

Din sökning på "*" gav 528039 sökträffar

Sequences in Pairing Problems: A New Approach to Reconcile Stability with Strategy-Proofness for Elementary Matching Problems

We study two-sided ("marriage") and general pairing ("roommate") problems. We introduce "sequences," lists of matchings that are repeated in order. Stable sequences are natural extensions of stable matchings; case in point, we show that a sequence of stable matchings is stable. In addition, stable sequences can provide solutions to problems for which stable matchings do not exist. In a sense, they

Periferins micrópolis - genus, rum och fattigdom i Costa Rica

I urbaniseringens fotspår materialiseras fattigdomen i slum, kåkstäder och favelas i städer värl-den över. Trots millenniemålen om att minska antalet invånare som lever i slum, visar statistik från FN-Habitat att urbaniseringstakten ökar och att städernas fattiga idag utgör en fjärdedel av världens stadsinvånare. Fattigdomen i städer och den undermåliga byggda miljö människor tvingas leva i, denna

Improved Message Passing Techniques in Fast Correlation Attacks on Stream Ciphers

The fast correlation attack is a general cryptanalytic attack directed at stream ciphers and is related to the decoding of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. In this paper, we improve the message passing algorithm by exploiting the fact that the sum of an arbitrary number of initial state variables, called a fixed point, can be written as the sum of only a few other variables. This will result

Överskuldsättning och konsumtionsmönster i det digitala samhället – en kunskapsöversikt

Detta är en kunskapsöversikt på området för överskuldsättning och konsumtionsmönster i det digitala samhället, vilket inkluderar företeelser som e-handel, smarta mobiler och deras roll för konsumtion och kredittagande, nya sätt att betala, konsumera och skuldsätta sig, och mer. Kunskapsöversikten har författats av forskare vid Lunds universitet på uppdrag av Kronofogdemyndigheten. Arbetet har utfö

A classification scheme for studies on fault-prone components

Various approaches are presented in the literature to identify fault-prone components. The approaches represent a wide range of characteristics and capabilities, but they are not comparable, since different aspects are compared and different data sets are used. In order to enable a consistent and fair comparison, we propose a classification scheme, with two parts, 1) a characterisation scheme whic

Numerical and experimental study of the slot film cooling jet with various angles

Numerical simulations coupled with LDV experiments were carried out to investigate a slot jet issued into a cross flow, which is relevant in the film cooling of gas turbine combustors. The film cooling fluid injection from slots or holes into a cross-flow produces highly complicated flow fields. In this paper, the time-averaged Navier-Stokes equations were solved on a collocated body-fitted grid s

Enteric Helicobacter and H. pylori in chronic inflammation and cancer of the hepatobiliary tract and pancreas

The Helicobacter genus now consists of at least 26 species, with additional novel species in the process of being validated. Beyond the impact of H. pylori and human health, considerable research has focused on other Helicobacter species isolated from humans and animals and the associated natural diseases that range from subclinical inflammation to cancer in the gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary

En medeltida storstad : historien om Söderköping

The book is a history of the medieval city of Söderköping in the Swedish province of Östergötland, which was founded in the beginning of the thirteenth century. It is based on the numerous archaeological finds that have been unearthed in the city, as well as on the documentary sources in various archives.

Water and protein solutions studied by field-dependent magnetic relaxation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kärnmagnetisk resonans (NMR) är en metod som bygger på att många atomkärnor uppför sig som mycket små magneter. Detta i sin tur beror på att kärnan beter sig som en liten roterande laddning. Man säger att kärnan har ett spinn, eller att kärnan är ett spinn. I min avhandling använder jag mig av en fantastisk egenskap hos kärnspinnen. Om man stör systemet kommer det att In the work presented, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation is used to study wide range of systems. The thesis concerns solvent interactions studied with relaxation techniques that involve measurements at many fields, which allows the separation of individual relaxation mechanisms. The approach also makes it possible to characterize the involved dynamic properties in much greater detail. T

Hydrolases as Catalysts for Green Chemistry and Industrial Applications - Esterase, Lipase and Phytase

Popular Abstract in English The chemical industry has greatly contributed to the advancement of the human civilization. However, the side effects of this industry have become a real environmental burden. The message in this thesis is that enzymes have a great potential as catalysts for clean and sustainable processes. With three enzymes: an esterase, a lipase and a phytase, the thesis demonstratedThe use of enzymes in industrial applications has been recognised for providing clean processes with minimal impact on the environment. This thesis presents studies on engineering of enzymes and enzyme-based processes in the light of green chemistry and environmental sustainability, and focuses on three hydrolases: esterase, lipase and phytase. The use of esterase has been investigated to provide

Choice-decision determinants for the (non) adoption of energy efficiency technologies in households

Energy efficiency scenarios are developed in the national and international context to explore and evaluate different policy designs and visions of how energy will be generated, distributed and used in the future. However, these scenarios are often developed using conventional bottom-up modelling tools that, to only a limited extent, take into account decentralised decision-making frameworks, such