Industrialised House-Building. Concept and Processes
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Inventory control is a crucial activity for many companies. Given the recent advances in information technology, there have never been greater opportunities for coordinated inventory control across supply chain facilities. But how do we design efficient control methods and policies that take advantage of the detailed information that is now becoming available? This doctoral thesis investigates the
Popular Abstract in Swedish Neuroblastom, när utvecklingen går fel Neuroblastom är en tumörsjukdom som drabbar små barn och i Sverige diagnosticeras ungefär 14 barn med neuroblastom varje år. Neuroblastomtumörerna utvecklas under anläggningen av det sympatiska nervsystemet, som är en del av det icke-viljestyrda nervsystemet och har till uppgift att anpassa kroppens svar på stress och fara genom atThe childhood malignancy neuroblastoma develops from early cells of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), and the tumors often produce catecholamines. Neuroblastoma cells retain several characteristics of immature sympathetic cells including the expression of a number of transcription factors normally expressed during embryogenesis. The genesis of the SNS requires the correct expression pattern of
As part of systematic endeavor to Islamize the society, Iranian Islamic government has bestowed efforts to create gender-segregated public urban spaces. The gender segregation was formally enforced in public places such as schools, sport halls, swimming pools, transportation facilities, etc. in last three decades. The most recent effort of the government includes “women-only parks”, claimed to be
A battery charger for electric vehicles is to be designed. The charger should have advantageous impact on the utility grid, for example filtering capabilities, reactive power compensation, etc. several battery chargers forms a network where communication between the chargers and the vehicles and some distribution level master controller is an important issue. A possible battery charger topology is
An accelerator-based arrangement in which facilities using particle-induced X-rays and gamma-rays and scattered particles are included constitutes a very powerful analytical set-up especially when combined with adequate sampling techniques. In this paper, the designs of two major work environment investigations are described. In one of the investigations (in which 3000 multielemental analyses were
Abstract is not available
The article describes how archaeologists can and have used experiments to answer questions about past behavior.
In this paper, a classic subject will be addressed: the last import of Islamic dirhams into Scandinavia. The place under study is Sigtuna, established in c. AD 980, a date that sets the earliest possible deposition for nine retrieved dirhams. The main objec- tive is to provide data for their chronology and provenance, and to confirm under which regent they were issued. With this data at hand, an a
This thesis describes a combinatorial approach to design and synthesis of three libraries of compounds, referred to as pilicides, designed to target periplasmic chaperones present in uropathogenic Escherichia coli bacteria that are the main cause of urinary tract infections. Periplasmic chaperones are required for assembly of adhesive organelles, i.e. pili, which recognize and bind to specific rec
The period from 1910 to 1930 was a time when a number of theoretical systems saw the light of the day in Central Europe: psychoanalysis, neopositivism, phenomenology, the Warsaw School of logic, Gestalt-psychology and the structuralism of the Prague School of Linguistics. The Prague School arose in the liberal-minded Prague of the 1920s and came to have an enormous influence on multiple fields wit