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Konferensbidrag (sida 14 av 78)
- Kucher, K., Paradis, C. & Kerren, A. (2018). DoSVis : Document stance visualization. Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 3, 168-175. SciTePress.
- Kucher, K., Paradis, C. & Kerren, A. (2018). Visual Analysis of Sentiment and Stance in Social Media Texts.
- Källkvist, M. (2018). Shaping Opportunities for Dialogue with Undergraduate Students : A Sociocultural Perspective. I Bergqvist Rydén, J. & Larsson, M. (Red.) Om samverkan, mångfald och mellanmänskliga möten : Proceedings från Lunds universitets Pedagogiska Utvecklingskonferens 2017 (pp. 90-99). Lund University.
- Källkvist, M., Gyllstad, H., Sandlund, E. & Sundqvist, P. (2018). Alltid engelska i engelskundervisningen? : Flerspråkiga elevers perspektiv.
- Louhema, K., Zlatev, J., Graziano, M. & van de Weijer, J. (2018). Translating from unisemiotic to polysemiotic narratives : A study of Finnish speech and gestures.
- Manninen, S., Turner, E. & Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (2018). Writing in English at University : The Educational Benefits of Investing in a MOOC. I Larsson, M. & Bergqvist Rydén, J. (Red.) Utvecklingskonferens 17 (pp. 106-113). Centre for Educational Development, Lunds universitet.
- Müller, C., Tutunjian, D. & Wiklund, A.-L. (2018). Coherence and finiteness effects in extraction from adjunct islands in English.
- Müller, C., Tutunjian, D. & Wiklund, A.-L. (2018). The role of coherence and finiteness in extraction from adjunct islands : An acceptability study of Swedish and English.
- Møller-Olsen, A. (2018). Take the Elevator to Tomorrow : Mobile Space and Lingering Time in Contemporary Urban Fiction.
- Møller-Olsen, A. (2018). Urban Ecologies : The Flora and Fauna of Fictional Taipei.
- Nilsson, A. (2018). Johannes Magnus’ Historia de omnibus Gothorum Sueonumque regibus and Gostagus the Tyrant. I Steiner-Weber, A. & Römer, F. (Red.) Acta Conventus Neo-Latini, Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Vindobonensis : Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Vienna 2015) (pp. 511-520), 16. Brill.
- Nilsson, A. M. H. (2018). Royal Marginalia: King Eric XIV of Sweden as Organiser of Knowledge.
- Nilsson, A. M. H. (2018). The Fascination of Nature: Marginalia in a Renaissance Marco Polo Manuscript.
- Nilsson, P. (2018). Bildliga betydelser i SAOB. I Svavarsdóttir, ?., Jónsdóttir, H., Hilmisdóttir, H. & Úlfarsdóttir, ?. (Red.) Skrifter / utgitt af Nordisk forening for leksikografi, Nordiske studier i leksikografi 14 : Rapport fra den 14. Konference om Leksikografi i Norden, Reykjavík 30. maj–2. juni 2017 (pp. 195-204). Nordisk forening for leksikografi.
- Pöldvere, N. & Paradis, C. (2018). “What cause you were knackered?” : The reactive what-x construction in two corpora of Present-Day spoken English.
- Pöldvere, N. & Paradis, C. (2018). Constructions in context : The reactive what-x construction in English conversation.
- Pöldvere, N., De Felice, R. & Paradis, C. (2018). “Why don’t you go and do something different for a year?” : Tracking change in constructions expressing advice in informal conversation.
- Roll, M. (2018). A dual complexity gradient theory of speech perception. I Abelin, ?. & Nagano- Madsen, Y. (Red.) Proceedings of Fonetik 2018 (pp. 55-59). University of Gothenburg.
- Santesson, S., Hetherington, L., Josefsson, G., Lindstedt Cronberg, M., Nillasdotter, K., Smaragdi, M. & Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (2018). Studenters skrivande : Brister, förväntningar, ansvar. I Bergqvist Rydén, J. & Larsson, M. (Red.) Om samverkan, mångfald och mellanmänskliga möten : Proceedings från Lunds universitets pedagogiska utvecklingskonferens 2017 (pp. 121-127). Avdelningen för högskolepedagogisk utveckling, Lunds universitet.
- Sarrimo, C. (2018). Geography as Destiny : Hassan Loo Sattarvandi's Representation of a Swedish Suburb.
- Schremm, A., Novén, M., Horne, M. & Roll, M. (2018). Brain responses to morphologically complex words: an electrophysiological study on Swedish past tense forms.
- Simaki, V., Simakis, P., Paradis, C. & Kerren, A. (2018). Detection of Stance-Related Characteristics in Social Media Text. SETN '18 Proceedings of the 10th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Smaragdi, M. & Johansson, I. (2018). Images of the North : An imagological analysis of Nordic noir book covers in Greece and Spain.
- Son, V. T. (2018). Declarative knowledge of Swedish children on English third person singular -s.
- Son, V. T. (2018). English for young learners in primary education : Classroom activities and learner outcomes.