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Konferensbidrag (sida 28 av 78)
- Strukelj, A., Scheiter, K., Nyström, M. & Holmqvist, K. (2015). The adaptation period for blurry text : Low-pass filtered text is read fast initially but slows down over time, and does not improve learning outcomes.
- Svensson Lundmark, M., Frid, J. & Schötz, S. (2015). A pilot study : acoustic and articulatory data on tonal alignment in Swedish word accents. Working papers Linguistics and Phonetics, 55. Department of Linguistics, Lund University.
- Svensson Lundmark, M., Frid, J. & Schötz, S. (2015). A pilot study : acoustic and articulatory data on tonal alignment in Swedish word accents.
- Svensson, J. (2015). Humanism and Lutheran Confessional Culture.
- Svensson, J. (2015). Vägen till predikstolen.
- Söderström, P., Horne, M. & Roll, M. (2015). Using tonal cues to predict inflections. I Svensson Lundmark, M., Ambrazaitis, G. & van de Weijer, J. (Red.) Working Papers (pp. 91-94), 55. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Tenngart, P. (2015). Vernacular Cosmopolitanism : The Writing of Local Cultures in 20th Century Swedish Proletarian Fiction.
- Tenngart, P. (2015). Vernakulärt och kosmopolitiskt i barnlitterära översättningar.
- Tesfaye, D. & Paradis, C. (2015). On the use of antonyms and synonyms from a domain perspective. NetWordS 2015. Word Knowledge and Word Usage : Representations and Processes in the Mental Lexicon, 1347, 150-154. CEUR-WS.
- Tronnier, M. & Zetterholm, E. (2015). Foreign accent : influences of the sound system of Serbian on the production of Swedish L2. I Svensson Lundmark, M., Ambrazaitis, G. & van de Weijer, J. (Red.) Working papers (pp. 95-100), 55. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Tronnier, M. & Zetterholm, E. (2015). Patterns of Prominence in L2 : Observations from Learners of Swedish with L1S of Diverse Prominence Properties. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.. University of Glasgow.
- Tronnier, M. & Zetterholm, E. (2015). Rhythmic contrast between Swedish and Albanian as an explanation for L2-speech?. I Babatsouli, E. & Ingram, D. (Red.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2015 (pp. 396-402). Institute of monolingual and bilingual speech, Chania, Greece.
- Tutunjian, D., Heinat, F., Klingvall, E. & Wiklund, A.-L. (2015). An Eye Tracking Study of Swedish Filler-Gap Dependencies : Processing Relative Clause Extractions.
- Tutunjian, D., Heinat, F., Klingvall, E. & Wiklund, A.-L. (2015). Processing long-distance filler-gap dependencies in Swedish.
- van de Weijer, J. & Kupisch, T. (2015). Voice onset time in heritage speakers and second-language speakers of German. I Babatsouli, E. & Ingram, D. (Red.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2015 (pp. 414-420).
- Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (2015). Transnational exchange between British and Swedish periodicals in the 1830s and 1860s.
- Wallengren, A.-K. (2015). Ingrid Bergman as Wartime Mediator : Swedish Immigrants as “the Same” in the OWI-film Swedes in America.
- Zetterholm, E. & Tronnier, M. (2015). Swedish tonal word accents produced by Vietnamese L1 speakers. I Levis, J. M., Mohammed, R., Qian, M. & Zhou, Z. (Red.) Proceedings of the 6th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning Teaching Conference Proceedings of PSLLT (pp. 95-103), 6. TESL/Applied Linguistics, Iowa State University.
- Zillén, E. (2015). Death of a Genre? The Aesopic Fable in Confrontation with Modernity.
- Zillén, E. (2015). Frödings ”Säf, säf, susa”, balladgenren och Mando Diao.
- Zillén, E. (2015). Tidigmodernitet som epokbegrepp i svensk fabelhistoria.
- Akujärvi, J. (2014). Xenophon and Aisopos for the Swedish youth : On the earliest printed translations of ancient Greek literature.
- Ambjörn, L. (2014). Melancholy in al-Mu‘alajat al-Buqratiyya : differentiation and case studies.
- Ambrazaitis, G. & Frid, J. (2014). F0 Peak Timing, Height, and Shape as Independent Features. I Gussenhoven, C., Chen, Y. & Dediu, D. (Red.) Proc. of The 4th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (pp. 138-142). ISCA.
- Andersson, A., Sayehli, S. & Gullberg, M. (2014). Language background affects word order processing in a second language online but not offline.