

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Klädproduktion för svensk marknad ur ett energiperspektiv - En komparativ studie mellan tre textila material genom influenser av LCA

#dagensoutfit #miljövänligt #? Marknadsföring av kläder tillverkade av bland annat återvunnen polyester får oss att tro att vi har köpt ett plagg utan ekologiska konsekvenser. Dessvärre är det inte hela sanningen. Genom energiförbrukning ger klädproduktionen av "miljövänliga material" för den svenska marknaden upphov till påverkan på både miljö och människa. Klädkonsumtionen i Sverige The consumption of clothes in Sweden has dramatically increased since the beginning of the 2000s. Changing of attitudes towards clothing in society and accessible fast fashion are a few contributing factors. To minimize the environmental effects of clothes many clothing companies aim to choose sustainable textiles like recycled polyester and organic cotton. In this comparative study energy use of

Implementeringen av ett omöjligt uppdrag? - En fallstudie om de organisatoriska förutsättningarna att handlägga ansökningar om lärarlegitimation

Due to a decision made by the Swedish parliament in 2010 all teachers would become required to have a teacher´s license to be qualified to; educate students, grade them and get a permanent employment. The politician’s wanted the license system to be fully incorporated in the Swedish school system by 1th of June 2012. A couple of years later the system has still not been fully enforced. The aim of

Preparation and Characterization of Antimicrobial Packaging Films from Cricket Chitosan Enriched with Schisandra Chinensis Extract

Chitosan films for food packaging applications were prepared from shrimp and cricket chitosan, enriched with Schisandra chinensis extract. Physicochemical and antibacterial properties of the films were studied and compared with references studying similar chitosan films. Chitosan is a biodegradable polymer, mostly harvested from shells of crustaceans, which has been studied for packaging applicati

A meta-analysis of the relation between (creative) self-efficacy beliefs and creativity

This meta-analysis synthesized 60 effect sizes from 41 papers (overall N = 17.226), about the relation between self-efficacy beliefs and creativity. Taken as a whole, the relation between those two constructs, assuming a random-effects model, is with r = .39 of medium size, as was proposed. Further subgroup analyses revealed a pattern of self-rated creativity measures (r = .53) those which use ite

A Theoretical Investigation of Thermoelectrics in Nanowires Embedded With a Quantum Dot Superlattice

Thermoelectric elements have long been anticipated to challenge conventional solutions for converting heat to electricity. However, the revolution has been stalled due to the inability to reach efficiencies comparable to their conventional counterparts, while retaining a high output power. In this work we will model a thermoelectric element based on nanowires embedded with a quantum dot superlattice

"Lås in dem". En undersökning om småbarnsföräldrars attityder mot pedofili.

This study aimed to investigate parents’ attitudes towards pedophilia, i.e. their knowledge about pedophilia, stigma of pedophiles and how the society should react to child sexual abuse. Twenty participants were conducted into the survey to answer questions. The study revealed that parents’ attitudes against pedophiles and child molesters were negative and that pedophiles elicited fear in partici

Hur vardagskonsumtionen blev iögonfallande - En studie om premiumisering

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Hur vardagskonsumtionen blev iögonfallande – en studie om premiumisering Seminariedatum: 2015-05-26 Kurs: FEKN90: Examensarbete på civilekonomprogrammet, 30 högskolepoäng Författare: Oskar Britting och Viktor Hansson Handledare: Annette Cerne Nyckelord: Premium, premiumisering, premiumlivsmedel, konsumentbeteende, personligt varumärke, kommodifiering, iögonfAbstract Title: How the Everyday Consumption Became Conspicuous – a Study About Premiumisation Seminar date: 2015-05-26 Course: FEKN90: Master Thesis in Science and Business Administration, 30 ECTS Authors: Oskar Britting and Viktor Hansson Supervisor: Annette Cerne Key words: Premium, premiumisation, premium foods, consumer behavior, personal branding, commodification, conspicuous consumpti

Principalansvaret och dess gränser ur ett rättsekonomiskt perspektiv

De svenska reglerna om principalansvar trädde i kraft 1972, när en ny skadeståndslag antogs av Riksdagen. Innan denna tidpunkt hade regler om principalansvar utvecklats i rättspraxis, men omfattningen av detta ansvar hade varit väldigt begränsad. I de flesta fall hade en arbetsgivare inte kunnat hållas ansvarig för de skador som hans anställda vållat i tjänsten. När regler om principalansvar intoThe Swedish regulation of vicarious liability entered into force in 1972, when a new Liability for Damages Act was passed by the parliament. Prior to this point in time, a concept of vicarious liability had developed in Swedish case law, but the scope of such liability had been very limited. In most cases, an employer would not have been held responsible for tortious acts caused by his employees i

Vindkraftens påverkan på torsk under anläggning, drift och avveckling

Havsbaserade vindkraftens påverkan på torsk Den globala uppvärmningen är ett faktum och efterfrågan på nya gröna hållbara energikällor ökar i världen. En förnybar energikälla som ständigt ökar är vindkraftverk som kan placeras till havs för att få maximal effekt, men konsekvenser av det är att dem bildar bl.a buller, elektromagnetiska fält och ändrade havsströmmar som kan skada djurlivet. SverigOffshore wind power is increasing globally and as well as in Sweden where there are plans to expand the use of this renewable energy. It requires a careful planning with many aspects to consider when to decide where to place the park and when it is going to be construct. One important aspect to consider is the effects of fishes, especially the important commercially and endangered cod. To decide t

