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Konferensbidrag (sida 71 av 78)
- Frid, J. (1999). An environment for testing prosodic and phonetic transcriptions. I Ohala, J. J. (Red.) Proceedings of ICPhS 99 (pp. 2319-2322). University of California.
- Hansson, P. (1999). Discourse Markers in Dialogue. Fonetik 99 (Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics), 81, 65-68. Department of Linguistics, Gothenburg University.
- Hansson, P. (1999). Prosodic and Lexical Correlates of Swedish Discourse Markers in Spontaneous Dialogue. I Ohala, J. J. (Red.) Proceedings of ICPhS 99 (pp. 1533-1536). University of California.
- Hansson, P. (1999). Prosodic Correlates of Discourse Markers in Dialogue. Proceedings of the ESCA workshop on dialogue and prosody., 99-104.
- Hedling, E. (1999). Reception as Middle Level Research: Ingrid Bergman and the Joan of Arc Scandal.
- Hedling, E. (1999). The Cinema of Lindsay Anderson.
- Hedling, E. (1999). Videofax Aesthetics: Dennis Potter and the Media Technologies.
- Holmer, A. (1999). Structural implications of the function of Instrument Focus in Seediq. I Li, P. J.-K. & Zeitoun, E. (Red.) Selected papers from 8ICAL (pp. 423-454). Taipei: Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), Academia Sinica.
- Horne, M., Hansson, P., Bruce, G. & Frid, J. (1999). Prosodic Correlates of Information Structure in Swedish Human-Human Dialogues. EUROSPEECH'99, 1, 29-32.
- Horne, M., Hansson, P., Bruce, G., Frid, J. & Jönsson, A. (1999). Accentuation of Domain-related information in Swedish Dialogues. Proceedings of the ESCA workshop on dialogue and prosody, 71-76.
- Källkvist, M. (1999). Are Verbs Unprivileged in L2 acquisition?.
- Paradis, C. (1999). Adjectives and boundedness.
- Persson, M. (1999). Semantic Considerations in the Syntactic Structures of Complement Clauses in Modern Literary Arabic. I Suleiman, Y. (Red.) Arabic Grammar and Linguistics (pp. 182-202). Curzon Press.
- Rahm, H. (1999). Genrer och textmönster i tre dagstidningars bevakning av Sundsvallsstrejken 1879. I Andersson, L.-G., Lundqvist, A., Norén, K. & Rogström, L. (Red.) Svenskans beskrivning : SvB. 23, Förhandlingar vid Tjugotredje sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning, Göteborg den 15-16 maj 1998. Lund University Press.
- Segerup, M. (1999). Imitation of Dialects: from South Swedish to West Swedish. I Ohala, J. J. (Red.) Proceedings of the 14th international congress of phonetic sciences.. University of California.
- Segerup, M. (1999). Imitation of Dialects: from South to West. I Andersson, R. (Red.) Fonetik 99 : the Swedish Phonetics Conference June 2-4 1999 : proceedings (Gothenburg papers in theoretical linguistics ; 81) (pp. 121-124). Department of Linguistics, Gothenburg University.
- Sigurd, B. (1999). Svensk språkforskning under 1900-talet. I Jönsson, L., Adelswärd, V., Cederberg, A., Pettersson, P. A. & Kelly, C. (Red.) Svenskans beskrivning 24 : Förhandlingar vid Tjugofjärde sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning (pp. 227-240).
- Sonesson, G. (1999). Global and local constraints in picture production. Sign Processes in Complex Systems. Proceedings of the 7th Internationall Congress of the IASS..
- Svantesson, J.-O. (1999). Thirteen years of Swedish phonetics – some trends. I Andersson, R. (Red.) Gothenburg papers in theoretical linguistics (pp. 125-128), 81. Department of Linguistics, Gothenburg University.
- Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (1999). Reversed fortunes in Victorian governess novels.
- Zetterholm, E. (1999). Auditory and Acoustic Analysis of Voice Quality Variations in Normal Voices. I Ohala, J. J. (Red.) Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 973-976). University of California.
- Zetterholm, E. (1999). Emotional speech focusing on voice quality. I Andersson, R. (Red.) Fonetik 99 : the Swedish Phonetics Conference June 2-4 1999 : proceedings (Gothenburg papers in theoretical linguistics ) (pp. 145-148), 81. Department of Linguistics, Gothenburg University.
- Bruce, G., Engstrand, O. & Eriksson, A. (1998). De svenska dialekternas fonetik och fonologi år 2000 (SweDia 2000) - en projektbeskrivning. Folkmålsstudier, 39, 33-54. Föreningen för Nordisk Filologi.
- Einarsson, J. (1998). Gud och attityd : ett perspektiv på språk och kön. I Henriksen, C. (Red.) Skrifter fra Dansk og Public Relations, Sprog og køn II : Oplæg fra et seminar på RUC 28.4.1998 (pp. 87-118). Roskilde University.
- Engstrand, O., Björsten, S., Bruce, G. & Eriksson, A. (1998). Phonetic preconditions for historical sound change - evidence from the dialects. Proceedings from FONETIK 98, 24-27.