

Din sökning på "*" gav 534512 sökträffar

Empty Labour and A Multidimensional Analysis of Commitment - A Case Study of Two Different Organisations

The aim of this master’s thesis is to explore the interplay of commitment and empty labour in two widely different organisations. Empty labour can be described as when you are doing anything else than your official working tasks. Commitment on the other hand is how and in what way you feel obligated to the organisation, your boss, your colleagues’ etcetera. Depending on several factors such as col

Creating a Body Powered Prosthetic Arm with 3D Printing Technology

3D-printad protesarm för ökad individanpassning och komfort Målet med en protes är att återställa så många funktioner som möjligt från en förlorad kroppsdel och skapa en naturlig känsla för användaren. Detta har vi jobbat mot i vårt examensarbete och med hjälp av både 3D-printerns och 3D-scannerns unika möjligheter har vi skapat en individanpassad och kroppsstyrd armprotes. Den enkla protesen är 3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is a technology that uses a digital model to print a three-dimensional object, layer by layer. Today, it is widely used in many different fields and provides a manufacturing method with advantages such as precision and the ability to print complex shapes from many different materials. 3D printed prostheses have recently gained a lot of interest thanks to the

Virtual Production Line

This master thesis has been conducted at Alfa Laval in cooperation with the division of Production and Materials Engineering at Lund University. The objective has been to investigate virtual production with regards to its required resources, benefits and limitations of the technology. Work with production analysis, literature studies, creating a prototype, benchmarking led to our conclusion. Virt

Machine Learning as a Data Driven Approach to Automate Multivariate Matching Methods

This paper introduces machine learning to automate the coarsening choices in coarsened exact matching (CEM) as a monotonic imbalance bounding matching class. I suggest to replace the otherwise arbitrary multivariate stratification process with a binary classification tree. This way, I can minimise potential bias caused by subjective preferences. By using the LaLonde (1986) dataset, I systematicall

Staffanstorpsbanan - En studie om lönsamheten för att upprusta Staffanstorpsbanan för trafikering

The purpose of the report is to study whether it is economically profitable to start operate traffic on the Staffanstorp Line, the railway between Staffanstorp and Malmö. Also what resources and measures that are required will be studied. The activities that have been carried out are a literature study, a visit to the Staffanstorp Line and several calculations in form of cost estimates and costben

'Hygge racism': "noget som man nok bruger mere end man tænker over". A qualitative study of well-intentioned racism

The aim of this study is to add to the body of knowledge on racisms in Denmark with the hope that further conceptual developments on ‘hygge racism’ can be made. In order to achieve this general aim, I analyse ‘hygge racism’ based on chosen concepts that show how it is reproduced and normalised in Denmark, thus dealing with it on structural and cultural levels, while also showing how it is a discur

An examination of the possible inhibition of the interaction between AQP4 and CaM using TFP, and the crystallization of AQP4

I dagens I-länder är neurologiska sjukdomar en av de främsta orsakerna bakom dödsfall. Enligt statistik från ”Disabled World” påverkas upp till 1 miljard människor världen över av någon form av neurologisk sjukdom, vilket inkluderar allt från epilepsi och migrän till Alzheimer och stroke. Till följd av detta är medicin för att såväl förhindra som att motverka skador från neurologiska sjukdomar enAQP4 is a protein in the brain which regulate the diffusion of water in and out of cells. Through studies using AQP4 null mice, a correlation between the regulation of AQP4 and the survival rate of cerebral edemas has been noted. Due to the fact that there are three different kinds of cerebral edemas, and that they require different kinds of regulation of AQP4 in order to lessen the problem, the r

Spika med en smartphone? En kvalitativ intervjustudie om yrkesarbetares attityder kring användandet av mobila enheter i byggproduktion

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka de attityder, hinder och möjligheter som yrkesarbetare och platsledning ser i och med yrkesarbetares användande av mobiltelefoner i den dagliga verksamheten. Målet är att resultatet ska bidra till förståelse för de svårigheter och barriärer som kan uppkomma vid implementering av digitala verktyg, att finna tillvägagångssätt för att minimera dessa samt för a

