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Konferensbidrag (sida 72 av 77)
- Hedling, E. (1998). Cinema as Life: Carl Dreyer's Gertrud.
- Hedling, E. (1998). Filmen och förintelsen: från Natt och dimma till Schindler's List.
- Hedling, E. (1998). Reaffirming the Swedish Model: The Reception of British Realist Films in Sweden 1985-1997.
- Hedling, O. (1998). Marginal Player: The Hunters and Sweden in the Age of Modern Media Wars.
- Horne, M. & Filipsson, M. (1998). From prosodic structure to intonation contours. I Werner, S. (Red.) Nordic prosody : Prodeedings of the VIIth conference, Joensuu 1996 (pp. 127-139). Peter Lang Publishing Group.
- Horne, M., Bruce, G., Hansson, P. & Filipsson, M. (1998). Boundary-signalling in discourse: the case of Swedish men, an ambiguous cue word. I Branderud, P. & Traunmüller, H. (Red.) Proceedings FONETIK 98, The Swedish Phonetics Conference, May 27-29 1998 (pp. 138-141). Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
- Håkansson, G. (1998). Language impairment and the realization of finiteness. I Greenhill, A., Hughes, M., Littlefield, H. & Walsh, H. (Red.) Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Boston Conference on Language Development (pp. 314-324), Vol 1. Cascadilla Press.
- Håkansson, G. (1998). Modern Times in L2 Swedish. Sýntax and morphology in formal and informal acquisition of Swedish.
- Mörte Alling, A. (1998). Désirs triangulaires dans La Chartreuse de Parme de Stendhal. Actes du premier Congrès des Romanistes Scaninaves pour étudiants en doctorat. I Bardel, C., Bernardini, P., Bozier, C., Cariboni Killander, C., Fodor, M., Forné, A., Granfeldt, J., Håkansson, J., Mörte Alling, A., Pålsson, M. & Westin, E. (Red.) Extra seriem Commentaires & Communications (pp. 45-54). PERLES Petites études romanes de Lund.
- Palm, A. (1998). Bellman 1998 ¬– och sedan?. I Ringblom, A. (Red.) Symposium om Bellman och framtidens Bellmansforskning i Växjö 24-25 april 1998.
- Paradis, C. (1998). Degree modifiers revisited.
- Paradis, C. (1998). Reinforcing adjectives in a grammaticalization perspective.
- Sivam, P. (1998). Dangerous Innuendoes or Hostile Interpretation: Some Remarks on the Varying Conceptions of the Characters "Ming" and "Qing" During the Qianlong Reign.
- Westin, E. (1998). De la notion de thème - un bilan de quelques théories. Extra seriem Commentaires & Communications, 27-35. PERLES Petites études romanes de Lund.
- Wood, S. A. J. (1998). The organization of articulator gestures: A comparison of Swedish, Bulgarian and Greenlandic. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103, 3090-3091. Acoustical Society of America.
- Zetterholm, E. (1998). Prosody and voice quality in the expression of emotions. Proceedings of the Seventh Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, 109-113. Australian Speech Science and Technology Association.
- Zillén, E. (1998). Linné i en balkonglåda. Om 1700-tal och historicitet i Magnus Florins "Trädgården" (1995). I Uecker, H. (Red.) Texte und Untersuchungen zur Germanistik und Skandinavistik 40. Opplysning i Norden (pp. 493-498), 40. Peter Lang Publishing Group.
- Ambjörn, L. (1997). Arabic medicine: the Book ob Numbness by Qusta ibn Luqa.
- Ambjörn, L. (1997). Qusta ibn Luqas bok om domning.
- Bruce, G., Filipsson, M., Frid, J., Granström, B., Gustafson, K., Horne, M. & House, D. (1997). Global features in the modelling of intonation in spontaneous Swedish. I Botinis, A., Kouroupetroglou, G. & Carayannis, G. (Red.) Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop on Intonation: Theory, Models and Applications (pp. 59-62).
- Bruce, G., Filipsson, M., Frid, J., Granström, B., Gustafson, K., Horne, M. & House, D. (1997). Text-to-intonation in spontaneous Swedish. Proceedings EUROSPEECH-1997, 215-218.
- Dahlman, B. (1997). Edition av texter relaterade till Daniel från Sketis.
- Dahlman, B. (1997). Texter kring Daniel från Sketis.
- Enkvist, I. (1997). El autobiógrafo Juan Goytisolo leído con la lupa de Lejeune. I Pakkasvirta, J. & Pirttijärvi, J. (Red.) Identidades filosóficas y filológicas. Opuscula instituti ibero-americani universitatis helsingiensis.
- Franzén, V. (1997). En studie över utvecklingen av några diskursparametrar hos barn med svenska som L1 och l2. I Söderberg, R. (Red.) Sjätte Nordiska barnspråkssymposiet / The sixth Nordic Child Language Synposium (Paper / Child Language Research Institute) (pp. 119-133), 11. Child Language Research Institute, Lund University.