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Konferensbidrag (sida 67 av 78)
- Enkvist, I. (2002). Miguel de Unamuno entre la literatura, la filosofía y la religión. I Enkvist, I. (Red.) XV Skandinaviske romanistkongres Oslo 12-17 august 2002.
- Enkvist, I. (2002). Miguel de Unamuno, una biografía intelectual. I Dorum, H. (Red.) Romansk Forum (pp. 63-74), 16. Universitetet i Oslo, Klassisk og romansk institutt..
- Frid, J. (2002). Automatic classification of accent and dialect type: results from southern Swedish. TMH-QPSR, 44, 89-92.
- Glahn, E., Hammarberg, B., Holmen, A., Hvenekilde, A., Håkansson, G. & Lund, K. (2002). Pienemanns processabilitetsteori testet på dansk, norsk og svensk. I Hauksdottir, A. (Red.) Forskning i nordiske sprog som andet- og fremmedsprog : rapport fra konference i Reykjavík 23.-25. maj 2001 (pp. 31-47). Háskólaútgáfan.
- Göransson, E. (2002). Letters, learning and Learned Ladies - An Analysis of Otto Sperling, Jr:s (1634-1715) correspondence with Scandinavian Women. I van Houdt, T., Tournoy, G. & Matheeussen, C. (Red.) Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia (pp. 199-223), XVIII. Leuven University Press.
- Haage, M., Schötz, S. & Nugues, P. (2002). A prototype robot speech interface with multimodal feedback. IEEE ROMAN 2002. 11th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. Proceedings (Cat. No.02TH8632), 247-252. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Hansson, P. (2002). Articulation Rate Variation in South Swedish Phrases. I Bernard, B. & Marlien, I. (Red.) [Host publication title missing] (pp. 371-374). Laboratoire Parole et Langage.
- Hansson, P. (2002). Perceived boundary strength. I Hansen, J. H. L. & Pellom, B. (Red.) Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. (INTERSPEECH 2002 ) (pp. 2277-2280). Centre for Spoken Language Research, University of Colorado at Boulder.
- Hansson, P. (2002). Prosodic phrasing and articulation rate variation. TMH-QPSR, 173-176. Tal, Musik och Hörsel & CTT, KTH.
- Hedling, E. (2002). Goodbye Welfare State: Anti-Collectivism in Swedish Cinema.
- Holm, I. (2002). On the road to Damascus: Strindberg as a painter. August Strindberg and the Other New Critical Approaches, 63, 69-75. Rodopi.
- Jabet, M. (2002). Phénomènes abidjanais?. I Dorum, H. (Red.) Romansk Forum (pp. 507-516), 16.
- Jonsson, B. (2002). Ragnarök eller paradis - dystopi eller utopi i Elin Wägners Väckarklocka. I Garton, J. & Robinson, M. (Red.) On the Threshold:New Studies in Nordic Literature. Norwich Press.
- Karlsson, A. & Svantesson, J.-O. (2002). Preaspiration in Halh Mongolian.
- Ljungqvist, M. (2002). Le – a context-sensitive marker in Chinese. Papers from the XIII EACS (European Association of Chinese Studies) Conference "The Spirit of the Metropolis".
- Manninen, S. (2002). A Raising Analysis for Finnish Relative Clauses.
- Manninen, S. & Nelson, D. (2002). The Finnish Passive is Really a Passive.
- Molnár, V. (2002). Contrast - from a contrastive perspective. Information Structure in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective, 147-161. Rodopi.
- Molnár, V. (2002). Zum Kontrastbegriff aus kontrastiver Perspektive. I Biedermann, E. & Nordén, M. (Red.) Text im Kontext 4. Beiträge zur 4. Arbeitstagung schwedischer Germanisten (Schriften des Germanistischen Instituts Universität Stockholm, 99-3493602-7 ; 29) (pp. 141-154). Stockholms universitet : Germanistisches Institut.
- Nauclér, K. & Magnusson, E. (2002). How do preschool language problems affect language abilities in adolescence?. Investigations in Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics, 99-114. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Platzack, C. (2002). Relativization in the Germanic languages, with a particular emphasis on Scandinavian. I Poussa, P. (Red.) Relativization in the North Sea Littoral: Proceedings of the north Sea Littoral Conference. Umeå, Sweden. LINCOM.
- Rahm, H. (2002). Nyheter 1909 : Nyhetstexter om storstrejken 1909 i svensk dagspress. I Harling Kranck, G. & Lehti-Eklund, H. (Red.) Folkmålsstudier 41 : Meddelanden från Föreningen för nordisk filologi, Helsingfors. Helsingfors universitet.
- Sandqvist, M. (2002). The voice of the artefact in Goran Sonnevi's "Burge, Oja; 1989". Cultural functions of intermedial exploration, 62, 215-231. Rodopi.
- Sayehli, S. (2002). Transfer of Syntax in SLA.
- Selander, I. (2002). Ways and functions of intermedial relationships between text and tune in hymns. Cultural functions of intermedial exploration, 62, 261-274. Rodopi.