Bevissäkringsteorin och de materiella bevisteorierna

Det finns olika teorier kring vem som bevisbördan ska falla på inom tvistemål när det råder oenighet kring huruvida ett visst rättsfaktum ligger för handen. Bevissäkringsteorin är en av dessa. Bevissäkringsteorin innebär att bevisbördan läggs på den som har haft det lättast för att säkra bevisning. Mot bevissäkringsteorin konkurrerar de materiella bevisteorierna. Dessa teorier förespråkar att beviThere are different theories regarding who should carry the burden of proof within civil cases when there is controversy regarding whether or not a certain fact is at hand. The theory of securing evidence is one of these. The theory of securing evidence states that the burden of proof should be placed on whomever has an easier time of securing evidence. The material theories of evidence compete wi

No title

This paper investigates the political agency of comics creators with connection to Seriestaden Malmø in Sweden. Through analysis of interviews, it aims to produce a more nuanced understanding of how comics creators and graphic novelists use the media to communicate stories of intersectional complexity from lived experiences. It draws on critical feminist and anti- racist theory to understand the c

Decentralized collaboration in a complex environment: an organizational ethnographic study of the collaboration process in Lomma Municipality

The relationship between employer and employee at the Swedish labor market is statutory in the Codetermination Act (1976:560), which declares that negotiations are to be concluded between the employers and affected trade unions before significant organizational changes are made. However, many organizations alternatively choose to terminate local collaboration agreements intended at increasing part

Självkänsla och facebookanvändning - En kvantitativ enkätstudie om sambandet mellan självkänsla och facebookanvändning samt köns-och åldersskillnader.

Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan självkänsla och facebookanvändning i form av frekvens, antal vänner samt motiv. Studien syftade även till att studera eventuella köns- och åldersskillnader i förhållande till självkänsla såväl som facebookanvändning. Undersökningen, som tog en deduktiv ansats, var utformad som en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie med webbenkät som datainsamlingsmeto

Lunar Light House

The Lunar Light House project was developed to provide a novel system of protection against cosmic radiation specifically for a surface Lunar base. It’s main target was to find a technical solution which would allow for more freedom in shaping the base structure and also potentially for introducing natural sun light. At the time of developing this project, there seldom were any ideas as to how t

Unfolding Slavery: a comparative analysis of definitions and positive obligations in the IACtHR case of Hacienda Brasil Verde Worker v. Brazil and the ECtHR case law on slavery and forced labour

In October 2016, the IACtHR issued the judgment of the case of Hacienda Brasil Verde Workers v Brazil. The case concerns the subjection of 85 workers to slavery-like conditions in a private-owned livestock farm located in the north of Brazil. Brasil Verde Workers v. Brazil was the first judgment of the IACtHR on the prohibition of slavery of article 6 ACHR. Moreover, it was also the first time tha

The decision journey to apply for higher education abroad: An exploratory study of the interactions between international students and online media communication channels

The aim of this research was to explore the consumer behavior of international students in the context of the choice for a higher education institution abroad in order to gain insights on their interactions with different online media communication channels during their decision journey. Previous research discussed the increased use of the internet during the application process for universities a

Returhantering som potentiellt värdeförstörande

Studien belyser hur returhantering behöver inkludera kundens perspektiv. Returhantering grundas idag utifrån effektivisering av returer och lönsamhet. Det finns behov av kundens perspektiv i returhanteringen för möjligheten av att förstå hur värde skapas och förstörs. Studiens syfte var att skapa en större förståelse för kundens perspektiv i returhanteringsprocesser och genom att undersöka fenomen

Detektering av igentäppta dagvattenbrunnar i smart cities

In the urban society there are more and more hard surfaces that prevent the natural drainage of rain water. To lead the runoff of rain water and to avoid flooding it is crucial that the systems for drainage work properly. In the event of a storm drain being blocked, flooding can occur due to the rain water not being able to flow in to the storm drain. A system that can send an alarm when a storm d