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Konferensbidrag (sida 73 av 78)
- Bruce, G., Filipsson, M., Frid, J., Granström, B., Gustafson, K., Horne, M. & House, D. (1997). Text-to-intonation in spontaneous Swedish. Proceedings EUROSPEECH-1997, 215-218.
- Dahlman, B. (1997). Edition av texter relaterade till Daniel från Sketis.
- Dahlman, B. (1997). Texter kring Daniel från Sketis.
- Enkvist, I. (1997). El autobiógrafo Juan Goytisolo leído con la lupa de Lejeune. I Pakkasvirta, J. & Pirttijärvi, J. (Red.) Identidades filosóficas y filológicas. Opuscula instituti ibero-americani universitatis helsingiensis.
- Franzén, V. (1997). En studie över utvecklingen av några diskursparametrar hos barn med svenska som L1 och l2. I Söderberg, R. (Red.) Sjätte Nordiska barnspråkssymposiet / The sixth Nordic Child Language Synposium (Paper / Child Language Research Institute) (pp. 119-133), 11. Child Language Research Institute, Lund University.
- Franzén, V. (1997). Quantity in Romanian. Proceedings / Second International Workshop Speech and Computer, SPECOM'97.
- Frid, J. (1997). Rhythm in interstress intervals in Swedish: Some experiments. Phonum, 4, 169-172. Dept. of Phonetics, Umeå Univ..
- Haettner Aurelius, E. (1997). The great performance. Roles in queen Christina's autobiography. I Rodén, M.-L. (Red.) Politics and culture in the age of Christina. Acta from a Conference held at the Wenner-Gren Center i Stockholm, May 4-6, 1995, Suecoromana IV. Swedish Institute in Rome.
- Teleman, U. (1997). Taxonomin i Svenska Akademiens grammatik. Några problem och lösningar. I Haapamäki, S. (Red.) Svenskan i Finland 4 (Skrifter från svenska institutionen vid Åbo Akademi 3) (pp. 9-22), 3. Åbo Akademi.
- Wendt, B. (1997). Lagbudens uppbyggnad i senmedeltida lagspråk. I Åström, P. (Red.) Studier i svensk språkhistoria (pp. 187-195), 4. Institutionen för nordiska språk, Stockholms universitet.
- Wood, S. A. J. (1997). A cinefluorographic study of the temporal organization of articulator gestures: Examples from Greenlandic. I Perrier, P., Laboissière, R., Abry, C. & Maeda, S. (Red.) Speech Communication (Special Issue: Speech Production: Models and Data ) (pp. 207-225), 22. Elsevier.
- Wood, S. A. J. (1997). The gestural organization of vowels and consonants: a cineradiographic study of articulator gestures in Greenlandic. I Kokkinakis, G., Fakotakis, N. & Dermatas, E. (Red.) Eurospeech ... [19]97, Proceedings (pp. 387-388), 1. ESCA.
- Zetterholm, E. (1997). A phonetic case study of impersonation. Phonum, 4, 33-36. Dept. of Phonetics, Umeå Univ..
- Bruce, G., Dogil, G., Filipsson, M., Jilka, M., Lastow, B., Mayer, J. & Möhler, G. (1996). Testing Intonational Models by Computer Simulation.
- Bruce, G., Filipsson, M., Frid, J., Granström, B., Gustafson, K., Horne, M., House, D., Lastow, B. & Touati, P. (1996). Developing the modelling of Swedish prosody in spontaneous dialogue. ICSLP 96 : proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1, 370-373. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Bruce, G., Frid, J., Granström, B., Gustafson, K., Horne, M. & House, D. (1996). The Swedish intonation model in interactive perspective. TMH-QPSR, 19-22. Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH, Stockholm.
- Enkvist, I. (1996). Los conceptos relacionados con el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de español. I Rueda, M., Prado, E., Le Men, J. & Grande, F. (Red.) Actuales tendencias en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera II (pp. 133-140). Universidad de León: Servicio de Publicaciones.
- Gullberg, M. (1996). Deictic gesture and strategy in second language narrative. I Messing, L. S. (Red.) Proceedings of the Workshop on the Integration of Gesture in Language and Speech (pp. 155-164). Applied Science and Engineering Laboratories, University of Delaware.
- Hansson, K. & Håkansson, G. (1996). Språkförståelsetestning av barn. I Håkansson, G. & Nettelbladt, U. (Red.) Språkförståelse : rapport från ASLA:s höstsymposium, Lund, 9-11 november 1995/ASLA:s skriftserie (pp. 69-80), 9. ASLA, Association suédoise de linguistique appliquée.
- Hedling, E. (1996). Documentary, Authorship and the Pop Industry: The History of Lindsay Anderson's Wham in China.
- Holsanova, J. & Jörgensen, N. (1996). The Use of Reported Talk in Ethnic Discourse. International Pragmatics Conference. International Pragmatics Association.
- Horne, M. & Filipsson, M. (1996). Implementation and evaluation of a model for synthesis of Swedish intonation. Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1848-1851.
- House, D. & Svantesson, J.-O. (1996). Tonal timing and vowel onset characteristics in Thai. Pan-Asiatic Linguistics, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Languages and Linguistics, 1, 104-113. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University at Salaya.
- Johansson, M. (1996). Contrastive data as a resource in the study of English clefts. I Aijmer, K., Altenberg, B. & Johansson, M. (Red.) Lund Studies in English, Languages in contrast : Papers from a symposium on text-based cross-linguistic studies. Lund 4-5 March 1994. (pp. 127-150), 88. Lund University Press.
- Johansson, M. (1996). Fronting in English and Swedish : A text-based contrastive analysis. I Percy, C. E., Meyer, C. F. & Lancashire, I. (Red.) Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics, Synchronic Corpus Linguistics : Papers from the Sixteenth International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 16) (pp. 29-39), 16. Rodopi.