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Konferensbidrag (sida 29 av 78)
- Ambjörn, L. (2014). Melancholy in al-Mu‘alajat al-Buqratiyya : differentiation and case studies.
- Ambrazaitis, G. & Frid, J. (2014). F0 Peak Timing, Height, and Shape as Independent Features. I Gussenhoven, C., Chen, Y. & Dediu, D. (Red.) Proc. of The 4th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (pp. 138-142). ISCA.
- Andersson, A., Sayehli, S. & Gullberg, M. (2014). Language background affects word order processing in a second language online but not offline.
- Andersson, L. G. & Sundholm, J. (2014). Latin American Minor Cinema in 1970s and 1980s Sweden.
- Askerlund, P., Almers, E., Hyltse-Eckert, Y. & Avery, H. (2014). The Nordic forest garden : An educational opportunity.
- Avery, H. (2014). Continuités et ruptures dans les paysages de pratiques du soutien scolaire aux élèves migrants : un cas suédois. I Poncelet, D. & Vlassis, J. (Red.) Décrocher n'est pas une fatalité! : le rôle de l'école dans l'accrochage scolaire (pp. 270-274). Université de Luxembourg.
- Avery, H. (2014). Intercultural practices of an integrated public and school library network in Sweden.
- Avery, H. (2014). Swedish Second Language for Immigrant Students : Slow Lane or Fast Track Forward?.
- Bernardini, P. & Timofte, M. (2014). Bilingual acquisition of object clitics in Romanian and Italian. Structure, Use, and Meaning in Intercultural Settings, 17-30. Editura Universitatii Transilvania din Brasov.
- Björk, M. (2014). Ethopoeia and Ovid.
- Björk, M. (2014). Från skolretorik till skönlitteratur : exemplet Ovidius.
- Botinis, A., Ambrazaitis, G. & Frid, J. (2014). Syllable structure and tonal representation : revisiting focal Accent II in Swedish. I Heldner, M. (Red.) PERILUS (pp. 65-70), XXIV. Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
- Carrol, G., Conklin, K. & Gyllstad, H. (2014). A problem shared is a problem halved : How does congruency between languages affect idiom processing in bilingual speakers.
- Carrol, G., Conklin, K. & Gyllstad, H. (2014). Found in translation : Evidence from response times and eye-tracking shows that translated idioms are treated as formulaic units in L2.
- Debreslioska, S. & Gullberg, M. (2014). Scales of gestural progression and information status in discourse.
- Delsing, L.-O. (2014). Den stora katastrofen med för- och efterskalv : om kasussammanfallet i fornsvenska. I Falk, C. & Bylin, M. (Red.) Studier i svensk språkhistoria 12. Stockholms universitet.
- Diab, H. (2014). The Meeting of East & West in Modern Arabic Language & Literature.
- Diab, H. (2014). The Meeting of East & West in Modern Arabic Literature. I Halloun, M. (Red.) The Shipmaster : Selected articles presented in the 7th International Conference. (pp. 27-35). Arabic Department/Bethlehem Univeristy.
- Dunér, D. (2014). Conceptual Metaphors of Science : Prolegomena to a Cognitive History of Science. I Akbarov, A. (Red.) Applying Intercultural Linguistic Competence to Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 518-525). International Burch University, Sarajevo.
- Dunér, D. (2014). Cultural evolution, conceptual metaphors and science. [Publication information missing], 80-80.
- Dunér, D. (2014). The History and Philosophy of Biosignatures. European Astrobiology Network Association. EANA 14. Signatures of Life: From Gases to Fossils. The 14th European Workshop on Astrobiology October 13th–16th 2014 Edinburgh, UK. Scientific Programme and Abstracts, 83-83. European Astrobiology Network Association.
- Dutceac Segesten, A. & Bossetta, M. (2014). Euroscepticism Online: A Comparative Content Analysis of Two Online Platforms from Sweden and Denmark.
- Enkvist, I. (2014). Cómo iniciarse en la investigación literaria : Ejemplos en conexión con el sueño del celta. I Kazmierczak, M. (Red.) Aportaciones sobre teoria y didactica de la lengua y la literatura : educando a traves de la palabra hoy (pp. 75-98). Ed. Academia del Hispanismo.
- Enkvist, I. (2014). La buena y la mala educación. Ejemplos internacionales : El éxito finlandés. I Ospina, H. (Red.) Nueva literatura para un siglo nuevo. El Popul Wuuj, el libro del amanecer. Encuentros mesoamericanos 7, 2013 (pp. 651-665). Promesa.
- Farshchi, S., Andersson, R. & Paradis, C. (2014). The Processing Cost of Negation in Sentence Comprehension.