Estimation of the forest cover and its changes over time by means of remote sensing in semi-arid Africa.
remote sensing, forest cover, Africa
remote sensing, forest cover, Africa
This paper examines an interorganizational implementation process of RFID technology in disposable secondary packaging. It provides unique insights into a real interorganizational, collaborative effort to implement RFID technology in a supply chain. A case study is carried out with a joint development project including three leading companies; a packaging manufacturer, a food manufacturer, and a t
In this study eye movements were recorded for participants in three different conditions. All three conditions consisted of a perception phase and an imagery phase. The imagery phase was similar for all conditions, i.e. participants looked freely at a blank white screen. But the perception phase was different for each condition. In a control condition participants looked freely at a complex pictur
Internet traffic from a fibre based residential access network is investigated concerning traffic volumes and link load. Also the cost of the services is analyzed. We show that 1 Mbps accesses subscribers maintain high loads, and that the price they pay per GB used is five times higher than the one paid by 100 Mbps access subscribers.
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Innehåller ett tiotal konferensbidrag från specialister i Danmark och Sverige ur seminarier anordnade hösten 1993 om "Marina Betongkonstruktioners livslängd"
Frågor kring tillit i det digitala, tycks det, ställs oftare och oftare: Hur ska vi hantera integritets- och övervakningsfrågor? Hur ska vi hantera den mätbarhet som följer av vår digitaliserade tillvaro? Vad är det som avgör vilka tjänster vi litar på och vilka vi inte litar på, i vilken mån spelar den tekniska säkerheten en roll? Liknande frågor kan ställas om vilka kunskapsinstitutioner vi lita
After several years of disussions, tests, investigations and additional tests, the suppliers and retailers within the Swedish business sector for food and commodities formed a jointly owned, non-profit company in 1997, which subsequently started in physical operations in 2000. This company, Svenska Retursystem AB (, is now responsible for introducing returnable transport packagi
Addressing the challenges of extreme scale computing re- quires holistic design of new programming models and sys- tems that support those models. This paper discusses the Angstrom processor, which is designed to support a new Self-aware Computing (SEEC) model. In SEEC, applications explicitly state goals, while other systems components provide actions that the SEEC runtime system can use to meet
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) är ett cytostatikum, även kallat cellgift (ett ämne som hämmar tillväxten av cancerceller), som använts för behandling av cancersjukdom sedan många decennier. Det kan ges både i snabb injektion och i dropp över flera dygn. 5-FU har tyvärr flera vanliga biverkningar. Man kan få påverkan av slemhinnor i magtarm-kanalen, vilket ger sår i munnThe cytostatic drug 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) has been shown to affect both morphology and function of vascular endothelium. These effects could be part of the pathophysiology for 5-FU induced cardiotoxicity. The present thesis explores the mechanisms of this endothelial toxicity. In an animal model, treatment with thromboprophylactic doses of the low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) dalteparin could
Historisk metodbok och digitalisering
The following article treats the Swedish så-construction (involving the so-called “adjunctive” så). The så-construction consists of a first element, which is typically an adjunct, followed by så „so‟, and an inverted declarative clause. It is argued that adjunctive så is a head word, more precisely a relational predicate that introduces a new point of departure in the discourse, by relating the pr
Popular Abstract in Swedish Anestesimedel och blodkärlsväggen. Propofols och sevoflurans effekter på sympatiska nerver och endotelceller. Alla dagens anestesimedel, med endast ett undantag, gör att blodtrycket faller under narkos. Blodtrycksfallet är helt ofarligt för de allra flesta, men för en grupp patienter som är äldre eller som har allvarlig kranskärlssjukdom eller hjärtsvikt, kan det vara The anaesthetics we use today dose-dependently decrease the mean arterial pressure partly due to direct or indirect effects on the blood vessels. In the present thesis human omental arteries and veins and rat femoral arteries were investigated in vitro concerning the effects of the intravenous anaesthetic propofol and the volatile anaesthetic sevoflurane on the function of the perivascular sympath