

Din sökning på "*" gav 539864 sökträffar

Nutrient Limitation of Bacterial Growth in Soil

Lack of carbon has been assumed to be the most common limiting factor for bacterial growth in soil, although there are reports of limitation by nitrogen and phosphorus. I have studied nutrient limitation of bacterial growth in soil using a novel technique, where thymidine or leucine incorporation is used to detect changes in growth rates after adding nutrients. I have studied which nutrient(s) li

Competition and barriers to entry the construction sector

In 1999 Sweden and Denmark were physically, linked for the first time by, a bridge bringing the countries even closer. The bridge connects the capital area of Denmark and the south part of Sweden in an area called the Oresund region. At a national level there is a mutual political interest to create an integrated market in the Oresund region and in a wider perspective the bridge is a physical cont

Gender Bias - The Insoluble Problem?

The issue and distribution of IT and IS students and professionals as dependent on Gender Bias is discussed. Background and examples are presented from the IT British Industry; the UK and the Swedish Educational sectors.

Streaming media over the Internet: Flow based analysis in live access networks

Multimedia service delivery over the Internet is a success. The number of services available and the number of people accessing them is huge. In this paper, we investigate multimedia streaming services over the Internet. Our analysis is based on traffic measurement in live access fiber-to-the-home networks. We study parameters like traffic volume and flow characteristics for selected services. Esp

The felt miracle of phenomenal consciousness

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar problemet hur sensoriska kvaliteter (kvalia) förhåller sig till neurala tillstånd och processer (en modern variant av det klassiska kropp-själ problemet). I avhandlingen presenteras en serie argument som avser att göra det troligt att problemen att begripa medvetandets materiella bas bottnar i en serie missförstånd och felaktiga analogier. AvhandlThis thesis is about the problem of how sensory qualities relate to neural states or processes. I shall try to present an account of why dualism appears to be an attractive and intuitive position, but also point out why dualistic intuitions may be misleading. A relatively common view in philosophy of mind is that accounts of how sensory qualities relate to neural states and processes involve an ex

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Abstract in Danish Marcel Proust (1871-1922) er en af det tyvende århundredes mest indflydelsesrige forfattere. Han, der var både rig og feteret, og så let som ingenting kunne have gjort livet bekvemt for sig selv, ofrede sig fuldkommen for sit romanværk À la recherche du temps perdu (1913-27).Med denne bog får man for første gang mulighed for at læse om Proust i Danmark – i 100 år – og en eneståe