

Din sökning på "*" gav 533081 sökträffar

Critical thinking in English as a foreign language instruction : an interview-based study of five upper secondary school teachers in Sweden

This study examines five English teachers’ attitudes towards critical thinking (CT) and methods of assessment in English as a foreign language (EFL) in Sweden’s upper secondary school. Through the use of interviews and policy document analysis, it is uncovered how the teachers interpret critical thinking, how they report on supporting students’ abilities and how they report on assessing critical t

The X-Factor

Denna uppsats syftar till att tillhandahålla förståelse kring de bestämmande faktorer som påverkar användandet av factoring och de upplevda attityderna gentemot factoring. Uppsatsen kommer även tillhandahålla en samtida syn på factoring som finansieringsmetod och försöka förklara användandet med hjälp av finansiella teorier. Uppsatsen använder en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi med en kombination aThis thesis aims to provide an understanding regarding the determinants of the usage of factoring and the perceived attitudes towards factoring. It will also provide a contemporary view of factoring as a financing solution and try to explain the usage in the context of financial theories. The thesis uses a quantitative research strategy combined with a mixture of a deductive and inductive approach

The 't Hooft model as a testing ground for Quantum Chromodynamics

Allt vi ser är uppbyggt av små partiklar som vi kallar atomer. Men atomerna är inte fundamentala, de består av ännu mindre partiklar och faktiskt, är de mesta av dem tomrum. En atom har liknande struktur som vårt solsystem, det finns en mycket tung kärna i mitten (solen) och lättare elektroner som kretsar runt den (planeterna). Mellan kärnan och elektronerna finns mestadels tomrum, precis som i våWe study a 1+1 dimensional Yang-Mills model in the light-cone gauge (the ’t Hooft model). The colour group is SU (N ) and we study the limit N → ∞, the limit is taken such that g²N is kept constant. In this limit the only contributing diagrams are planar diagrams without gluon-gluon interactions. Using this, it is shown that there are no free quarks in this model. The bound state wave equation is

Minska brottslighet och öka trygghet: om att uppnå Polisens två kriminalpolitiska mål med samma medel.

The main assignment for the Swedish Police, given from the government, is to 1) reduce crime and 2) increase safety so that people can feel safe where they live. A previous research resulted in the recommendation that the Swedish Police should work separately against the two goals. The motivation for the recommendation was that working separately against the goals would be the most efficient way o

Is There No Place Like Home For Financial Reporting?

The performed study is a qualitative case study of the company Business Sweden. An inductive research approach has been used where we started by observing Business Sweden and subsequently applied suitable theories. The aim with the paper is to describe and analyze the aspects of management control in a multinational hybrid organization, by observing the process of centralizing the responsibility o

Default Correlations within Credit Valuation

This paper focuses on pricing of basket Credit Default Swaps. The credit market instruments such as CDSs and CDOs are introduced. The concepts of trading these derivatives in basket CDSs divided into tranches is also of big importance. Dierent pricing models are presented and compared. Those are Semi-Analytic Valuation model with a Copula approach used together with the methods compound and base c

Airborne Microorganisms. A methodology to examine viability of bioaerosols

Smittspridning via luften är ett av de mest förekommande sätten för sjukdomsutbredning, men mycket kring processen och överlevnaden av luftburna mikroorganismer är fortfarande okänt. Epidemiologiska studier för att undersöka sjukdomars utbredning räcker inte till och kontrollerade laboratoriestudier behövs för att kunna dra slutsatser kring vilka parametrar som påverkar överlevnaden av mikroorganiTransmission through air is a major pathway for spreading of diseases, but much about the process and survival of airborne microorganisms is still unknown. Epidemiological studies investigating the spread of diseases can only yield information on a population level. In order to find out which parameters affect the survival of microorganisms, controlled laboratory studies are required. The aim of t

En pedagogisk ledares röst kring lärande och kompetensutveckling

Sammanfattning: Lärandet och kompetensutveckling är viktiga aspekter i arbetslivet, men det tycks finnas ett glapp mellan teori och praktik vad gäller upplevelsen utav lärande och kompetensutveckling. Denna studie exemplifierar hur lärande och kompetensutveckling kan ske i praktiken och överensstämma med teorin genom en pedagogisk ledare; Roberto Citterio som är chef på Pedagogisk Inspiration i Ma

Hållbarhetsredovisning - En studie av svenska läkemedelsföretags hållbarhetsredovisningar

Vårt syfte är att beskriva hållbarhetsredovisning upprättad av läkemedelsföretag noterade på svenska börsen och förklara varför denna ser ut som den gör. Detta har gjorts genom en dokumentstudie av fyra läkemedelsföretags hållbarhetsredovisning samt kompletterande intervjuer. Studiens referensram utgörs av en institutionalia där standarder och riktlinjer inom hållbarhetsredovisning redogörs för.

