Din sökning på "*" gav 527957 sökträffar
Tryckstyrd gasregulator
Typval och dimensionering av mekaniska fjädrar
Tyst hydraulik - komponenter och system
Utveckling av en ny apparat för tejpapplicering
Utveckling av konstruktionspaket i CAD/CAM
Utveckling av perspektivritningsprogram
Val av rullningslager med datorn ABC80
Verktyg för klammermontering
Ytlägesindikeringssystem för telefonboj
Chargering och lossning av glödugnsvagn
UV-behandlingsapparat för psoriasissjuka
Treaxlig handled till industrirobot
Bromsenhet för skivbroms på rälsfordon
Deltagande i nyemission - en buy and hold strategi
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om en investerare kunnat uppnå en signifikant överavkastning genom att delta i nyemissioner hos företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen mellan 1997-2008, samt hur denna avkastning påverkas av olika variabler. Uppsatsen har sin utgångspunkt i en buy and hold-studie, vars ansats är deduktiv. Vid datainsamling kommer en kvantitativ metod att används. Observerad avka
Do actively managed mutual funds beat the market? A randomized procedure using Monte Carlo simulation
The aim of the thesis is to examine if the efficient market hypothesis applies to the Swedish mutual fund market, and thereby determine whether actively managed funds in Sweden beat the market or not. In order to do so I constructed a Monte Carlo simulation of the Stockholm stock exchange that produced random portfolios following a set of investment constraints. A series of comparisons between the
Characterization of gas transport inside a package
A study of a sterilizing flow in a package is done. The study is done with the commercial code Fluent using Large Eddy Simulation and validated with both Laser Induced Fluorescence and Particle Image Velociometry. The velocity field is examined in several ways; with changes in grid size, inlet conditions and sub-grid scale models. The study showed that the most important parameter is the size and
Thermodynamic modelling of biomass based power production
With today’s growing awareness of human caused climate changes there is a big interest to replace fossil fuels with renewable fuel sources, such as biomass fuels. For power production biomass are traditionally combusted in small scale facilities which uses a steam cycle. The electrical efficiencies for such facilities are relatively low. By gasifying the solid biomass to syngas it can be used for
A Risk Assessment of Reusing Wastewater on Agricultural Soils - A Case Study on Heavy Metal Contamination of Peach Trees in Ouardanine, Tunisia
This thesis is a risk assessment of the risk related to ingestion of heavy metals via peaches irrigated with treated wastewater. The studied heavy metals were Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn) and Cupper (Cu). The thesis is founded on a case study performed on a peach field in Ouardanine, Tunisia. Analysis of the heavy metal content in the treated wastewater used for irrigation was conducted as w
Four Degrees
The aim of this project is to investigate whether scuba diving equipment can be made safer and more attractive for new divers. The thesis shows that most accidents occur because of poor equipment checks and misused equipment. This problem is the main concern of the thesis. The resulting product, 4° (Four Degrees), is a buoyancy compensating vest with a focus on safer diving, non-complex appearance