

Din sökning på "*" gav 532420 sökträffar

Contagion from the US debt crisis: the relationship between integration and contagion and the mitigating effect of anti-crisis measures

The aim of the paper is to draw a conclusion about the effect that integration has on the (in)stability of the linkages between international stock markets. To measure this (in)stability we focus on the contagion effect caused by the US debt crisis. Furthermore, we take the anti-crisis policies of the different countries into account and discuss whether this could have a mitigating effect on the r

Approaching a Global Arms Trade Treaty - Norm building in small arms control

The upcoming negotiations on a global Arms Trade Treaty in July, 2012 mark a new development within arms control regimes. This thesis seeks to investigate the prospects and challenges towards the achievement of an Arms Trade Treaty. In doing so, it will adopt an ideational analysis in order to investigate the emergence of norms in small arms and how these have the potential to affect policy outcom

Neoliberal Health Reforms in Latin America: The Public Private Model in Uruguay

For the last decades Latin America has been the target for several neoliberal health system reforms. Public Private Partnership models in health care provision are increasingly advocated on both national and global scales. Foremost the public private partnerships are suppose to enhance is equity in health system regarding distribution of resources and reaching out to poorer parts of populations. I


The purpose of this paper was to understand post-war Sri Lanka. For about thirty years there was a raging armed conflict in Sri Lanka between the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The war ended in 2009 and left behind clusters of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)and child recruits; unforcibly or forcefully recruited by the LTTE. The Government of Sri Lanka (G

"Du kommer att få problem om du berättar" - En etisk granskning av informationspliktens vara eller inte vara

Sweden has one of the most restrictive HIV transmission laws in the world. The Communicable Diseases Act contains the duty to inform, demanding that HIV positive people must inform their partners about their HIV status before sexual intercourse. Sex is also not permitted without a condom. Charges can be brought against HIV positive people not only in the case of actual HIV transmission, but also w

To what extent are tax incentives for research & development compatible with European Union Law?

The paper deals with the question to what extent tax incentives especially designed to promote research and development are compatible with European Union Law. Therefore tax incentives are analysed with special regard to the Fundamental Freedoms and the State aid provision. It can be found that legislators have three basic possibilities given by European Union Law, which differ in the freedom of d

Point of Purchase TV Screens In Retail Environment

The purpose of this paper is to deliver a clearer picture regarding the possible effects of the in-store TV screens on consumers’ impulse purchase decision and how factors such as the gender and generation can influence the consumers’ behavior towards this digital signage. Therefore this objective academic paper will contribute to bring discernment and relevant material for future studies through

Civil society and election monitoring as factors of the new political process in Russia

The present thesis studies the monitoring of the 2012 Russian presidential elections and explores theoretical and empirical questions of the influence of domestic and international actors on the election process. The study of the election observation is one of the topics of the very large field of study on democratization and, more specifically, democracy-promotion and assistance; therefore in my

The Relationship Between the General Legal Principle of Equality and the Equal Treatment Principle in the Direct Tax Judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union: the Consequences for National Sovereignty

The Legal Principle of Equality underpins most national tax systems and encompasses both substantive and procedural equality. In its substantive form, the principle requires that equal treatment of equal situations. This does not mean however that unequal situations always merit unequal treatment. Political will may determine that particular distinguishing criteria should be discounted. Gender and

Agendan bakom Agenda - En kritisk diskursanalys i struktur och intention bakom svenskt nyhetsinnehåll

Uppsatsen Agendan bakom Agenda – en kritisk diskursanalys i struktur och intention bakom svenskt nyhetsinnehåll är författad av Helena Johansson och Elin Jonsson i ämnet för Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds universitet. Uppsatsen är en studie i svenskt nyhetsinnehåll och de faktorer som påverkar detta. Genom kritisk diskursanalys analyser

Nattvardsdryckens beskaffenhet - En debatt inom Svenska kyrkan

The Church of Sweden has during the 1980s and in 2010 discussed the contents of the communion drink. The debate has been taken up in Church of Sweden’s supreme body, the General Synod, where members have presented several suggestions for changes the opinion of the communion drink. Initially, members wanted to increase information to parishes about using alcohol-free alternatives instead of wines w

Rekommendationskulturens spelregler - En studie i individers inflytande över vänner i valet av film

Film är ett ämne som berör och konsumeras av indivier från olika bakgrunder, kön och ålder. Uppsatsförfattarna har identifierat en tendens att individer gärna rekommenderar filmer till varandra och genom detta påverkar individers beslutsprocess. Denna rekommendationskultur påverkar individers val av film, vilket intresserar uppsatsförfattarna. Uppsatsen ämnar undersöka hur individer engagerar sig

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Målet med opgaven er, at undersøge hvordan identiteten og selvfremstillingen ser ud på to datingsider, en ny nichet side; Mazily og en almen og bred; Match . Dette med udgangspunkt i smag og den distinktion der ligger bag konceptet hos datingsiden Mazily, der markedsfører sig som en datingside for "urbant kulturfolk". De nichede datingsider med fokus på interesser vokser frem, og den kla

Social hållbarhet – en definition utifrån Malmös perspektiv: En textanalys av Malmö stads definition av social hållbarhet

This study explores Malmö's definition of social sustainability. Social sustainability still lacks a universal definition, creating a wide margin of interpretation and free space to act or not to act. The concept has grown as a topic on the political agenda and the City of Malmö has in recent years launched major projects to influence the social sustainability in a positive direction. Among ot

Utveckling av terapeutisk allians vid tidig psykos: Samband och prediktorer

Denna naturalistiska och explorativa studie undersöker samband mellan terapeutisk allians och patient- och behandlingsfaktorer för nyinsjuknade i psykos. Studien försöker också identifiera prediktorer för terapeutisk allians hos denna grupp. 67 patienter vid en specialiserad enhet i Malmö deltog. Alliansen skattades med Session Rating Scale (SRS). Resultatet visar att alliansen förbättras signifik

Construction of the discourse Local Ownership in World Development Reports between 1978 to 2011

In the transforming world of peace building, the framework that formulates how peace best could be achieved is shaped by various theories and discourses. During the recent years, the discourse of local ownership has gained ground and peace theories supporting increased local participation and ownership has become more widely acknowledged. The World Development Report, published annually by the Wor