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To Have and to Hold: Continuity and change in property rights institutions governing water resources among the Meru of Tanzania and the BaKgatla in Botswana; 1925-2000
Popular Abstract in Swedish Diskussionen tar sin utgångspunkt i den klyfta som finns mellan, å ena sidan, stora delar av forsknings- och policy-världen och, å andra sidan, den verklighet som författaren stött på ute på den afrikanska landsbygden. Forskningsvärlden ser vattenresurser som en rent ekonomisk tillgång och småskaliga bönder beskrivs såsom vinstmaximerande individer, medan verkligheten äAllocation, control, and management of natural resources are issues that absorb researchers within both the social and natural sciences. This study deals with such research questions as well as with one of the most fundamental issues in Economic History – namely institutional change. The plot is set around continuity and change of property rights institutions governing water resources. The setting
Main targets of tetraaza macrocyclic copper complex on L1210 murine leukemia cells
Several metal complex agents have already been introduced into clinical tumor therapy and others are subject of antitumor studies. In this study we focused on the tetraaza macrocyclic copper complex (Cu(TAAB)Cl-2). We studied the influence of the substance on cell growth, cell cycle, membrane integrity, necrosis, apotosis and glutathione level on the leukemic cell line L1210 in 1-day (22 h) and 3-
Silurian carbonate platforms and extinction events - ecosystem changes exemplified from Gotland, Sweden
Recent and ancient carbonate platforms are major marine ecosystems, built by various carbonate-secreting organisms with different sensitivity for environmental change. For this reason, carbonate platforms are excellent sensors for changes in contemporaneous marine environments. A variety of ecosystem changes in carbonate platforms have previously been recognised in the aftermath of mass extinction
Perceptual and conceptual contributions to the picture superiority effect
Pictures are typically better remembered than words, but explanations for this fact diverge. Some attribute picture superiority to more distinctive perceptual qualities, others to more efficient conceptual processing. In an effort to separate perceptual and conceptual factors, two groups were presented with mixed lists of pictures and words and were subsequently tested for recognition in either th
Type 1 Diabetes: Evidence for susceptibility loci from four genome-wide linkage scans in 1,435 multiplex families.
Type 1 diabetes is a common, multifactorial disease with strong familial clustering (genetic risk ratio [{lambda}S] ~ 15). Approximately 40% of the familial aggregation of type 1 diabetes can be attributed to allelic variation of HLA loci in the major histocompatibility complex on chromosome 6p21 (locus-specific {lambda}S ~ 3). Three other disease susceptibility loci have been clearly demonstrated
Lack of association between cystopathy and progression of diabetic nephropathy in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Whether an association exists between cystopathy and progression of diabetic nephropathy has never been clarified. The aim of the present study was to measure the degree of cystopathy in relation to the rate of progression of diabetic nephropathy. To that end, 17 insulin-dependent diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy but without voiding symptoms were investigated urodynamically. The median
Mechanical function of intermediate filaments in arteries of different size examined using desmin deficient mice.
Protein composition and mechanical function of intermediate filaments were examined in arteries of different sizes using desmin deficient mice (Des-/-) and their wild-type controls (Des+/+). Using SDS-PAGE gels and Western blots we found a gradient in desmin expression in the arterial tree; the desmin content increased from the elastic artery aorta, via the muscular mesenteric artery to the resist
Direction of galvanically-induced vestibulo-postural responses during active and passive neck torsion
The direction of a postural response induced by galvanic vestibular stimulation depends on the head and trunk position. The relative importance of afferent information (proprioception) and efferent motor command/corollary discharge is unknown. We studied the direction of body sway evoked by galvanic vestibular stimulation in 9 healthy subjects during active and passive head positioning at 0 degree
Atrial fibrillatory rate and sinus rhythm maintenance in patients undergoing cardioversion of persistent atrial fibrillation.
