunnarsson Title: Being an elderly care taker in a new social room - An essay on elderly immigrants’ experiences in Swedish health care. Supervisor: Charlotta Zettervall Assessor: Frans Oddner This essay focuses on elderly immigrants and their experiences of health care in the Swedish society. The aim of the essay is to study these immigrants’ t

Capacitive power transfer to car through wheel - is it possible?

Introduction: This work aims to evaluate the possibility to transfer electrical power from a metal plate to the steel-cord within a car tire. If the tire stands on the plate, a connecting surface occurs which can be interpreted as a capacitor, where the rubber compound acts as a dielectric. Method: First the impedance of the tire is evaluated: An analytical model is set-up to describe the system;

PRV:s officialprövning av relativa registreringshinder - ur små och medelstora företags perspektiv

Det har länge diskuterats huruvida PRV:s officialprövning av relativa registreringshinder bör avskaffas på varumärkesområdet. Inför den nya varumärkeslagen som trädde i kraft i juli 2011 diskuterades frågan först av Varumärkeskommittén år 2001 och sedan på nytt år 2008 efter begäran från näringslivet. Officialprövningen bibehölls dock oförändrad med motiveringen att användarna ansåg att fördelarnaIt has been discussed for a long time whether the PRV’s examination of relative grounds for refusal regarding trademarks should be abolished or not. Before the new Trademarks Act came into force in July 2011, the question was first discussed by the Brand Committee in 2001 and then again in 2008 after requests from the industry. However, the official examination remained unaffected, on the grounds

Driver Focus

This report incorporates a product styling development concept carried out on Scania a vehicle manufacturer known for its premium long haulage trucks, located in Södertälje, Sweden. The report consists of the development of the writers’ conception and implementation of the term “Driver Focus” on Scanias truck interior. The project is carried out using various different industrial design techniques

Matt 3:14-15 och relationen mellan Jesus och Johannes döparen

Denna uppsats är en redaktionskritisk analys av den relation mellan Jesus och Johannes döparen som Matteus skapar i sin framställning av Jesu dop. Som en redaktionskritisk analys bygger den vidare på tidigare forskning av Günther Bornkamm, John P. Meier och Walter Wink. Den redaktionskritiska ger vid handen att denna relation inte är ett lokalt fenomen begränsat till Matt 3:13-17, utan att relatio

Att läsa mellan raderna i en kravspecifikation – En studie i hur icke-funktionella krav hanteras i Scrum

Agil utveckling blir vanligare och ses som en framgångsfaktor för IT-projekt. Dock kritiseras agila metoder för sin hantering av icke-funktionella krav. Agila metoder sägs ha en idealiserad bild av kunden och sägs hantera icke-funktionella krav för sent. Sen hantering av icke-funktionella krav kan få grova konsekvenser eftersom de kan vara avgörande för mjukvarans arkitektur. Vi har därför valt at

Impacts Of Credit Rating Announcements On Share Price In The NASDAQ Market And The Role Of The Credit Rating Agencies

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the response of the stock prices of firms based on NASDAQ Select Market, during the Credit Rating Announcements made by one of the major rating agencies, Standard and Poor’s, before and after the Great Financial Crisis of 2007-2008. The test procedure is the application of the event study by which we are going to investigate whether or how much the marke

Uppskjuten apport

Sedan 1995 har det inom den svenska aktiebolagsrätten funnits en regel om uppskjuten apport. Denna regel står att finna I aktiebolagslagens 2 kapitel 9§ a-c. Dessa bestämmelser syftar i första hand till att förhindra att reglerna om apport kringgås vid bildandet av ett bolag. Detta kringgående skulle ske genom att bolagets stiftare och ävenså aktieägare köper aktier i bolaget och betalar dessa kon

A Road to Success Under Construction? Examining the Constraints of Public-Private Partnerships in Sweden

Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) have been embraced across the globe the past decades, with the driving forces varying across countries. Considering the relatively scarce usage of PPP in Sweden it appears highly relevant to identify the constraints for realising PPP projects. The outcome of such a study provides better understanding on what factors could constrain countries with low utilisation,

Unpacking and repacking target costing under a contingency approach - A case study of four Swedish companies

Seminar date: June 2, 2014 Course: Master in Accounting and Management Control Authors: Cristiano Marcias and Christoffer Odin Advisors: Per Magnus Andersson and Anders Anell Five key words: target costing; competitiveness; contingency theory; cardinal rule; mechanisms; Purpose: to develop a hypothetical target costing best practice framework based on the combination of multiple theoretical models

A Brand Orientated Approach in Acquisitions

The purpose of this paper is to explore corporate approaches to brands in the assessment of potential acquisitions in business-­to­‐business settings. The paper examines the corporate brands of three case companies -­ ALS Global, Göteborg Energi, and Trelleborg AB -­ in regards to their acquisition activities. Additionally, we have conducted an extensive literature review. Further, our research ph