

Din sökning på "*" gav 533945 sökträffar

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Homophobia is widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa. The causes of homophobia are numerous and interconnected, but the main causes can be found in Africa’s colonial history, and its influence on religion, gender roles and African leaders. Christianity became widespread in Africa during the colonial era, and religion has since played a major role in African societies and in the construction of homophobi

How effective are language trainings for immigrants? Evaluating active labor market policies by applying propensity score matching

Integration programs are important and at the same time controversial parts of an immigration policy. This paper contributes to this debate by evaluating the effectiveness of German language trainings for immigrants with respect to their labor market performance. To allow for possible sample selection bias, the propensity score matching method is applied. This method matches treated and control pe

Corporate environmentalism and its practical implications for managers- A case study about manager`s environmental work at Skanska

Key words: Corporate environmentalism, ecologic-economic decision-making, CSR worldviews Purpose: To explore environmental decision-aming processes at managers at Skanska, also with regard to enviornmental decison-making conceptualizations in theory. Method: The research of the thesis is based on a qualitative approach through the use of semi-structured and open interviews. Furthermore an interpre

Finanskrisers påverkan på revision

Den senaste ekonomiska krisen har skapat problem världen över, inte bara för företag utan även hela länder har varit nära kollaps. Börser världen över har fallit, stora finansiella institut har brutit samman eller köpts upp och regeringar även i de rikaste länder har använt sig av räddningspaket för att rädda sina finansiella system. Utifrån förändringarna i de ekonomiska förhållandena i världen a

Supervision, Coaching and Mentoring of Independent Management Consultants

The study aims to investigate how independent management consultants experience the differences between supervision, mentoring and coaching and how they employ these approaches in their professional development. It also aims to find out how mentoring, coaching and supervision could be conceptualized in a strategy for independent management consultants’ professional development. The paper is based

Valuation Effects of Corporate Cash Holdings

Corporate cash holdings have an important role in the financial management of corporations. Firms hold cash for various reasons, Keynes (1936) states the reasons to be of transaction, precautionary and speculative nature, respectively, and firms’ cash policies differ both on an industry and firm level. Previous empirical studies mainly deal with the determinants and behavior of corporate cash hold

Nyproducerad skånelänga med korsvirkeskonstruktion

Arild is a fishing village in the north-western part of Skåne, placed by the northeast foothills of Kullaberg opposite of the bay Skälderviken. A good friend of mine has recently bought a buildingplot in the village, and his dream is to build an old skånelänga with a timber-framed construction on that plot. Since it is not possible to completely rely on the old construction techniques and construc

Analysis of Database Systems

Adengi is an advertising system for mobile applications. The system was developed by Crunchfish AB with the objective to be used globally by advertising agencies. The system requires an efficient scalable database system to maintain the availability of information in the server at any hour of the day. It can be done in particular by distributing information on various servers around the world. Unf

Mångfaldsfrämjande arbete i förändring: en empirisk studie på fyra förvaltningar inom Lunds kommun.

Begreppet mångfald har på relativt kort tid fått stor spridning i Sverige och gjort sitt inträde i arbetslivet. I svenskt arbetsliv har mångfald i synnerhet kommit att förknippas med etnicitet. Lunds kommun har nyligen gått från en definition av mångfald som jämställdes med etnicitet till en mångfaldsdefinition som omfattar ”alla de egenskaper som gör människor unika”. Denna förändring påverkar oc

On-line Water Quality Monitoring system in Borensberg, Motala, Sweden

In one year water research project in Borensberg Waterworks, Motala, Sweden, water quality with respect to microscopic particle accounts both in raw water and drinking water were monitored by Predect’s Online Water Quality Monitoring System. Microscopic particle counts were documented with normalized value in real-time by P-100 for raw water and P-300 for pure water. This report aimed to evaluate

MTFC-behandling av normbrytande beteende

Studiens syfte var ökad kunskap om MTFC-behandlingens (Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care) effekter och om olika faktorer i och utanför MTFC- programmet som kan ha påverkat behandlingen. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes för att utforska sex ungdomars upplevelser av behandlingstiden i MTFC- programmet och deras livssituation efter avslutad behandling. MTFC- programmet är ett behandlingsThe aim of this study was to expand knowledge about the effects of the MTFC-treatment (Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care) and to identify different factors inside or outside of the MTFC-program that might have influenced treatment. Semi- structured interviews were used to explore six youths´ experiences during MTCF-treatment and their life conditions after completion of treatment. The MTFC-pr