The study set out to explore whether an index of atrial electrical electrophysiology can be used to predict atrial fibrillation (AF) relapse, and if the predictive properties differ as a result of arrhythmia duration. METHODS AND RESULTS: The study comprised 175 consecutive patients with persistent AF (median duration 94 days, range 2 to 1044) referred for cardioversion. Twenty-nine patients had a
Calculated optoelectronic properties of ruthenium tris-bipyridine dyes containing oligophenyleneethynylene rigid rod linkers in different chemical environments
Ruthenium tris-bipyridine dyes containing oligophenyleneethynylene (OPE) rigid rod linker groups ([Ru(bpy)(3)](2+), [Ru(bpy)(2)bpy-E-Ipa](2+), [Ru(bpy)(2)bpy-E-Ph-E-Ipa](2+), and [Ru(bpy)(2)bpy-E-Bco-E-Ipa](2+), where bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine, E = ethynylene, Ph = p-phenylene, Bco = bicyclo[2.2.2]octylene, and Ipa = isophthalic acid) have been investigated using DFT and TD-DFT calculations to elucida
Arbetssituation och stresshantering hos kabinpersonal
Allvarliga tillbud och olyckor inom flygtrafiken är relativt ovanligt, men när de inträffar ställs höga krav på kabinpersonalens förmåga att uppträda auktoritativt och effektivt. Det är dock inte bara vid ett direkt olyckstillbud det ställs stora krav på kabinpersonalens förmåga att hantera kritiska situationer. Det finns en hel flora av incidenter som kräver professionell hantering, t ex när passAlthough serious accidents or near-accidents are relatively rare in airline traffic, when they occur cabin attendants are expected to act effectively and with authority. However, the ability of cabin attendants to intervene professionally is also called for in other critical situations, such as when incidents that are frightening for the passengers occur or when passengers suddenly become ill. The
European Society of Hypertension Scientific Newsletter: Update on Hypertension Management: Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus with antihypertensive drugs.
Medication errors when transferring elderly patients between primary health care and hospital care
Objective: The aims were to evaluate the frequency and nature of errors in medication when patients are transferred between primary and secondary care. Method: Elderly primary health care patients (> 65 years) living in nursing homes or in their own homes with care provided by the community nursing system, had been admitted to one of two hospitals in southern Sweden, one university hospital and on
Structural and magnetic properties of Fe/ZnSe(001) interfaces
We have performed first-principles electronic structure calculations to investigate the structural and magnetic properties of Fe/ZnSe(001) interfaces. Calculations involving full geometry optimizations have been carried out for a broad range of thickness of Fe layers(0.5-10 ML) on top of a ZnSe(001) substrate. Both Zn- and Se-terminated interfaces have been explored. Total energy calculations show
Spectrum emission considerations for baseband-modeled CALLUM architectures
Linear-transmitters based on combined analog locked loop universal modulator (CALLUM) architectures are attractive, as they promise both high efficiency and high linearity. To date, it has not been possible to analyze a CALLUM transmitter as a linear feedback network due to the nonlinear nature of the control equations governing it. The main purpose of this paper has been the derivation of a linea
Potentialen i fältmätningar av urlakning med hjälp av tid-rumreflektometri (TDR)
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The rehabilitation and release of injured or ill raptors and owls is widespread. The overall aim of this intervention is the successful reintroduction of the bird into the wild population. Though many injuries are treatable, it is thought that vision-impaired birds have no change of survival and their release is refused. Here we report a case study and give a description of the rehabilitation and
Perceptions of participation and predictors of perceived problems with participation in persons with spinal cord injury.
Use of ciprofloxacin in patients undergoing transurethral prostatic surgery
The efficacy of a short (Group I) and a prolonged (Group II) course with ciprofloxacin was assessed in patients undergoing transurethral prostatic resection and compared with that of controls without antibiotic (Group III). Both regimens significantly reduced the frequency of post-operative bacteriuria (p less than 0.01) and of severe infectious complications (p = 0.004) compared to the controls.