A model of stock price movements

The goal of the thesis is to model stock prices as a stochastic process which exhibits reversion towards an equilibrium point, where the equilibrium point is set by fundamental data points of the company. The stochastic model is compared to the standard approach of using Geometric Brownian motion to simulate stock prices. The autocorrelations of a group of stocks are investigated. This has lead

Integration of powdered activated carbon in tertiary disc filtration of wastewater

Mikroföroreningar är små molekyler som är restprodukter från t.ex. läkemedel, hormoner, kosmetika samt mikroplaster. Då majoriteten av dessa inte renas i våra av- loppsreningsverk har mikroföroreningarna börjat ackumuleras i vattendrag och dess negativa inverkan på vattenlevande djur har börjat uppmärksammas. En av metoderna för att ta hand om och avskilja mikroföroreningarna i reningsprocessen äThis thesis investigates the feasibility of integrating Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) in to chemical treatment in combination with disc filtration of tertiary wastewater. Jar and tube tests have been performed, where the suspension was filtered through a 10 μm disc filter from Hydrotech Veolia Water Technologies. The effluent has been analyzed for total phosphorus (TP), total suspended solids (T

Modularization of mechanics for airfield solutions

In ADB Safegate's airfield lighting product portfolio, two sizes of LED inset luminaires consist of similar internal components with different design. This project has investigated the possibilities to find generic design solutions for the internal components to fit both product sizes. By using modularized components the company will decrease the indirect costs of the product, for instance cos

Energy storage in grid optimization

Today energy supply is moving towards more renewable, which brings challenges to the power grid. Intermittent power is difficult to predict and cannot be regulated in the same way as conventional power. If the grid is not dimensioned to handle the power peaks, the intermittent power can cause overload on the grid. Overload causes larger losses, can damage electrical components in the grid and/or a

Versatile Test Rig

This report is about further development of a test rig called the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Test Rig, called the DMRC Test Rig. A method for testing pneumatic valves,used in the systems for train brakes and called brake valves, was developed.The main objective was to automatize the testing of all existing and future developed pneumatic brake valves, made by the company Faiveley Transport, using

Beyond economic growth: The new Integrated National Care System in Uruguay, a step to where?

Uruguay is facing a care crisis due to low birth rates, the increase in life expectancy and the inclusion of women in the labor market. Between 2010 and 2012 the official discussions about the creation of a new Integrated National System of Care social policy reform were carried out. In this research, the relationships between the market, the society and the state present in those initial delibera

Comparisons between different multi-criteria decision analysis techniques for disease susceptibility mapping

Geographic information system multi-criteria decision analysis (GIS-MCDA) procedure can combine criterion maps together and associated the criterion weights to acquire an overall value for each spatial location in the research area. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), Ordered Weighted averaging (OWA) are three generic algo

Time Synchronization in Short Range Wireless Networks

Energy efficient wireless devices is a trend that has been on the rise the last few years. Energy efficiency properties may fill a function in wireless sensor networks where the devices could run on coin-cell batteries and still last for years. To make sense of the sensor data collected, there is a requirement of accurate time synchronization in the network. This report focuses on investigating if

Analys av försäljningsdata från Google Adwords med EM-algoritmen

Syftet med uppsatsen är att finna en modell som väl beskriver fördelningen för orderdata från Google Adwords och att finna ett lämpligt sätt att skatta det förväntade värdet för en order. Vi gör detta på uppdrag av marknadsföringsbyrån Precis Digital. Från dem erhåller vi data för en av deras kunder. Till att börja med anpassar vi ett antal olika sannolikhetsfördelningar med Maximum-Likelihood-metThe purpose of this paper is to find a model that describes the distribution of Google Adwords order data and to find an appropriate method to estimate the expected value for an order. We do this on behalf of the marketing agency Precis Digital. We receive data for one of their customers. To begin with we fit some widely used probability distributions using the Maximum-Likelihood method and invest