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Om synen på nazism och kommunism i museer i de baltiska staterna.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Slå vatten i småbitar Många av de små molekyler som omger oss kan verka helt alldagliga. Vatten, koldioxid, syre, metan; de bara finns där, i våra kroppar, i våra lungor, överallt. Men så börjar någon tala om klimatförändringar, och att förstå de banala molekylerna blir avgörande för hela vår existens. Koldioxid, metan och vatten är växthusgaser, och det finns idag merThis dissertation contains seven studies exploring novel instrumentation for ion and electron spectroscopy, including their applicability at storage ring light sources. The studies focus on instrumentation to study decay, dynamics and dissociation of photoexcited molecules, and the possibility to host such instruments at MAX~IV. Commissioning of an instrument for negative-ion/positive-ion coincid
Sedan början på 1990-talet lever en större andel ungdomar och unga vuxna under knappa ekonomiska omständigheter. Alltfler ungdomar och unga vuxna har en bräcklig förankring på arbetsmarknaden och löper en större risk för social margina- lisering jämfört med befolkningen överlag. Sverige har en ungdomsarbetslöshet som ligger över EU27-snittet och den högsta bland de nordiska länderna. Bromölla har
Abstract in Italian Sono qui messi a confronto due modelli per l’analisi dei Vangeli da un punto di vista retorico: l’utilizzo delle categorie retoriche dei Progymnasmata ellenistici e «la retorica biblica e semitica». Si sostiene che l’utilizzo di un modello non escluda l’utilizzo dell’altro, ma che anzi si completino a vicenda. Un’analisi dell’ultima cena in Lc 22,11-38 serve a illustrare l’uso Two approaches to the rhetorical analysis of Gospel texts are being compared in this essay: on the one hand, the use of the rhetorical categories of the Hellenistic Progymnasmata, and on the other, «Biblical and semitic rhetoric». It is argued that these two approaches are not mutually exclusive, but complementary. The last supper in Luke 22,14-38 functions as a test case. An introduction offers s
Popular Abstract in Swedish Glukos (druvsocker) är den primära energikällan för människan. Därför är det viktigt att effektivt kunna lagra extra socker från blodcirkulationen efter måltider, och att snabbt kunna använda det upplagrade sockret mellan måltiderna. Glykogen är upplagringsformen av socker i cellerna och en glykogenmolekyl kan bestå av tiotusentals glukosmolekyler. Glykogensyntesen reglEffective insulin-stimulated storage of excess glucose after a meal, and its rapid mobilisation in the fasting state provide basis of glucose homeostasis. Glycogen is the macromolecular storage form of glucose and glycogen synthase (GS) is the rate-limiting enzyme in glycogen synthesis. Skeletal muscle and liver are the major depots of glycogen. The present studies were undertaken to isolate and c
The core of the research theme ageing and the environment is the better understanding of the interrelations between ageing persons and their physical-social surroundings (home environments; out-of-home environments; technology and products) including intervention and implementation.
We report an ethnographic and field-experiment-based study of time intervals in Amondawa, a Tupi language and culture of Amazonia. We analyse two Amondawa time interval systems based on natural environmental events (seasons and days), as well as the Amondawa system for categorising lifespan time (“age”). Amondawa time intervals are exclusively event-based, as opposed to time-based (i.e. they are b
Ideas on orthographic standardization at the end of the 17the century and a few decades afterwards. The principal actors: Swedberg and Hiärne. The most interesting problem: gemination of vowels and consonants. The new translation of the bible did change the orthography but the spelling was still too conservative and irregular in many respects.
The dynamic testing method, as an alternative to traditional bench testing against a brake, has proven to be a fast, convenient, yet accurate way of characterizing electrical machines. By measuring the speed and the currents and voltages while alternatively accelerating and decelerating the electrical machine it is possible to obtain its torque and flux linkage characteristics dynamically. This ar
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In recent years it has become increasingly clear that chemical interactions play a fundamental role in aquatic habitats and have far-reaching evolutionary and ecological consequences. A plethora of studies have shown that aquatic organisms from most taxa and functional groups respond to minute concentrations of chemical substances released by other organisms. However, our knowledge of this “chemic