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Konferensbidrag (sida 68 av 78)
- Selander, I. (2002). Ways and functions of intermedial relationships between text and tune in hymns. Cultural functions of intermedial exploration, 62, 261-274. Rodopi.
- Sigurd, B. (2002). Machine Translation. I Strömqvist, S. (Red.) The Diversity of Languages and Language Learning. Lund Lectures in Languages and Literature. Lund Univ., Centre for Languages and Literature.
- Sonesson, G. (2002). Beyond indexicality in the semiotics of photography. I Seyide, P., Konca, Y. & Nilifür, Y. (Red.) Acts of the colloquium Analytical approaches to visual communication (pp. 7-66). Ege University, Izmir.
- Stenström, J. (2002). The representation of orthodox icons in the poetry of ingemar leckius. Cultural functions of intermedial exploration, 62, 203-214. Rodopi.
- Sullivan, K., Zetterholm, E., van Doorn, J., Green, J., Kügler, F. & Eriksson, E. (2002). The effect of removing semantic information upon the impact of voice imitation. Proceedings of the 9th Australian International Conference on Speech Science & Technology, December 2-5 2002. Australian Speech Science and Technology Association.
- Teleman, U. (2002). Språkpolitikens väsen och vanskligheter. I Boyd, S. (Red.) Språkpolitik. Rapport från ASLA:s höstsymposium Göteborg 2000 (pp. 231-244). ASLA, Association suédoise de linguistique appliquée.
- Teleman, U. (2002). Veta och vilja. Om ortografer och grammatiker som språkvårdare under svenskt 1600- och 1700-tal. I Harling-Kranck, G. (Red.) Studier i svensk språkhistoria (Folkmålsstudier 41) (pp. 35-54), 6.
- Uneson, M. (2002). Outlines of Burcas : A simple concatenation-based MIDI-to-singing voice synthesis system. Proceedings of Fonetik 2002 (TMH - QPSR 43), 43. Speech, music and hearing, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
- van de Weijer, J. (2002). Terminal Rises in Infant-Directed and Adult-Directed Questions. Proceedings of Fonetik 2002.
- Zetterholm, E. (2002). A comparative survey of phonetic features of two impersonators. TMH-Quarterly Progress and Status Report, 44, 129-132. Tekniska högskolan i Stockholm. Institutionen för tal, musik och hörsel.
- Zetterholm, E. (2002). Intonation Pattern and Duration Differences in Imitated Speech. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2002, 731-734. Laboratoire Parole et Langage, CNRS / Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence (France).
- Zetterholm, E., Sullivan, K. & van Doorn, J. (2002). The impact of semantic expectation on the acceptance of a voice imitation. Proceedings of the 9th Australian International Conference on Speech Science & Technology, December 2-5 2002. Australian Speech Science and Technology Association.
- Ambjörn, L. (2001). MS Ayasofya 3724: Qusta ibn Luqas bok om laxerande droger.
- Enkvist, I. (2001). El pensamiento de José Ortega y Gasset. I Enkvist, I. & Naranjo, E. (Red.) Pensadores y escritores hispánicos. Heterogénesis.
- Enkvist, I. (2001). Juan Goytisolo colaborador de la página de opinión de El País. I Bussière, A. (Red.) Rencontre avec /Encuentro con Juan Goytisolo. Ed. du Gers.
- Frid, J. (2001). Prediction of intonation patterns of accented words in a corpus of read Swedish news through pitch contour stylization. I Dalsgaard, P., Lindberg, B. & Benner, H. (Red.) Eurospeech 2001, Scandinavia (pp. 915-918), 2. ISCA.
- Granfeldt, J. & Schlyter, S. (2001). The Acquisition of French Subject Pronouns in Child and Adult Learners. I Cantone, K. F. & Hinzelin, M.-O. (Red.) Working Papers in Multilingualism (pp. 89-104), 26. Sonderforschungsbereich 538 Universität Hamburg.
- Gullberg, M. & Holmqvist, K. (2001). Eye tracking and the perception of gestures in face-to-face interaction vs. on screen. I Cavé, C., Guaïtella, I. & Santi, S. (Red.) Oralité et gestualité : communication multimodale, interaction : actes du colloque Orage'98 (pp. 381-384). L'Harmattan.
- Hansson, P. (2001). The effect of individual words' information status on accentuation. I van Dommelen, W. & Fretheim, T. (Red.) Nordic Prosody : proceedings of the VIIIth Conference, Trondheim 2000 (pp. 89-101). Peter Lang Publishing Group.
- Hedling, E. (2001). Post-Utopian Landscape in Swedish Cinema.
- Håkansson, G. (2001). Undervisning eller inte undervisning - gör det någon skillnad?. I Nauclér, K. (Red.) Symposium 2000. Ett andraspråksperspektiv på lärande (pp. 43-62). Sigma. Nationellt centrum för sfi och svenska som andraspråk.
- Johansson, V., Horne, M. & Strömqvist, S. (2001). Word final aspiration as a phrase boundary cue: Data from spontaneous Swedish discourse. Proceedings Eurospeech 2001, 1, 119-122. ESCA.
- Johnson, E., van de Weijer, J. & Jusczyk, P. (2001). Word segmentation by 7.5-month-olds: Three words do not equal one. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development.. Cascadilla Press.
- Jönsson, A. (2001). The Rise and Fall of Latin in Swedish 17th Century Politics and Diplomacy. I Kieniewicz, J. (Red.) Terra marique. The cultural intercourse between the European center and periphery in modern time (pp. 25-34).
- Manninen, S. (2001). The Licensing and Distribution of "Argumental" and "Free" Manner Adverbials. I Sulkala, H. & Nissilä, L. (Red.) XXVII Kielitieteen päivät Oulussa 19.-20.5.2000 / Acta Universitatis Ouluensis (pp. 171-181).