Ungdomars attityder till nätdrogen Spice

Authors: Rebecka Norberg and Lovisa Stiverius Title: Young people's attitude towards Spice [Translated title] Supervisor:Torbjörn Hjort Assessor:Weddig Runquist The aim of this study was to examine what students in the final grade of high school in Helsingborg attitudes were towards the legal high, Spice. We also wanted to study the use of the drug and if there were any differences in both u

Livet med assistent : Föräldrars upplevelser av personlig assistans till ett hemmavarande barn

The aim of the study was to examine parents’ experiences of personal assistance of their child's personal assistance in the home. The focus set on the relationship to the assistant. The material has been gathered through semi-structured interviews and the sample group consisted of four parents. The approach is ethno methodological. Furthermore, the concepts of backstage and frontstage from Gof

Modelling and CNG distribution study of a Natural Gas-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine

Nowadays, environmental concerns have created the need of evolution in combustion engines for trying to give a solution to the growing problem of pollution produced by the combustion of fossil fuels. This master thesis project has been motivated by the developing of dual fuel engines with natural gas as main energy source for being an alternative to traditional combustion engines. Dual fuel is sti

Återvinning av asfalt - en fallstudie i Malmberget

Hur och varför ska man återvinna asfalt i Malmberget? Tätorterna Malmberget och Kiruna i nordligaste Sverige byggs upp och avvecklas samtidigt i samband med att mineralkoncernen LKAB fortsätter sin gruvverksamhet på båda orterna. Många asfalterade ytor kommer därför att tas bort samtidigt som nya behöver läggas eftersom nya områden med bostäder och verksamheter behöver byggas upp. Frågan om asfalThis thesis investigates how manufacturing of asphalt containing recycled materials can be conducted when the purpose is to use the recycled material in another road construction. The study show that manufacturing of asphalt containing recycled materials then can be conducted in three ways, through hot, less hot and cold manufacturing processes. The possible use of the final products is dependent

“Sustainable Sustainability – How do we do it?”

Title – “Sustainable Sustainability, how do we do it? A study in consumer behavior and the path towards a sustainable society” Seminar date – 2015-05-26 Course – FEKN90 Master Thesis in Science and Business Administration, 30 ECTS. Authors – Niklas Dahlberg and Jonathan Jansson Supervisor – Matts Kärreman Key Words – Sustainability, consumer behavior, consumer decision making, demand creation for

Evaluating Credit Default Swap spreads using the CreditGrades model - A study on European non-financial firms

In our paper, we analyse Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) for 67 European non-financial companies between December 2004 and December 2014, focusing on the five-year maturity corporate CDS spreads. The period of analysis is divided into three sub-periods; before the financial crisis, during the global financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis. The CreditGrades model is used to estimate CDS

Hur mår du, Lunds kultur? En uppsats om den eventuella diskrepansen mellan vision och verklighet i Lunds Kulturliv

This is a study thesis about the current cultural life in the town of Lund, Sweden. The people living in Lund are often described as a highly cultural active people. Meanwhile, in 2009 Lund filed to become the European Capital of Culture in 2014, lost the desirable title against Umeå. Afterwards there has been criticism on the investments in the project. Lund as the European Capital of Culture s

Asfaltmassans påverkan av fukt i granulatet

Recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) is a way of constructing roads with less climate impact. However, the RAP often contain moisture which is known to be disadvantageous for the final product and will at the same time increase the production cost. A manufacturing method that also aims have less impact on the environment is NCC Green Asphalt. The method allows a lower manufacturing temperature than a c

Räntans effekt på hushållens sparande

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om räntan har någon påverkan på de svenska hushållens sparande. Hypotesen är att räntan inte har någon direkt effekt på sparandet men att den genom bostadspriser påverkar sparandet. Med data främst från Konjunkturinstitutets Konjunkturbarometer, som låter hushållen själva definiera och uppge sitt sparande, kan kortsiktiga förändringar i sparandet jämföras medThis paper aims for explaining short term changes in Swedish household's savings. The hypothesis is that the interest rate does not affect the saving directly but via housing prices. Data for statistical, time series, analysis is collected mainly from Konjunkturinstitutet where households have answered polls on savings and expectations on different economic indicators. The results find that th

Brandtekniskt Riskvärdering Bråhögshallen

This report is a fire safety assessment of Bråhögshallen, a multi-sport facility located in Staffanstorp in the south of Sweden. The building consists of one larger and one smaller sports hall, a bowling alley and other smaller facilities used for a variety of different sports. Bråhögshallen was built in 1969, and the regulations regarding fire safety has since changed. The assessments in this rep

Designing a generic fieldbus framework and refactoring legacy code for multiple platforms

När man jobbar med stora pogrammeringsprojekt är ett av de stora problemen att skriva koden så den går att underhålla. Skriver man kod som är lätt att underhålla är det också enklare att göra tillägg, ändringar och åtgärda problem. I detta projekt har två stora, liknande projekt undersökts för hitta likheter i koden. Om likheterna kan sammanföras till en generisk lösning kommer koden att vara lätWhen working with large programming projects, one of the major problems is to write the code so it can be maintained. If you write code that is easy to maintain it is also easier to extend, change and fix bugs in the code. In this project two large, similar projects were investigated to find similarities in the code. If the similarities could be brought together in a generic solution, the code wo