Din sökning på "*" gav 528219 sökträffar
Decorrelation of Dijets at low x and Q(2)
Correlations in the azimuthal angle between dijets produced in deep inelastic e(+)p scattering events have been investigated. Cross sections are presented as a function of the azimuthal separation between the two jets in the hadronic center of mass frame, Delta phi*, in different regions of the photon virtuality Q(2) and in different regions of the Bjorken scaling variable x(Bj). The results are c
Derivative-free Parameter Optimization of Functional Mock-up Units
Representing a physical system with a mathematical model requires knowledge not only about the physical laws governing the dynamics but also about the parameter values of the system. The parameters can sometimes be measured or calculated, however some of them are often difficult or impossible to obtain in these ways. Finding accurate parameter values is crucial for the accuracy of the mathematical
Growth and Determinants of Intraindustry Trade in the Swedish Economy 1871-1980
Världsbäst - och i periferin. Om att vara funktionshindrad kvinna i idrotten
”Det är en jättegrej det här att bli sedd som elitidrottare” - Citatet är från en intervju med en kvinnlig idrottare, en ung kvinna som är bland de bästa i världen i sin gren, bordtennis. Hur är det att vara funktionshindrad kvinna i idrottens världselit? - Vikten i analysen läggs vid situationens motsägelsefullhet: Att vara bland de bästa i något som är socialt marginaliserat och som befinner sig
Applied Cultural Analysis in the Öresund Region: Innovation and Problem Solving Methods That Put People First
Net charge fluctuations in Au+Au interactions root s(NN)=130 GeV
Data from Au+ Au interactions at s(NN)=130 GeV, obtained with the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider, are used to investigate local net charge fluctuations among particles produced near midrapidity. According to recent suggestions, such fluctuations may carry information from the quark-gluon plasma. This analysis shows that the fluctuations are dominated by a stochastic distrib
Modeling of coupled thermoplasticity at finite strains
In this thesis, models for simulation of inelastic phenomena, such as plastic anisotropy, texture evolution, void growth and phase transformation are presented. Special emphasized is put on the modeling of heat generation due to plastic work. All models are formulated within a thermodynamic framework that allows large deformations. The thermodynamic framework is used as a base for the formulation
Microwave Dielectric Sensing of Moisture in Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash (MSWI-BA)
Popular Abstract in Swedish Gränsen mellan uppsåt och oaktsamhet har gäckat rättsvetenskap och praktiker under 1900-talet. Åtskilliga gånger har uppsåtsdebattens vågor även gått höga i massmedia. Ett exempel är uppståndelsen över hovrättens dom i det så kallade Klippanmålet. Sedan några år finns också ett förslag från den statliga utredningen, "Straffansvarets gränser", att lösa problemet med lagsThe description and explanation of the determination of mens rea, or fault, in this thesis begins so to speak, at the “shop-floor” of criminal law. The analysis is based on a survey of judgements of the Swedish courts of first instance for the years 1989-1992 in cases involving intentional killing, causing death through recklessness/negligence as well as gross assault, where such offences constitu
Experimental Industrial Robotics
Potato Yield Mapping with an Optical Sensor
Methods of Measuring Radioactivity in the Environment
Popular Abstract in Swedish Nedfall av radioaktiva ämnen, framförallt Cs-137 från atmosfäriska kärnvapenprov och från Tjernobylolyckan, ger idag ett bidrag till den bakgrundsstrålning vi utsätts för. På grund av att Cs-137 har en förhållandevis lång halveringstid (30 år) kommer detta radioaktiva ämne att finnas kvar i ekosystemen för lång tid framöver och det är därför betydelsefullt att studera dIn this thesis a variety of sampling methods have been utilised to assess the amount of deposited activity, mainly of Cs-137, from the Chernobyl accident and from the nuclear weapons tests. Starting with the Chernobyl accident in 1986 sampling of air and rain was used to determine the composition and amount of radioactive debris from this accident, brought to southern Sweden by the weather systems
Post-traumatic stress disorder.
Bioactive Carbohydrates in Vining Peas (Pisum sativum) - Variation in alpha-galactoside content and the colonic fermentation of sugar alcohols
The composition of the colonic microflora is essential for the health of the human host. To be able to survive, the microflora is dependent of a continuous supply of substrate. In this respect dietary fibre and other indigestible carbohydrates, of which the consumption in affluent societies is generally low, are of great importance. Numerous of studies have demonstrated beneficial effects of dieta