

Din sökning på "*" gav 529269 sökträffar

Diabetic retinopathy before and after cataract surgery

AIMS/BACKGROUND: Increased retinopathy progression has been reported after cataract surgery in patients with diabetes mellitus. To assess the influence of cataract surgery on visual acuity and retinopathy progression, all diabetic patients who were subjected to cataract surgery during 1991-3 have been followed up at the Department of Ophthalmology in Helsingborg. The average follow up time was 2 y

Reply to letter by Deng et al. "Could the levels of inflammation biomarkers predict OA? : Comment on the article by Roemer FW et al."

As explained in the methods-section, we chose to analyze the 2-year data in regard to inflammatory activity based on MRI and synovial biomarkers (and not earlier time points) as our aim was to capture patients that experienced "prolonged" or chronic inflammation, which may be regarded as a potential risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA) development. Virtually all patients of an acute injury cohort (

Meaning-making made aloud : From a printed version to an audio version of a multimodal popular science journal

First, the printed journal is analysed in accordance with Unsworth (1997), focusing on how the resources of text, images and graphics are deployed in scientific explanation and how the meaning is constructed by the visuals. Second, the interpretative process of meaning-making is uncovered by think aloud protocols. In order to produce an aural version of the complex text, the interpreter must asses

Making popular science accessible: Uncovering AD skills and competences

The paper focuses on skills and competences used in audio description (AD) of a Swedish popular scientific journal. The journal, containing complex images and visualizations, is made accessible for visually impaired audiences by producing an audio version. The task is to create a verbal description to enhance understanding and enjoyment. The interpretative process of meaning-making is uncovered by

Geoelectrical imaging for site investigation for urban underground infrastructure : a TRUST-project

Unforeseen ground conditions are risk factors often leading to delays and significant additional costs in conjunction with underground infrastructure construction work. There are two main geological hazards that are important to identify, manage, or possibly avoid, for safe and efficient underground construction. The first is unstable rock and the second is large groundwater inflow. The latter exi

An estrogen receptor mutant with strong hormone-independent activity from a metastatic breast cancer

Thirty tumors from metastatic breast cancer patients were screened for mutations in the estrogen receptor (ER) gene using single-strand conformation polymorphism and sequence analysis. Three missense mutations, Ser47Thr, Lys531Glu, and Tyr537Asn, were identified in these lesions. To investigate these mutated ERs or altered transcriptional activation function, expression vectors containing wild-typ

Grundvattendagarna 2013

Den här rapporten innehåller en sammanställning av abstracts som ligger till underlag för de presentationer som presenterades på konferensen Grundvattendagarna i Lund den 16–17 oktober 2013. Konferensen anordnades av SGU i samarbete med Geologiska institutionen på Lunds uni-versitet och Länsstyrelsen Skåne. Ett av konferensens syften var att få till en bred uppslutning från olika organisationer, m

Arsenic Research and Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment (As2016), June 19-23, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden

The Congress "Arsenic in the Environment" offers an international, multi- and interdisciplinary discussion platform for research and innovation aimed towards a holistic solution to the problem posed by the environmental toxin arsenic, with considerable societal impact. The congress has focused on cutting edge and breakthrough research in physical, chemical, toxicological, medical, agricultural and

Vatten, vatten, bara vanligt vatten?

Vatten är en naturresurs som vi kanske tar lite för mycket för givet i vårt land. Grundvattenforskaren charlotte Sparrenbom menar att skyddet av den kanske viktigaste naturresursen för vår överlevnad är kraftigt eftersatt. hon vill väcka till eftertanke om hur vårt fotavtryck ser ut för kommande generationer, och föreslå sätt att komma igång med bättre skydd av vårt vatten.

Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the Weissela oryzae botulinum-like toxin

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are the most potent toxins known. So far, eight serotypes have been identified that all act as zinc-dependent endopeptidases targeting SNARE proteins and inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters. Recently, the first botulinum toxin-like protein was identified outside the Clostridial genus, designated BoNT/Wo in the genome of Weissella oryzae. Here, we report the 1.

Energy analysis and multi-objective optimization of waste heat and cold energy recovery process in LNG-fueled vessels based on a triple organic Rankine cycle

Due to the high level of pollutant emissions from traditional marine diesel engines, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as clean energy is becoming a better choice for main engines to replace the traditional fuels. Meanwhile, in order to improve the energy efficiency of the marine power system, the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) has been regarded as the most suitable solution to recover the waste heat for t

Neighborhood linking social capital as a predictor of lung cancer : A Swedish national cohort study

Background: The aim of this nationwide follow-up study was to examine whether neighborhood linking social capital is associated with lung cancer, including incident and mortality cases, after adjustment for individual- and familial-level factors. Methods: This follow-up study comprised 2,123,707 men and 2,046,174 women aged 25 years or older in Sweden. The follow-up period started on January 1, 20