

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Possessor licensing, definiteness and case in Scandinavian

There are many ways to realise a DP-internal possessor in Scandinavian. In some varieties, such as Standard Swedish and Standard Danish, all DP-internal possessors are prenominal. In other varieties, such as Faroese, Icelandic, and Norwegian, possessors can be either prenominal or postnominal. In the case of a pronominal possessor, prenominal position has to do with focus in these varieties. The s

Transforming Growth Factor-b, Regulatory functions on normal lymphocytes and tumor outgrowth Regulatory functions on normal lymphocytes and tumor outgrowth

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att en multicellulär organism som männinskan ska kunna fungera måste celldelningen strikt kontrolleras. Protein som reglerar celldelning på cellulär nivå kallas för "tillväxtfaktorer". Vi har studerat ett sådant protein som kallas för transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-b). Namnet TGF-b kommer sig utav att detta protein kan transformera (omvandla) epiteliala njurceTransforming growth factor-beta (TGF-b) is a well-characterised growth regulatory factor, which acts on most cell types. This thesis has focused on the regulatory roles of TGF-b on normal lymphocytes. One interesting finding is that TGF-b acts both costimulatory and inhibitory on T-lymphocytes. The costimulatory effect depends on the presence of monocytes and is mediated by these cells. Furthermor

Tarot : New age i bild och berättelse

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tarot är ett exempel på new age i praktiken. Tarotkorten har dock anor långt ned i den medeltida världen. Författaren återkommer till att new age erbjuder alternativ: kritik mot rationalitet, modernitet och ekonomisk utveckling. "Deltagarna är generellt sett skeptiska till det etablerade i samhället: medicinskt, politiskt och vetenskapligt. De vill bortse från det instiIn the course of my dissertation work, I have sought knowledge about what New Age is, contains, and conveys by looking at practice and rhetoric, how the participants act and reason regarding their commitment, as well as how the contents of the field is discussed. I have put an emphasis on the small details: the objects, the rituals, and the narrating. Using the tarot cards as a starting point, the

Miljöarbete inom Svensk Tillverkningsindustri. En färd från myt till verklighet

Föreliggande undersökning genomfördes under hösten och vintern 2007 av forskare vid Internatio-nella Institutet för Industriell Miljöekonomi (IIIEE) vid Lunds Universitet på uppdrag av Miljömålsrå-det. Syftet med undersökningen var att belysa dagens miljöarbete inom tillverkningsindustrin och göra jämförelser med resultat från tidigare motsvarande studier som genomfördes 1991 och 1998. Syftet var

Characterization and treatment of municipal landfill leachates

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ansamlingen av avfall i soptippar skapar miljöproblem då mikrobiell nedbrytning av lättnedbrytbart avfall ger upphov till växthusgaser (metangas och koldioxid). Dessutom bildas förorenade lakvatten på grund av att regnvatten tränger igenom deponin. Lakvattnet innehåller ofta höga halter av ammoniumjoner samt organiska ämnen. Ammoniumjonen är en giftig förening som ger aAbstract The efficiency of different leachate treatment methods for the removal of refractory organic compounds and ammonium-nitrogen was investigated. The methods evaluated were nitrification, denitrification, adsorption onto activated carbon, precipitation by ferric chloride or aluminum sulphate and oxidation by ozone or Fenton´s reagent. Furthermore, analyses were performed on leachates from mu

Quantum Chemical Interpretation of Protein Crystal Structure

An initial model in the crystallographic structure determination process, usually contains many errors. To produce an accurate model, one must carry out several cycles of crystallographic refinement. Because of the limited resolution typically obtained for biomolecules, the experimental data are usually supplemented by some sort of chemical information, typically in the form of a molecular-mechani

Behaviour of Pine Sawflies in Relation to Pheromone-Based Pest Management

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur man studerar kommunikation hos tallsteklar Totalt finns det cirka 125 beskrivna tallstekelarter i världen. De tillhör gruppen växtsteklar, och deras larver lever vanligen av tallbarr. Larvernas härjningar kan medföra att träden växer sämre eller rent av dör. Den färdiga stekeln äter inget, utan är helt inriktad på att para sig under sitt 10 –15 dagar korta liv i skPine sawflies (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) are severe pine defoliators. This thesis investigated sawfly behaviour related to the use of pheromones in integrated pest management, including monitoring with pheromone traps and mating disruption. Neodiprion sertiferr females were placed on pine twigs in the field and 11–30 % of the females that remained on their twig after the first mating re-mated. Onl

Inquiry into Informing Systems: critical systemic thinking in practice

Any perceived human activity is, by definition, also a complex informing system. Human activity systems must continually adapt to their dynamic environments in order to survive. There is therefore a role for deutero-lerning through human sense-making and multiple levels of reflection in bringing this about. In this chapter, the authors suggest a need for an approach based in philosophy as practice

The nature of light and its interaction with matter

This chapter provides a physical background to the following ones. It describes the particle and wave properties of light, and the diffraction, polarization, refraction, reflection, and absorption of light, statistics of photon emission and absorption. Planck's law of heat radiation is described in various mathematical and graphical ways. One section is devoted to a simplified description of the p