Bestraffning av sexualbrott mot barn: En rättssociologisk studie om allmänhetens attityder om straff- och behandlingsalternativ

Child molesters are possibly the most despised and feared of all criminals. Since children are some of the most vulnerable members of our society, sex crimes against children provoke a great deal of anxiety and are seen as particularly distressing. In recent years, the debate whether Sweden should introduce additional punishment and treatment options that are specifically designed to deal with sex

Den legalt sanktionerade könshandeln fortsätter. En kritisk analys av diskurser kring kommersiell fotografiskt medierad pornografi

Author: Claes Magnusson Title: The legally sanctioned purchasing of women’s bodies continues. A critical discourse analysis regarding commercial photographically mediated pornography [translated title] Supervisor: Agneta Hedblom Assessor: Håkan Jönson In Sweden it is illegal to buy sex. In some cases, that is. There currently exists a double standard between regular prostitution, and the prostitu

Lätt att läsa, svår att lägga ifrån sig. Om att översätta böcker för lässvaga ungdomar

Uppsatsen baseras på översättningen av två böcker skrivna för lässvaga ungdomar, Death Leap och Babyfather. I uppsatsen beskrivs arbetet med källtext, översättningen och de problem och ställningstaganden som dykt upp samt den revisionsprocess som krävts för att få till färdiga översättningar av texterna. Böckernas lättlästa drag undersöks och uppsatsen diskuterar också hur översättningarna kan ellThis essay is based on the translation of two books for struggling readers, Death Leap and Babyfather. The essay describes the on-going work with the source texts, the translation and the problems and choices connected with it, as well as the revisions needed to create the final translations of the texts. The readability of the books is examined and the essay also discusses how the translations ma

Legality of a Contractual Waiver of Human Rights in the European context

An indication of the problematic consent in a private relationship was given by judge Pettiti in his concurring opinion in Laskey, Jaggard and Brown v. The United Kingdom. The applicants were accused and convicted for sado-masochistic acts on themselves and on other, consenting people in private. One of the applicants' claim was that those acts were conducted by willing adult participants. The

Dissociation - En kvalitativ studie om begreppets användning och användbarhet inom allmän vuxenpsykiatri

Dissociation är ett begrepp som används mångtydigt för att beteckna ett eller flera fenomen. Psykologer inom allmän vuxenpsykiatri i Skåne intervjuades om deras förståelse och användning av begreppet i relation till deras arbete med patienter. Studien syftade till att undersöka begreppets användning i en klinisk kontext som inte specialiserat sig på traumabehandling. Ansatsen var uttalat pragmatisDissociation is a term used ambiguously to describe one or several phenomena. Psychologists working in general adult psychiatry in Skåne were interviewed about their understanding and use of the term dissociation in relation to their work with patients. An aim of the study was to describe the use of the term in a clinical context that does not offer specialized trauma treatments. Another aim of th

Penalties and Premiums. A Gender-Based Investigation into the Costs of Parenthood in Sweden.

Numerous empirical studies have discovered that parenthood affects women’s earnings negatively, while men face much smaller penalties and even experience both fatherhood and marriage premiums. This paper uses a cross-sectional approach to analyze the earnings penalty of motherhood and fatherhood in Sweden. It also investigates various earnings penalties experienced by parents, such as the effects

Partnerships in the delivery of welfare services: A case of the RUMPI project of Cameroon.

My research seeks to present Public Private Partnerships in the delivery of welfare services most especially within a developing country context. I use a project case located in the South West region of Cameroon called RUMPI, jointly financed by the African Development Bank and Government of Cameroon to assess partnership contribution of two different types of institutions partnering for welfare d

Att inte hälla salt på jordgubbarna: Systematiskt säkerhetsarbete och säkerhetskultur inom en sjukhusorganisation

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa förståelse för närvaron och skapandet av ett systematiskt säkerhetsarbete och en säkerhetskultur inom en sjukhusorganisation. Uppsatsen kommer att fokusera på två organisatoriska nivåer, administration och professionella utövare, inom ett sjukhus i södra Sverige och studera deras förhållningssätt och arbete kring systematiskt säkerhetsarbete och säkerhe