

Din sökning på "*" gav 526298 sökträffar

Punishment mechanisms and their effect on cooperation: : A simulation study.

In social dilemmas punishment costs resources, not just from the one who is punished but often also from the punisher and society. Reciprocity on the other side is known to lead to cooperation without the costs of punishment. The questions at hand are whether punishment brings advantages besides its costs, and how its negative side-effects can be reduced to a minimum in an environment populated by

Exact expressions for numerical evaluation of high order modes of vibration in uniform Euler-Bernoulli beams

In the literature, expressions can be found for the mode shape functions of uniform Euler-Bernoulli beams. However, these expressions permit the evaluation of only the first 12 modes or so due to numerical issues associated with the evaluation of near field waves that increase exponentially with frequency. To overcome this problem, approximate expressions have been developed that avoid the evaluat

Performing building vibration assessments by acoustic measurements

This article presents an innovative application of the frequency domain decomposition method based on an acoustic and vibration response. Frequency domain decomposition method has been frequently used for operational modal analysis testing in the last decade to identify modal parameters for in-situ case studies. For these studies, the outputs of the vibration response through accelerometers have b

Time Intervals Under the Lens at Sweden’s First Diagnostic Center for Primary Care Patients With Nonspecific Symptoms of Cancer. A Comparison With Matched Control Patients

Introduction: Fast-track referral pathways for patients with nonspecific, serious symptoms have been implemented in several countries. Our objective was to analyze time intervals in the diagnostic routes of patients diagnosed with cancer at Sweden’s first Diagnostic Center (DC) for nonspecific symptoms and compare with time intervals of matched control patients. Methods: Adult patients with nonspe

Vilken litteratur (o)synliggörs inom romanska språk i svensk högre utbildning och forskning?

Studien kartlägger litteraturämnen i kandidatuppsatser och avhandlingar i romanska språk i Sverige under tidsperioden 2000-2016. Syftet är att belysa olika litteraturers roll och (o)synliggörande i självständiga arbeten. Ansatsen är deskriptiv och ämnar identifiera mönster och tendenser i materialet. Dessa mönster ska ligga till grund för fördjupade studier av områden med utvecklingspotential i de

Continuous glucose monitoring for the prevention of morbidity and mortality in preterm infants

BACKGROUND: Preterm infants are susceptible to hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, conditions which may lead to adverse neurodevelopment. The use of continuous glucose monitoring devices (CGM) might help keeping glucose levels in the normal range, and reduce the need for blood sampling. However, the use of CGM might be associated with harms in the preterm infant. OBJECTIVES: Objective one: to assess t

Lack of participatory effort : On the ethics of communicating urban planning

In all planning processes, including those we label participatory, there are neglected parties. Even when co-produced decisions, equity objectives, or common initiatives are at hand, some actors are likely to be less listened to, or they are never even recognised, hence, ‘perfect’ participation does not exist. Nevertheless, participatory objectives continue to be an important resilience factor in

Heat production in different populations of human blood cells exposed to immune complexes in vitro : The importance of the Fc parts of immunoglobulins and the influence of active complement

By use of a batch microcalorimeter of the thermopile type, heat production was measured in isolated populations of human peripheral blood cells exposed to defined immune complexes formed in vitro. It was found that most of the heat production recorded in whole blood after admixture of immune complexes occurs in the granulocytes. Under these conditions small but constantly higher activation values

A new approach to detection of antigen-antibody complexes by microcalorimetric measurements of heat production in blood cells

Using batch microcalorimeters of the thermopile conduction type, heat production was measured in human blood in the presence of defined antigens and their specific antibodies. A large increase in heat production, reflecting increased metabolic activity in the blood cells, was found when antigens and specific antisera at certain antigen-antibody proportions were mixed with the blood. The reproducib

The effects of cyclophosphamide on in vitro correlates of tumor immunity

The effects of cyclophosphamide (CY) on tumor immunity against isografts of rat sarcomas induced by polyoma virus were studied using in vitro techniques. Groups of sarcoma‐bearing animals received CY (250 mg/kg intraperitoneally 11 days after isografting) CY (150 mg/kg IP 8 days after isografting), or IP injections of 0.9% NaCl. In control rats tumor growth was progressive. All CY‐treated animals

Surface functionalization of III-V Nanowires

The physical and chemical properties of semiconductor nanowires are significantly influenced by their surface structure and morphology. This can be understood in that surfaces make out a much larger part of the total structure as compared to macroscale objects. An immediate consequence is that the lack of surface control can result in poor performance and reproducibility of any nanowire device. It

Workplace Incivility : Investigating bystander behavior, well-being, and coping responses to perceived incivility

Ohövliga beteenden har visats vara ett vanligt förekommande fenomen, med negativa effekter för individer, organisationer och samhället. Under de senaste två decennierna har omfattande forskningsfokus lagts på att öka kunskapen kring ohövlighet i arbetslivet, bland annat genom att undersöka utsatta, och utövare av ohövlighet. Trots detta så har färre studier undersökt hur ohövliga beteenden påverkaWorkplace incivility has been found to be a ubiquitous phenomenon, with adverse effects for individuals, organizations and society. Over the past two decades, substantial research efforts have been made to increase knowledge about workplace incivility, including investigations of its targets and perpetrators. However, less research has been conducted on how workplace incivility impacts bystanders.

Fundamental limitations of case isolation

Case isolation is a strategy with the potential to curb infectious disease epidemics. Expressions for the stability boundary of a case isolation scheme defined through the proportion of the infectious population that it isolates with a given delay have recently been established. Here we quantify how this stability boundary moves when heterogeneity of the inter-individual contact network increases,

Samverkansmeritering - förutsättningar, behov och möjligheter : Rapport: MERSAM-Meritvärde av samverkansskicklighet

Samverkansuppgiften har gradvis fått en tydligare roll sedan mitten av 1990-talet och är idag en nödvändig och central uppgift för högskolor och universitet i Sverige, inte minst för att hantera vår tids samhällsutmaningar. Det finns få tecken på att denna utveckling kommer att vända och det är därför viktigt att vi inom sektorn för en dialog kring hur vi tar oss an och värderar det arbete som ske